Marinus Kent



4 years, 10 months ago



Name and Aliases
Full NameMarinus Rainier Kent
Full Name (JP) マリヌス・レーニエ・ケント
Alias(es) (JP) マリン
Biological Information
BirthdayJune 29
Fódlan Birthday29th of the Garland Moon
Imperial Year 1162
Age17 (Academy Phase)
22 (Post-Time Skip)
RelativesCichol (Ancestor)
Orianne Mireille Kent (Mother)
Renaud Andrien Kent (Father)
Madeleine Renée Kent (Younger Sister)
NationalityLeicester Alliance
HometownDuchy of Goneril
ResidenceGarreg Mach Monastery
Faction(s)Golden Deer
Occupation(s)Student at the Officers Academy
Game Data
GameFire Emblem: Three Houses
First SeenChapter 1: Three Houses
First JoinedChapter 1: Three Houses (If the Golden Deer are chosen)
First Fought[ info here ]
Starting ClassNoble
Voice Actors
JapaneseKōki Uchiyama (Neku Sakuraba - The World Ends with You)
EnglishKyle McCarley (9S - NieR: Automata)
"I know they want what's best for me, but I hate thinking about what this means for what's said about them. They can say whatever they want about me, but my parents and Maddie mean more to me than some stupid inheritance."

Marinus is a playable character that appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Addressed as Marin by his peers, he is a student at the Officer's Academy from the Leicester Alliance and a member of the Golden Deer. Known to many as a bit of a clown, he's seen to be quite friendly towards everyone regardless of their status or home. He is in possession of a minor Crest of Saint Cichol. Marinus is 17 at the start of the story.


The eldest son of the current head of House Kent, a revered family composed of talented mages and historians within Goneril in the Leicester Alliance. Although he has the title of a noble, Marinus tends to live his life at his own pace despite the words of others. Despite his family's name, he comes at a disadvantage due to his lack of magical prowess.

Early Life

Born into the House Kent as its eldest child, Marinus grew up in a world comprised of etiquette lessons, tutoring, and magic training. The Kent Family was known throughout the Leicester Alliances as a group comprised of incredibly gifted magic users, often lending their hands to the nation's army. Although far and few between, those born without the family's "keen magical ability" were still often trained to take up a different form of arms, but would also be seen as inferior members of the family. These thoughts were not voiced, but whispering could always be heard through the grape vine, only reaching the ears of those looking for this information.

As the only child of the family at the time, the task stood on Marinus's shoulders to take the mantle as the next head of the family. His father, Renaud, served as the current head of the time, always taking time to coordinate his son's lessons to prepare him for the time he was to succeed him. It was often heard that Renaud's parenting skills were often questioned by many outside of the main family, mainly due to him being actually quite lenient on his son. He would grow up with the basics, but both Renaud and Orianne were parents that took pride in their bond with their child. They would discipline him, but in the end he was still their son; being born carrying a Crest made his inheritance unavoidable, but this fate was not something they would allow to interfere with their relationship with their son.

This was especially shown to be the case as Marinus's training continued into his early teens; he seemed to excel in other areas, but his skills in magic were something to be desired. His parents informed him that he should never feel bad about the lack of magic proficiency, but to him, some part of him felt as though he was letting his family down as heir apparent. Orianne was often one to spend time with her son after some lessons, talking to him and encouraging him in the best ways she could. As someone who attended the Officer's Academy and was not entirely adept at magic herself, she could understand her son's strife. In a way to help him slowly release stress, she began teaching him the basics of archery. Unlike the various tomes he had read during his time in tutoring, Marinus seemed to take to the bow right away, almost as if it were second nature for him. It didn't take much for this to become his favored choice of weapon, seemingly abandoning the study of magic all together.

During the time Marinus was 6 years of age, his sister Madeleine was born. As she grew and the two bonded, it was discovered that Madeleine herself was also born with a Crest, excelling far more than her brother in the art of magic. The girl was considered something of a prodigy, praised by other members of House Kent in contrast to her "disappointment" of an elder brother. However, in Marinus's case, he couldn't have been more proud. The pair of siblings seemed to be as tight as could be, Marinus often toting his little sister around once she was old enough to train without constant supervision. Although most of these endeavors seemed to land the two in quite a bit of trouble, it was something they always saw as nothing but their bond becoming stronger. Despite Madeleine's young age, she seemed to be quite the smart child, being able to somewhat understand her brother's feelings. [ tba ]

