


4 years, 11 months ago



Age 23

Gender Male



height184 cm


Ash is a bastard, son of a king and an unknown woman. His origin had caused a lot of controvesy. When he was a child, his father refused to acknowledge him, the boy was bullied and laughed at. But soon enough the king found an use for him. He has decided that Ash should become a royal assasin and atfer a few years of training Ash became a master of his trade. Officialy he is an ambassador, his real profession is a secret.  

The way he carries himself and talks often puts people at ease and gives them the sense he's both charming and friendly, but deep down Ash feels like he has troubles connecting with people. And while in the earlier years of his life he wanted to avoid any conflict or violence, now he accepted what he was chosen to do. He's an adept fighter and has learned how to turn off his emotions and doubts when needed.  At the same time Ash is fiercly protective of those he holds dear and would do anything to make sure they're safe and okay.


The king (tbn) - Demands absolute loyalty and sees Ash as an useful invesition. There is no familiar bond beetwen them. Still, he brought him up and ensured his safety and for that Ash is grateful.

Tarin - They met when they were sent on a mission together, they work with each other from time to time now. The two bonded quickly as their fates are similiar in a lot of ways and  soon enough they became close friends. Ash aprreciates the other man's optimism and willingness to help others. The dragonborn thinks of him almost as of a younger brother. Despite of their closeness Ash never told him of his actual profession, afraid of the sorcerer's disapointment.

Master of the assasins (tbn) - trained Ash from a young age. Despite of his retirenment, he's still in the thick of conspiracy and intrigue so Ash often goes to him for advice. The dragonborn used to resent him but as years passed he became attached to his master, the two are close now.

The queen (tbn)-

The prince (tbn) -


Dragonborns most often come from nobility in the kingdom. They are mainly human, but have certain dragon characteristics - things like horns, tails, wings or scales. Their lifespan is a bit longer than a one of a human. Ash is one of the more dragon-like ones. Legends say that in the past they were able to turn into actual dragons but they must have lost this ability with time.