


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Damian
Nickname Dami
Species Demon
Demon Ranking Low
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Age 28
Job Hunter
Country Folland
Village Urkhind
Reputation "Village Devil"
Wealth N/A
Art 2
Designer Deermoth


  • Hunting
  • Summer
  • His angel


  • Rivals
  • People
  • Winter


Physical Strength


He snaps at anyone that gets too close to him or his things, going as far as breaking someone's arm over it. He's been alone since birth and he kept it that way, not caring how anyone thought of him. He does have a hidden sweet side, but the only person that's ever seen it or knows about it is his small angel. He'll do anything to see his smile. He's pretty much just a grumpy asshole who picks fights with people who look at him wrong.



He lives in the country of Folland. Folland is purely forest, there aren't any modern creations like cars, lights, anything with electricity, etc. Instead, most of the people and creatures that live here rely on magic. Folland's magic is different from other magic due to the fact that only people born in Folland are able to use it. Some people born there are never taught this magic by their elders, so certain parts of the country are just pure natives and hunter-gatherers. Elves live here in many small settlements.

His village or tribe is a small group of angel and demon rejects; angel or demon hybrids that aren't accepted by either of their communities due to their status as a hybrid. It's extremely rare to find a full angel or full demon with this tribe. The people in the tribe are self-sufficient hunter-gatherers, though primitive, primal, vicious and aggressive. This tribe is very animalistic when it comes to finding their loved one. They call them their "mate" and if two or more people are wanting to be mates with someone, they'll fight, usually to the death, to "claim" them. You can only have one mate for life in this tribe.


Damian has been alone ever since his village first found him, the older demon that raised him never seemed to interest him. He had a tendency to break his belongings and toys when he was younger and had a permanent frown and glare. He never laughed, smiled or giggled like a normal kid would. When he was three, they brought in Viktor, a small full angel boy, an abandoned baby. He felt "weird" around him.


Growing up, he would always go out alone to hunt, honing and enhancing his skills, getting stronger. He didn't want to lose to anybody. He had natural strength and he wanted to keep that growing. During this time, he gets closer with Viktor, slowly realizing the "weird" feeling is actually his own growing crush on him. Soon enough, wherever you would see Viktor, you'd see Damian there too, protecting him from harm and making sure no other potential mates could get anywhere near him. He would fight the whole village for Viktor. Over time, he came to realize he wanted to "claim" Viktor as his mate. As soon as he was about to tell him about it, another man from the tribe stepped in and challenged him, Viktor as the prize. He won with ease, though it halted his confession of love, forcing the two to become mates because he won him in battle.


After a while, the two built their own small hut in a special field they found while walking together. While Viktor was very understanding about their forced courting, he didn't know the demon actually had feelings for him. On their first shared night together in their new small home, Damian told him the truth, how he planned on confessing his love to him the day he fought the other tribe member. Now, he's living day to day taking care of his beloved little angel, going out on hunts to bring back specific things that he knows Viktor loves. He'll fight anyone who so much as looks at his mate, he's extremely possessive of him and wants him all to himself. He's hoping to have children of his own with Viktor one day but he's content with taking their time.



Viktor [ Mate/Boyfriend ]

He loves Viktor with all of his heart. He'd do anything to get him to smile or laugh.. but only for him. He wants to be the only one who can see his smile. He makes sure he's the only one on Viktor's mind when he leaves for his hunts. He couldn't wish for a better mate than Viktor.

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Kei and Emilio [ Acquaintances ]

He only interacts with them because they are the ones who raised his angel.

HTML by Eggy, lots of edits by Deermoth