🦖 Avarie Dislak



5 years, 3 months ago



sigil Ankylosaur
bldcaste Mutant
bldclr Electric Lime #ccff00
work Musician

obtained Original
ufs/t/o Not For Sale
worth Priceless
designer stripeytalon


    well yeah, i'm blind, but at least i'm alive, lmax.    

NameAvarie DislakAge7.5 Sweeps/16 Years
orientationHomosexualscreen namecontemptuousCacotechny
moonProspitclasspectKnight of Life

typing quirk the quick brxwn fxx jumps xver the lazy brxwn dxg.
 avarie talks in all lxwercase, and replaces his o's with x's.
 he dxes use punctuatixn, including apxstrxphes. he emotes with xux.
strife specibusCLUBKIND
Like his mighty Ankylousaur lusus, Avarie fights by swinging a heavy club around. Being blind makes doing so a bit tricky, and if he were to get into a fight he probably wouldn't fight well on his own, but blindly swinging a club around works well enough.
Avarie's cards are kept like a track list in an album. He has to skip through the deck like an album until he gets to the one he wants, but if he wishes to access his items more quickly, he can organize the order of them to grab one right after the other.
Not having eyes isn't exactly a power, now is it? Well, if it weren't for the fact that his eyes were cut out when he was just a grub, he would have powerful psionic-like abilities due to his lime ancestry. However, since he is a mutant, his psionics would have been even more powerful than that of a typical limeblood.

Avarie is blind, so he relies mostly on his hearing for getting around and browsing the internet. As such, he has a highly trained ear, and is exceptionally skilled when it comes to making music. His favorite kind of music is dubstep, and his tracks are absolutely fire.


    um...ahaha...well, i dx think yxu're pretty cute... xux    

appearanceAvarie has long hair which goes down to his chin, and thick bangs. His haircut could be considered emo, though it's less of a fashion choice and more of the fact that he can't see his own hair. His eyes are missing, with black holes remaining instead. He has scars where his eyes were cut out, though he lost his eyes as a grub, so they're hard to notice. He has two sharp buck fangs, and the rest of his teeth are just as sharp. His four large horns make it difficult to wear headphones. He often wears a plain black hoodie with his sign on it, and isn't much for fashion, considering the fact that he can't see.
personalityDespite being in a rather unfortunate position, Avarie is still a friendly guy. He's somewhat shy, develops crushes easily, and often gets flustered and nervous around those he has a crush on. He's somewhat snarky, and isn't afraid to tease someone on the internet if the situation arises. He mostly keeps to himself, though, and spends a lot of his time working on his music.
backstoryEARLY LIFE
Avarie was nearly culled as soon as he hatched, seeing as his grub body obviously displayed his disgusting neon blood. The jadebloods who cared for him, made aware of his arrival by legends passed down in a small cult of supporters of his ancestor, were quick to whisk him away from the brooding caverns and shelter him in an offshoot cave where he could continue to live. Unfortunately, one of the lusii in the caverns clawed out his eyes before they could save him--it's fortunate that he got out in one piece at all.

Most of Avarie's work in SGRUB as the Knight of Life involves caring for his moirail, Charol. He develops a flushed crush on one of the members of his session, and eventually becomes matesprites with him. After completing his quest, he is granted godhood, and, finally, has his vision restored. He had not been able to see at all before, since he lost his vision as a grub, and needless to say he was enthusiastic to be able to see the world. After this, Avarie does incredibly well, having sorted out his personal shortcomings, and spends the rest of the session uplifting his teammates and healing their physical and emotional injuries.


name Ankylosaurdad
species Ankylosaur
bldcaste Mutant
bldclr Electric Lime #ccff00


LAYOUT BY: teratoma
IMG BY: source


sigil content
blood caste content
blood color name #content
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As mentioned previously, Avarie loves music. He loves listening to music as well as making music, especially dubstep and other electronic music. He has music playing almost all of the time, and the entrance to his cave-hive can always be located by the distant sounds of the bass dropping.

Avarie is gay, and boy does he love boys. He likes to listen to audiobooks and movies of fluffy romance novels, and is quite a romantic person. He would like to write his own lovestories someday, but he's not confident in his abilities as a writer of fiction. Poetry, on the other hand, he is fond of making, and if it weren't for the fact that most of his music is instrumental only, he would surely write lovesongs.
Avarie is a mutant, and his blood is a wicked shade of bright neon lime. It seems to bridge the gap between lime and gold, and when splattered on a surface it appears as though somebody cut open a yellow high-lighter!

When Avarie's vision is restored, he has pupils just like any normal troll. Despite this, he has powers akin to psionics, which cause a glowing neon-yellow light when used. They are far more powerful than the majority of psionics' powers, rivaling only the great Psiioniic himself. However his powers are untrained, due to not having them for the majority of his life, and it is only upon entering God Tier that he is able to practice with his incredible abilities.