  • because most of the Kents are gifted mages, but that was definitely out of Marin's field of expertise
  • both siblings were born with a Crest, but Madeleine is the one of the two to harbor more latent magical talent in contrast to her brother
  • Orianne was a graduate of the Officer's Academy, so she thought that it might be best for him to attend her own old place of schooling
  • they do seem to unconsciously try to push him to keep continuing magic, but they do also understand how much the bow has come to be just kinda part of him
  • his family is actually known to host quite a few extravagant parties and dinners, and due to those he became quite the social butterfly as he got older
  • they also own one of the largest libraries/historical archives in the region, so he can always be found sticking his nose in a history book or two despite how he says that he "doesn't really like studying"
  • due to his enrollment in the Officer's Academy, Madeleine has apparently been trying to convince her parents to let her attend there instead of continuing her homeschooling; apparently his letters and the like (as well as visits) have made her see it as somewhere she'd love to learn
  • of course some other members of the family kinda see him as unfit to become the next head of the family due to his weak magical ability, so he's been trying his best to prove them wrong
  • because of this, there are some arguing that Madeleine should be the chosen heir of the family; despite this, she refuses to take the title and lives under the pretense of "if you don't want my brother you don't get me, he's the oldest so he deserves it"
  • if anything, there's a little sibling agreement between he and Madeleine that he'd rather just kinda serve as a figurehead and the two of them do it together
  • yeah, they know that plan is bound to maybe backfire and everyone will tell them that they can't but it's something they want to do
  • he's probably known Hilda since he was a kid? that's probably why they get along so well, especially with how his family loves to socialize
  • Renaud and Hilda's father are probably old friends if anything

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consequat ex vitae orci rutrum, eu semper tellus dapibus. Donec vel tellus vel lectus auctor aliquet ut quis ligula. Praesent tempor lacinia dapibus. Quisque cursus ornare mi, ac imperdiet nisi vestibulum et. Proin tincidunt est sed ornare faucibus. Praesent commodo nibh sit amet lobortis accumsan. Phasellus rhoncus orci massa, nec porta enim mollis nec. Cras eget ex sit amet dui pharetra rhoncus. Donec sit amet leo mollis, tincidunt libero vitae, bibendum nisi. Phasellus sit amet augue aliquam, placerat erat quis, venenatis orci.

  • Birthday: 6/29 - Garland Moon
  • Height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Academy Phase) → 180 cm / 5'11" (Time Skip)
  • Starting Class: Noble
  • Starting Weapon: Iron Bow
  • Personal Ability: Covet – When defeating an enemy, Luck% chance of obtaining an item after battle.
  • Crest: Minor Crest of Cichol – Allows combat arts to sometimes prevent enemy counterattacks
  • Likes: Taking care of kids, windy days, cracking jokes, collecting pressed flowers, anything made of/covered in chocolate
  • Dislikes: Noble duties, lack of freedom, violence, awkward silences

Donec vel porttitor nulla, posuere scelerisque metus. Sed at elementum augue, in ullamcorper leo. Integer consequat faucibus dolor, suscipit dapibus neque sagittis quis. Praesent et hendrerit sem. Morbi tempor convallis nisl eu laoreet. Phasellus venenatis elit ex, vel euismod nunc dictum sit amet. Nunc cursus id massa eu luctus. Sed auctor suscipit massa eget malesuada. In sodales augue non lacinia faucibus. Ut porta ultrices sodales. Maecenas varius nulla et ultricies commodo.

Quisque suscipit feugiat leo, pharetra molestie purus placerat in. Aenean ornare orci in mauris commodo, ac fringilla tellus imperdiet. Nulla sit amet magna vel dui accumsan consectetur. Curabitur interdum tempus dui, quis gravida odio elementum quis. Maecenas et venenatis justo. Curabitur elementum tellus nec rutrum efficitur. Sed et laoreet nulla, interdum mattis tellus. Morbi in magna dictum, elementum est ac, luctus arcu. Suspendisse ultrices turpis ipsum, sed tincidunt est dapibus sit amet. Morbi suscipit turpis arcu, id viverra massa sodales at. Suspendisse in ante eget urna dapibus viverra.

