Elise's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

beehemoss Global Rules
Last updated: May 2023


> My designs are totally overhaulable. Which means you are free to change their gender, species, colours, etc etc, go nuts. Just make sure it has some resembance to the old design. Do not delete the old design, please store it in a tab or something.
> Adding on above, I'm totally fine with you adding yourself as a designer onto the design's profile after redesigning them.

> I have no problems what you use the design for. NSFW, gore, commercial use. Etc. (Of course no hateful or harmful topics)
> I prefer my designs are public or logged in users, if set to authorized, please set me as an authorized user. I would like to be able to keep track of my designs and art.

> Co-owning any of my designs is totally fine (if its a CS check their CS TOS first).

> Please don't sell/trade the design for more than what you got it for (personal and commissioned art can add to their value). Designs won by raffle or freebie can be regifted, but need art added before trading/selling.
> Do NOT remove my designs from TH. I will greylist you from any of my designs from the future. If you no longer want the design, then trade/sell/gift it off, or return it to me.

> No trading/gift/selling any of my designs to any on my blacklist: (or anyone associated with them): https://toyhou.se/25467871.bees-blacklist


> You may share the artwork on any platform you like. Just please credit to at least one of my socials.

> You may edit, trim, crop, etc, my artwork. Just no tracing over the image or removing my signature/watermark.

> Please do no remove my artwork from TH. I also prefer the images are not hidden either, as I sometimes like to do redraws (being authorized to see my artwork is totally ok).


> I totally understand designs can sometimes have similarities to one another from similar inspiration and colour palette sources.

> Any similarities with my designs is pure coincident as I do use many art sites when looking for inspiration and colour palettes.

> I do not condone harrassing anyone with a design similar to any of mine even if my design came first.

> I will be more than happy to help with a redesign if my design accidentally looked similar to another.

> I will not issue out refunds to customs or adopts after transaction is complete.