Valerie Beaufort



4 years, 10 months ago


Full Name: Valerie Marquise Beaufort
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'7
Rom/Sex Orientation: Demiromantic Bisexual (Male Lean)
Date of Birth: March 12th
Blood Type: A-

Theme Song: "Young And Beautiful" - Lana Del Rey

Bio: Born to an American mother and a French father, Valerie always loved the French culture. One thing she also loved, was looking up to the protectors of her city; The people of Law Enforcement. She sought to become a policewoman someday, herself. During the early years of her training, she met Preston, and the two fell madly in love... however, with the assassination of Preston's father, despite Valerie's insistence to stay together... the two had broken up. Ever since, Valerie had done her best to move on...