


  • Nathan Greenwicke

  • Called Nathan, The Archivist
  • Age 46
  • Gender Male
  • Race Mixed (Half black, half caucasian)
  • Occupation Archivist
  • Alignment Lawful neutral

"When you look into these eyes of mine, what do you see? An analytical glare, a cold gaze, an emotionless stare? I'll tell you what I see. I see the eyes of a thoroughly broken man."

Nathan was a once-innocent and caring man turned cold by his circumstances. He is often described by those around him as being some sort of "supergenius," and while he doesn't exactly believe that, he won't deny that he is rather intelligent. He is a very logical and rational thinker, able to keep a level head in just about any situation. He isn't one to let his emotions guide him, and almost exclusively trusts his wits to get him out of problems. He is also a rather mature and grounded individual, preferring the practical to the fantastical. He usually isn't one for ambitious dreams, liking to take a realistic approach to his life. However, he also isn't the type to shoot down anyone's hopes, usually. He's very observant and analytical, and often treats his life's issues like puzzles he has to solve. This tends to work out in his favor, as he's incredibly good at puzzles.

However, where his brain shines, his heart does not. He's horrible when it comes to emotional matters, and has very little empathy to speak of. He is very cold, callous, and distant with people, often seeming very apathetic toward their concerns unless he knows them incredibly well. He is very judgemental, and often makes opinions about people without knowing them for more than a few minutes. He is also incredibly hard to get to trust someone, he doesn't hand out trust easily. His judgements, mixed with his distrust of people, often make him rather reclusive. He doesn't want to go out and meet people who could just as soon stab him in the back. Alongside this, he's very stubborn and set in his ways, and won't let just anyone sway his opinions. He's very rigid in his belief system, believing very firmly in order and rules. While this in and of itself isn't a bad thing, the extent he will go to to defend said order is almost insane, and can end up being harmful if left unchecked.

Regardless of anything, however, Nathan still has a hidden side of him, one he has buried deep down where no one can find it. He is, in truth, a very emotionally vulnerable man. He has no idea exactly how to handle said emotions, and instead tries to hide them. This doesn't end well for him, as his repressed feelings often spark up in him again at the worst moments. He is often haunted by the acts of the past, mainly of the betrayal that landed him in the Underbelly to begin with. He regrets how things went back then, wants nothing more than to change them and make everything right again, and blames himself wholeheartedly. That's the only real part of his emotional side that shows on a regular basis, his self-blaming. He blames himself for a lot of problems that happen, even if he has nothing to do with them, but he hates to let anyone know that. However, his emotional side doesn't only bring bad. Sometimes it acts as enough of a motivator to get him going in hard circumstances where his logic just won't push him enough. And sometimes, if someone can hit his emotional sweet spot in just the right way, they can gain his trust easier than normal... Wonder who could do that?


Birthday/Zodiac sign: October 23rd, 1882/Scorpio
Origin: Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Height: 6'3"
Build: Pretty lanky and thin, pretty long limbs/features
Orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Status: Single
MBTI: ISTJ - The Inspector
Flower: Hydrangea
Theme 2: Link a song
  • Archivist work
  • Reading
  • Being alone
  • Peace and quiet
  • Structure and order
  • Having rules and regulations
  • Puzzles and riddles (Especially solving them)
  • Having a plan (He finds improvisation annoying
  • Collecting things (Especially books and documents)
  • Clean and tidy areas
  • Journaling (He writes very often, and this is his favorite form)
  • Generally neutral colors (He especially loves grays, browns, and greens)
  • His glasses (He finds comfort in them, surprisingly)
  • His scarf (Same as his glasses, it comforts him)
  • Warm clothing (Coats and scarves are his favorites!)
  • Flavorful foods (His favorite is any kind of soup, and he really loves lots of salt)
  • Cold/rainy weather (Puts his warm clothing to use)
  • Asking questions (and having them answered)
  • His emotional side showing
  • Being trapped in the Underbelly
  • Remembering his past
  • Socializing
  • Loud places
  • Basically everyone, save for a select few people
  • Improvising anything
  • When his plans fail (Which he tries to ensure never happens, he's a perfectionist like that)
  • Really anything dirty (He's somewhat of a germophobe)
  • Others touching his things (Especially without his permission, but even with it he feels uncomfortable)
  • Seeing damaged books/papers ("There was probably good information on those!")
  • Bright colors
  • His hair (He likes it to an extent, and doesn't have the heart to cut it basically ever, but it's super difficult to maintain)
  • Losing things (He can get kinda forgetful and space on where he put things, which annoys him to no end)
  • Cool clothing (Short sleeves? No thanks!)
  • Bland foods
  • Warm weather (He can't stand the summer)
  • Being asked questions (Or not having his answered




