Connor Wayland



9 years, 3 months ago



Birthdate February 10
Place of Birth Black Forest, CO
Relationship Status
Parents Rebecca Wayland, Nathaniel Wayland
Siblings None
Other Family Poe Wyman (first cousin), Christian Kelly (cousin by marriage)
Species Calico Cat
Face Claim Garrett Hedlund


Cousin to Poe, Connor and her were born within hours of each other and grew up much like brother and sister. Nearly inseperable until he passed away suddenly (at 11 or 16, depending on the canon).

Connor exists in every universe Poe exists in, just in different manners. In most, he died when he was 11. In a few, he actually lives to adulthood!

Connor and Poe are practically twins. They were born on the same day, less than an hour apart, and grew up almost inseparable throughout their childhood. Their relationship is less like cousins and more like brother/sister.

In universes where he’s dead, he pretty much stays dead. Poe, with her ghost-seeing abilities never sees him as a spirit or anything like the that. In universes where he’s alive, he has a pretty normal life.

Like Poe ended up with the ability to see ghosts, Connor ended up with an ability called automatic writing (or spirit writing). I gave this to Poe for a game I played in for awhile, but Tony thought that it would work well with Connor.

Also like Poe, Connor’s parents are (or were, I haven’t hashed the details out there) Hunters. So they both grew up with a solid knowledge of things that bump in the night and a huge fascination with the occult, as well.

Durden, the demon that possessed Ryan, mimicked (OR DID HE) a young Connor in order to manipulate Poe when Ryan was first possessed. He didn’t fully succeed, but damn did it mess her up pretty well.

In universes where Connor is dead, Poe visits his grave on their birthday and just hangs out and talks. Wherever he is - heaven, hell or purgatory - he’s the one person who knows all of her secrets.

In universes where he’s alive, he’s a laid back sort of dude. He’s easy to get along with and comes off as less ‘weird’ than Poe does. He likes normal guy things, like some sports (more on the soccer and baseball, less on the football and basketball), outdoors-y things (comes from growing up in Colorado - hiking, biking, etcera).

In some alt-alt-alt-universe, Connor lived and Poe died at 11. Likely by drowning, which she almost died by in most regular universes. ~Role reversal~.

I did a bunch of NaNoWriMo stuff with him over here.


Iron & Wine - Muddy Hymnal
We found your name across the chapel door / Carved in cursive with a table fork / Muddy hymnals and some boot marks where you’d been

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