[ the notes are taking over,,, they're watching ]

  • comes from a pretty revered family in the Leicester Alliance
  • he's actually slated to be the next head of the family
  • standard bow user and that boy loves doing tricks
  • yeah his proficiency and shit
    • Proficiency :: Bows, Authority
    • Weaknesses :: Reason, Heavy Armor
    • Budding Talent :: Swords
  • he says he'd kill a man for his sister but even she knows he wouldn't hurt a fly and just send them a strongly-worded letter
  • like really they probably joke about how much his sister means to him but for real, she's the light of his life; and she loves him too!
  • yes their parents gave them the same initials on purpose and not because I didn't realize I did that until after I chose her name
  • even to their parents they're Marin and Maddie
  • he's actually fairly popular with people around the Leicester Alliance just due to his charisma and the way he holds himself
  • 17 during Academy Time → 22 during Time Skip
  • his personal skill is Covet, which gives him a chance of picking up an item after defeating an enemy depending on his Luck stat
  • so basically he and Hilda are actually a good match on the field; which is good cause that's the Garreg Mach Monastery Fashion Club right there
  • endgame class is Dancer! because y'know.
  • you can't stop me from making endings saying that he and Ashe got married in whichever ones involve them, I will not be stopped

Part I

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Part II

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Crimson Flower

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Azure Moon

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Verdant Wind

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Silver Snow

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.


To many, Marinus comes across as somewhat of a clown, being someone who enjoys living life to the fullest and enjoying himself no matter the task. Despite being a noble, he chooses to maintain a very laid-back attitude towards most things and sometimes be seen as a very flighty person. This is why he very much prefers others call him Marin rather than Marinus, thinking his full name is "a bit of a mouthful and not as fun." His very non-serious nature makes him clash quite a bit with Ferdinand, who often calls him a "flake" due to his penchant to goof off or mess around. While he can take things seriously, Marinus has said that he prefers to move at his own pace in order to maintain his own happiness. He prefers to live for himself rather than the acceptance of others, although he does admit that there are times that the words of others may linger longer than he would prefer. However, he prefers to cover these feelings with jokes in order to save face.

Being very social due to his upbringing, he seems to have many friends even outside of the group within Golden Deer. His familiarity is why he can often be heard addressing people as various nicknames rather than their names (examples being Annette being addressed as Nettles and Lysithea as Lissy). He can be seen conversing quite often with Dorothea, Annette, and Ashe within the monastery, as well as many others. His easy-going attitude makes him very easy to get along with for most, while others may find him either quite annoying or a bit of a nuisance. As a very unpredictable person, it is often hard to understand what is going through his mind at times. At one point he may be focusing seriously on a task that seems to have consumed him, while at another point he might be seen cracking jokes with Claude or sitting outside checking the plants in the greenhouse. One of the few people who seems to be able to read him the best is Hilda, stemming from the fact that the two are childhood friends. Despite how set he seems to be in his way of living, she has often described him as a "doormat" in relation to how easily she can convince him to do things for her. This has been said to be a problem by others, but Marinus has stated that he never really minds and that he finds it "very hard to say no to Hildy."

Regardless of any preconceptions of his character, one can easily say that Marinus is a very family-oriented person. It has been on the record that he has never hesitated saying that his family is the most important part of his life, putting them above himself in importance. He especially holds great love for his younger sister Madeleine, often mentioning how much she means to him and how he hopes that she isn't too bored without him at home. This has earned him a bit of a reputation as having a sister complex to many within the Officers Academy, although those who say this about him do admit that it is nothing more than a friendly jab at him. No one questions what lengths he would go through for his family's sake, even if it means going against himself. He feels incredibly grateful that his parents have shown him the love and compassion they have despite the complaints of other members of House Kent that are dissatisfied with their current heir apparent. Although they have stated on multiple occasions that they are proud of him no matter the path he chooses, he has admitted to Anya that he wonders how different things would be if was born with the magical abilities that House Kent is so famous for and if it might save his sister from the pressure he had to endure at her age.

[ tba ]

He likes taking care of kids, windy days, cracking jokes, collecting pressed flowers, and anything made of or covered in chocolate. He dislikes noble duties, a lack of freedom, violence, and awkward silences.

