Alliston Mirai



4 years, 10 months ago





Quirk: Precognitive Artistry

Alliston has the ability to predict possible futures through art. When she enters a state of viewing a future, she begins painting it out on a nearby surface. The more likely the future, the more precise the painting becomes. She prefers finger painting over anything, as it creates the least amount of set up time. She can see into the future, but it does put a lot of strain on her mind, risking possible migraines and nausea if she attempts to predict in many futures too many times.

Her quirk first came into fruition when she was about four, the average for many heros. But due to how vague the quirk was, she was assumed to be quirkless until the age of 13, where many, including herself, believed that her future visions were just mere strange dreams. Until one day, she had predicted a horrible car crash with her and her family in it, one of the most clear visions she ever had. Due to this hyper vison, she ended up painting a vivid painting of such crash. She was mortified, and managed to delay her parents from taking her to school. She accepted her fate when they forced her in the car, and awaited her end....only for them to pass by the accident that they were supposed to end up in. Her parents discovered the painting, and immediately got her checked out again for a possible quirk. And thus, it was revealed that she could essentially predict the future!

As time passed, she grew tired and weary. Turns out when you know what's going to happen all the time, life becomes......boring. Nothing was a surprise anymore, and frankly, most of the outcomes she's seen don't turn out very good. She started growing more and more pessimistic day by day, to the point she felt like a mere void. Her parents grew fearsome, as developing such a personality could lead to a villainous path. So, they signed her up to become a student at U.A. She wasn't so great when it came to the physical exams, but when it came to exams that tested your mind, she passed with flying colors. She was admitted to be trained to be a support hero. And now, she remains with class 1-d, better known as the Department of General Education, at the age of 15 years old.