F.O.B (Flock Of Birds)



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Game System:

13th Age RPG http://www.13thagesrd.com/ crossed with Shadowrun elements AKA "13th Run"


F.O.B - Flock Of Birds, "Fob", "The flock"


AI is 5-15, birds vary


Artificial Intelligence + Assorted small birds, mostly Passer domesticus (house sparrow)


Pending; possibly Rogue with Bard bits?

Current Level:



Curiosity about self and the world, mischief, grease and salt


Still in development, mostly here just as an aggregate place to put my shitty dumb doodles.

FOB is an emergent AI from a future fantasy Chicago saturated with nanobots. Some of those apparently decided to gain sapience, as well as the ability to infect small birds (exclusively) and make them grow cybernetic parts. This is almost certainly nothing sinister, at least as far as FOB is concerned. Technically by cyber!Chicago definition FOB is the same thing as a deity, but that can't be right or they wouldn't have so much trouble with nanobot enhanced stray cats and cybernetic falcons.

FOB is currently a flock of about 27 birds that dominates the territory of a small park and a local Denny's. Other sparrow flocks have generally grasped the idea that FOB is top dog, and stay clear. The flock doesn't have a lot of interaction with humanoids (yet) beyond hustling them for snacks, but can speak very well (out of any bird unit) and has access to the internet, educating itself on anything it finds curious.

Technical junk:

  • Units are connected by a combination of EHF microwave communication and low intensity laser flashes, but the link fails if they go too far apart from each other due to the information density attempting to be transmitted
  • A separated bird unit is still functional but kind of stupid, becoming Single Bird (and basically talking like @birdsrightsactivist)
  • FOB navigates using LIDAR pulses in addition to sight
  • their wings are equipped with carbon blades attached to the alulas, which is their basic melee attack
  • one hit point = one bird
  • FOB is powered by a combination of food (including, to the party druid's dismay, things like cheeseburgers and cake) and the solar panel on the back of each bird unit. They love warmth and will gather on any source of heat.
  • Some parts of FOB's units are untouched organic, but others- like their legs- have been entirely replaced by metals, plastics, or carbon
  • As a being spontaneously generated by random mutations in nanobots, FOB is made of an entirely unique code that doesn't even utilise binary, making their outer functions accessable but their core being almost impossible to hack by conventional methods