[ you'd think I'd learn how to sentence at this point in my life but notes are all I can do with how little info we have ]

  • he's,,, such a sweet kid??? he just wants good things for everyone
  • Marin loves kids! hell he's more than likely teaching kids archery during the time skip
  • he gets along with Claude pretty damn well, and has a good array of friends outside of Golden Deer during their school time
  • Marin and Ashe ended up just clicking??? they eat lunch together a lot despite being in different houses
  • he joked around and said he was cute offhandedly
  • needless to say his reaction was fucking adorable and he decided he wasn't such a bad kid
  • you literally cannot get him to eat tomatoes, no he won't do it
  • social social butterfly \o/ he loves being in a lot of social groups
  • he's actually pretty casual compared to how most nobles might present themselves, it's just in his nature to be kinda chill
  • sometimes has a habit of falling asleep during certain lectures and Anya absolutely has chucked a piece of chalk at his head
  • he's not a dumb dumb he's just got really selective learning; if he gets into it then yeah he can do it
  • after the time skip he's a bit more subdued? he's still got his happy demeanor but he's less gung-ho and more happy within limits
  • it's like one of those "don't worry about yourself, everyone else is doing worse" sort of scenarios
  • he cares more about their well-being and does what he can to boost morale
  • he's kinda tired ngl, he spends a lot of time with Madeleine and she's almost like a borderline therapist for him
  • yes he's tried to do tricks when the teacher's out of the room. yes he's gotten in deep shit for it
  • he's absolutely joked that he's got a special arrow specifically for Ashe and that he'll "make sure to get a bulls-eye on his heart"
  • you better believe Ashe probably ran out of the room at that very moment
  • and Annette never lets either of them live it down because she's a great friend
  • he and Annette are a dumb as shit duo and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands, they're really fucking silly
  • "Marinus Rainier what the fuck have you done now" –Felix, Leonie, and probably a million other people
  • he's been busted by Catherine so many fucking times that she's just kinda used to it, it's almost like a normal business meeting
  • Petra could easily destroy him and he knows this, he knows this well. despite how stupid he is, she is a force that he will not go against
  • he and Claude probably make archery jokes at each other and everyone just fucking g r o a n s
  • "on this episode of Lorenz Watch: failure, yet again"
  • really though it's like a past time for him; he's fine with Lorenz, not super close friends or anything other than talking here and there, but watching him flounder is more entertaining than any sporting event
  • him and Sylvain both honestly, cause let's just say the latter always asks him how the girls are so chill with him
  • "because I just talk to them??? it's no big deal???"
  • Raphael is friend,,, Raphael is big friend,,, giant friendo
  • ngl when they first met he was kind of intimidated, but once he got to know him he's just... soft??? they like having chill talks
  • Marin takes the greatest pleasure out of teasing Lysithea, mainly because she reminds him a lot of Madeleine
  • Maddie's also not fond of ghosts, so he's a great big brother and teases her with made up stories
  • apparently a lot of these kids don't like ghosts so you better believe Marin and Mercedes tell little stories or maaaaaaybe spread little rumors around about a spirit that may or may not be known to be in a certain room
  • is Hilda his bestie? you better fucking believe she probably is
  • he, Hilda, and Nicolette probably have a fashion club and are always looking for new members
  • "Mariiiiiiiiiin, can I ask you for a teeeensy weensy favor for you to help me with my assignment?" "Nah." "I'll give you my dessert~" "...Show me my options then we'll talk."
  • Hilda just has him on a fucking leash; she has his number, she knows it and he hates it
  • Claude keeps telling him that he can't let her do him like this but at the same time, he knows Marin might say he'll try but he really won't
  • "You're not a clown. ...You're the entire circus." –Lysithea, probably

In Game

Base Stats

Starting ClassCrest
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
Icon_Combat_Art_FE16_Bow.pngCurved Shot
latest?cb=20191108133256Sword Prowess Lv 1
latest?cb=20191029230959Bow Prowess Lv 1
latest?cb=20190907023837Iron Bow


Stats as an Enemy

[ map name ]

Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]
latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]
latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]
Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]
Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]

[ map name ]

Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]
latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]
latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]
Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]
Starting ClassCrest
[ info ]
Combat ArtsAbilities
Starting Items
latest?cb=20191030012722[ info ]
latest?cb=20191031002129[ info ]latest?cb=20191108133256[ info ]latest?cb=20190907023837[ info ]

Growth Rates


Maximum Stats

6550347873[ # ][ # ][ # ]72

Learnt Magic

Skill LevelReasonFaith


Donec vel porttitor nulla, posuere scelerisque metus. Sed at elementum augue, in ullamcorper leo. Integer consequat faucibus dolor, suscipit dapibus neque sagittis quis. Praesent et hendrerit sem. Morbi tempor convallis nisl eu laoreet. Phasellus venenatis elit ex, vel euismod nunc dictum sit amet. Nunc cursus id massa eu luctus. Sed auctor suscipit massa eget malesuada. In sodales augue non lacinia faucibus. Ut porta ultrices sodales. Maecenas varius nulla et ultricies commodo.


