Emiri Saito



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Emiri Saito
Talent Ultimate Critic
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Student
Height 5'10 (in heels)
Theme I Was Human

Emiri Saito, the Ultimate Critic, is the oldest of all the students in the class. Being 22 years old, she wears a navy blue suit jacket, with a white shirt underneath, alongside a navy blue skirt. She presents herself with a sense of maturity and professionalism, often leading the group, but she isn't against a moment of fun every so often. Although that fun may make a few people uncomfortable.. If the pressure is too much, she'll often find herself secluded with a cigarette or a bottle of wine, often drowning in sorrows that she doesn't want to leave behind. Now trapped in a killing game with other students, will she be able to move to the future? Or will the consequences of the past eventually catch up to her?


  • Her son
  • Ramen noodles
  • Her job
  • Fine wine


  • People trying to hit on her
  • Her boss
  • Her job
  • Being tied/chained up


Emiri is the oldest character in the Corruptive Honour class - literally the opposite of Kotoe. People say her design is phenomenal because of how simple it is, and that's really the look I mainly go for when it comes to all my characters. Nothing over the top, but something that'll give you a basic idea of the character.

She was one of the later characters I created since her backstory was always difficult for me to imagine. Like Kotoe, her backstory was mainly created on a whim while playing as her in an RP. That backstory alone has made her my favourite OC out of my entire cast.

When creating Emiri for the first time, my official thought process was to make her the 'sexy' one, ala Miu or Akane in the canon series. So, yes, Emiri fucks. Probably more than you or me. But there's all a reason for it - and it's not one she's really fond of.



Kotoe Haraji

"I didn't expect a child here. Even then, she looks like something out of a horror movie. The doll included.."


Iriko Senjio

"An annoyance. Never shuts up about the smallest issue. But he presents himself well."




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