Valythari Mahariel-Arainai



8 years, 20 days ago

Basic Info


18 (DA:O), 29 (DA:I), 31 (Trespasser)


18 Cloudreach, 9:12 Dragon


Val, Little Halla


Hero of Ferelden, Warden Commander of Ferelden and Orlais


Appearance: Though she is slight like most elves and still young, Valythari has a presence that can command a room when she wills it to. She is capable of blending in and standing out and slips between these facades at will. She no longer wears her vallaslin, as it was removed by Solas during the events of DA:I.

Personality: Valythari is willing to help everyone, though she was at first less trusting of humans/dwarves/qunari than of elves. She'll treat everyone politely if they show her that same respect. Duty, however, comes before politeness. If someone's getting in her way, her polite manner vanishes. She's very persuasive and is no longer above manipulating or coercing someone into doing what she wants, provided that it benefits the cause. Her experiences since becoming a Warden have hardened her. She barely resembles the girl who left her clan at the beginning of the Blight. Betrayal isn't taken lightly, though Valythari knows when to pick fights and when to (appear to) let things go. People who betray her can eventually gain her trust back, but it's a difficult process.

She's now adept in the world of politics, able to mingle with nobles and seem completely at ease. Not necessarily a born leader, but can easily slip into the role of one (and will when needed). When she leads, people follow without question. Valythari is also capable of blending into the background and being unnoticeable. She seems passive and harmless most of the time, a front she employs that is only broken when those she trusts are threatened.

The first thing anyone notices about her now is her otherworldly aura. The Veil yields to her, leading many mages to mistake her for one at first. By Trespasser, she has come into her mage abilities, likely with the help of Solas.