


4 years, 11 months ago


  • Loner
  • Complains about everything
  • Selfish self-pitying bastard
  • If you talk to him there's a 50/50 chance he'll act like a feral cat that doesn't want to be touched
Background (Comic spoilers! go read it in library tab)

Once upon a time a morally gray lab in their world created a teleporter and released it for public use. After a while the users started mutating into savage monsters and then they realized that the teleporter was malfunctioning. The lab collected all of the people who used the teleporter and exiled them on their old testing site which was a small island, while they will work on the meds. After a long while of waiting on the island Axel realized that the lab just left them to die, but he was determined to set an old radio station to contact the lab somehow and he eventually succeded. He arranged a trade where the survivors from the island would let the lab research Aurum's gold mutation in exchange for mutation slowing meds. Once the trade passed, Axel saw that there's not much of the meds and he didn't want to share with the others. Others seeing that he doesn't really want to share, visited him with guns. Axel tried to lure mutants to kill them all so they won't take the meds from him. He thought he succeded again, and so did Argentum, his only friend. Argentum finally got angry at Axel for doing all this ape shit and left. After a while Axel followed him and found out that the others survived and were getting ready to fight off lab guards who were heading to the island due to their test subject escaping from the lab. After they got to their hideout, the lab guards tried to take both Aurum and Argentum. Axel got shot by one of the Lab Guards trying to save Argentum from being taken as a test subject.



Best Friend / Bromance?
Only friend and the only person that he doesn't act like a feral cat towards.



They dislike each other but are stuck on an island together so probably arguing a lot

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