Stella Taylor



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Stella Taylor
Birthday April 21
Location Michigan
Age 19
Gender Female
Orientation Lesbian
Alignment True Neutral
Mood Board Pinterest
Playlist Spotify

Stella is a moody comp-sci student who not only writes code, but poetry as well. She often broods about her parents and boring neighborhood in the Michigan suburbs, desperatly wishing she could get away, yet knowing deep down that this is her home.


  • Privacy
  • Weed
  • Instagram
  • Golden Hour


  • Shallow People
  • Arguing
  • Waking up early.
  • Being told what to do.


A moody 19 year old. She desires nothing else but freedom and privacy, something she has yet to fully taste.


Stella grew up in a suburban neighbourhood settled closer to the rural forests then the bustling city. As such, she spend much of her childhood playing outside in the Michigan cold. As she grew up she began to tire of the small town life, and dreamed of moving to the city.

Graduating high school, she hoped her dream could come true, but upon being rejected to MSU, she resigned herself to attending a local community college. Due to proximity and costs, she couldn't justify getting an apartment, instead opting to stay at her parents house.


Half the time her parents are aruging, the other half they ignore eachother. Usually it's behind closed doors, or in whispers they think their children can't hear. A few times Stella's patience runs out, and she confronts her parents, expressing her distress and escpaing off to the woods or her friends house. Usually this prompts a shared silence, before an inevidable apology and return to the happy family of their childhood. These moments are few and far between, but they are the ones Stella treasures the most.

However, most of the time when they argue, Stella has no interest in the drama and anxiety of home, escaping with her younger sister to town or to their special area of the woods. They don't always get along, but Stella is protective and caring for her younger sister during these times of stress. Other times she expresses annoyance and strained tolerance for her siblings antics, and they often butt heads.



Rachel? [ sister ]

An excitable 16 year old who looks up to her sister. As frustrating as she is sometimes, Stella is protective of her, and loves her dearly. Being the oldest, she feels it's best to set a good example for her, and in an effort not to taint the others view of her, she somtimes pushes her away when she gets too close to sensitive topics.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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