See also: Marinus/Supports

  • Byleth (S-Support with male and female Byleth)
  • Dorothea
  • Ferdinand
  • Ashe
  • Annette
  • Claude
  • Lorenz
  • Raphael
  • Ignatz
  • Lysithea
  • Marianne
  • Hilda
  • Leonie
  • Rita
  • Seteth
  • Flayn
  • Anya
  • Balthus


See also: Marinus/Quotes

Possible Endings

Marinus - A Brother's Devotion (Crimson Flower route)

Once reformation after the war had began, Marinus found himself settling back into former Leicester Alliance territory. With many misplaced children, he seemingly began to take them all under his wing little by little. Finally making up his mind, he relinquished his title as the heir to House Kent to his sister Madeleine, although many would argue that he would still help her behind the scenes under the guise of "brotherly visits." Marinus had seemingly unintentionally founded an orphanage before he knew it, being known by inheritors after his death as "Everyone's Big Brother." Even within the house of his abandoned name, his loving sister made sure that his name would always find a home next to hers in their history.

Marinus - [ title here ] (??? route)

[ text here ]

Marinus and Byleth (Crimson Flower route)

[ text here ]

Marinus and Byleth (Azure Moon route)

[ text here ]

Marinus and Byleth (Other routes)

[ text here ]

Marinus and Ashe (Crimson Flower route)

[ this route's probably that bit about them kinda silently running away together and leaving everything behind after the war. they grab Maddie (and Ashe's siblings if they're around cause we don't hear much else about them) and... just kinda take a ship away from Fodlan and go to start a life away from everything. yeah they'll miss their friends, but they need the time away. there's probably stories about a very welcoming and warm orphanage being opened up by two similar-looking men with matching rings and equally warm smiles ]

Marinus and Ashe (Azure Moon route)

[ yeah sticking with the thing of Ashe being knighted, Marin ends up passing the inheritance of being the heir to House Kent to his sister, instead becoming her adviser and still supporting her through everything. Marin is still doing charity work and the like around and going out in his sister's stead, he'd end up doing a lot of business with Ashe, leading them to spending a lot of time together kinda reminiscent of their time at the academy. during that time, those feelings that seemed to develop during the events of Part II end up coming to fruition and they ended up following their hearts and devoting themselves both to their work and to each other. despite how mature her brother seemed to hold himself as of late, even Maddie knows that in private, the love he and Ashe have for each other is something that many only wish they could see. but hey, House Kent and House Gaspard end up being united and it's just nothing but positives that come from it. it was never quiet either, since many who would come to do business would often catch sight of a bright-eyed young girl around the residence with a smile just as bright as theirs put together ]

Marinus and Ashe (Other routes)

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Marinus and Annette

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Marinus and Claude

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Marinus and Lysithea

[ Marin? getting another sibling? you better believe it; yeah she renounces her nobility but he's supporting her through it all because he cares about her. there's... a lot of sweets and a possible bakery in their future ] 

Marinus and Marianne

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Marinus and Hilda

[ text here ]


Marin is the French, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian form of his full name, the Roman family name Marinus, which derives either from the name Marius or from the Latin word marinus "of the sea." Rainier is the French form of Rayner, which comes from the Germanic name Raganhar, composed of the elements ragin "advice" and hari "army."

His surname, Kent, is derived from The Earl of Kent in King Lear, a follower of Lear who evades banishment by disguising himself as a servant and calling himself Caius.


  • In a bit of dialogue, Hilda can be heard addressing Marinus as a "certified guy magnet" as he laughs stating that it's "just part of his charm." Due to this and other instances of conversations, it is implied that he is at least bisexual.
  • During exploration of the monastery, Marinus can be found at select times near or inside of the greenhouse. Dialogue can be seen informing the player that he actually has a very specific plant that he takes care of and "babies" whenever he can.
  • Although in different houses, Marinus shares the crest of Cichol with Ferdinand and Seteth. Despite this commonality, he and the former still do not get along very well.
  • Marinus shares his English voice actor, Kyle McCarley, with Alm from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.


See also: Marinus/Gallery

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne