


4 years, 11 months ago


Fusion of two Peridots and an Amethyst (Peri's are named Army and Handy)

Personality: The "Big sibling" type role. Very overprotective of their friends and the town they defend. Amethyst loves puns, Handy loves knock knock jokes and Army wants some piece and quiet.
Alignment: Hangs with the Gem Saviors a lot, so they claim to be a part of them (The Gem Saviors are an old group of gems that are since seen as failed rebels to the Homeworld, but saviors to a human settlement on earth. They are reveled as heroes on Earth),
Backstory: Handy was injured very badly and Amethyst was almost dead when Army found them. Being a tactician, she didn't do much fighting, and couldn't help her friends. She prayed that some miracle would save them, which led them to fuse. They can seperate into their component gems, they just like being together. They arrived on Earth around the same time as Chilean Lapis
Weapon: A giant pizza cutter (Army's is a shield, Amethyst's is a chainsaw and Handy's is a bo staff.)