Nathan was the youngest-born into a loving family of four, complete with his older sisters and parents. Both of his parents did archival work, as did his eldest sister, so he was constantly surrounded by records and books. He took an instantaneous liking to that type of work, even from a young age, and helped out wherever he could. He learned from his family quite a bit in his early years, and as soon as he was old enough, they enrolled him into a private academy to give him what they believed was the best learning experience and help him develop socially. While his academic performance excelled, the social experience didn't go exactly as they had hoped. Nathan was far from being like the other children at his school, from his interests to his talents to his background, and as such he was bullied quite heavily. The bullying followed him almost everywhere for years, and started to break him down mentally in many ways. He started becoming much more reclusive and withdrawn, his confidence dwindled. His family thought about possibly removing him from the school and homeschooling him when a certain young man entered Nathan's life and changed it forever.

On September 20th, 1891, Nathan was bullied to his worst extent. A gang of boys had him cornered and beaten bloody, throwing insults and punches to him. He thought that it may be his last moments, and was terrified for his life. That was when he showed up. He chased the bullies away, defended Nathan in his lowest moment, took him back home to treat his injuries, and did it all with a confident smile. His name, Nathan soon figured out, was George Crowell. From that moment on, Nathan had his first friend. After their first meeting, the two of them started spending more and more time together. They went to the same school, so they saw each other there all the time. George would often come over to Nathan's home, staying for times with him due to the circumstances in his own home. Things were happy between the two of them for years and years. However, as the two of them became closer, Nathan realized his feeings starting to shift toward his friend. He began seeing George in other lights, more romantic ones, and realized he was head over heels in love with him. He was confused and a little scared at first, and tried to distance himself because of it. He didn't need to distance himself for long, however, as when George turned 18, he decided to take to traveling the country, inventing and creating to his heart's content. Nathan was hurt after his departure, and started pouring that pain into a job. He started up a job as an archivist like the rest of his family at 15, and started getting a name made for himself slowly but surely. Life continued as per usual until February 16th, 1900, when a certain someone came back into his life.

It was another normal day at work for Nathan until George walked into his establisment. With him, he carried a large sum of money, a map, and a dream he needed Nathan's help with: he wanted to sail to the floating city of New Cascadia with Nathan. He had, after all, been his best friend, why go alone when he can share the moment and pay him back for all the help in the past? Nathan was filled with a mix of emotions, mainly his romantic feelings swirling back up, and agreed. After months of preparation, the two set off on their journey together. On the boat ride there, Nathan's feelings for George grew and grew until he could hardly contain them anymore, and he finally confessed to being in love with him once they reached New Cascadia. George admitted to reciprocating those feelings, and the two set off on their journey through the town, exploring it. A year later, George ended up in power over New Cascadia, and the two started leading the town together, with Nathan handling the archival matters and record keeping, mainly. Their relationship only blossomed and strengthened more the longer they worked together. He assisted George in the creation of his first prototype Diver, the Gargantuan, meant to protect the town. However, things backfired drastically, and on May 30th, 1906, the Gargantuan was released and raided, killing thousands and destroying a ton of the city. George was distraught, to which Nathan helped him through. He showed George the existence of the Underbelly, an area underneath the city proper that was hollow and empty, and helped him to lock the Gargantuan inside it for good. The next day, they went out to survey the damage. While looking, they found an orphaned girl by the name of Annabel Mainsfield. Nathan was convinced that they couldn't leave her alone, and decided to take her in with George. With a new source of joy, life started to continue as usual as the two worked to rebuild the town and care for their adoptive daughter. However, things weren't quite as happy as they should have been...

After the failure of the first Diver, George wouldn't stop working on perfecting them, making sure the same result would never happen again. He became obsessed with it to an almost crazy extent, which was the first sign of his downfall. The public's opinion started to dwindle on him, becoming more and more negative as the years passed. Nevertheless, Nathan tried to support him through it all. He stayed by George's side unconditionally until he truly started becoming dangerous. In 1910, George began holding people and robots alike in the Underbelly. At first, he just tried to get rid of the dangerous people, the criminals and the ones who would hurt others. However, it started to become less and less just, as he started throwing down innocent people for trivial reasons. Alongside this, he started talking about using Annabel as his public image, manipulating her into delivering his messages and knowing that she was an innocent face that no one would try to harm. At this, Nathan had had enough. He started protecting Annabel from George, going against his orders, doing everything he could to preserve his sanity even somewhat. No matter what he tried, George kept going crazier. On the night of April 25th, 1913, Nathan finally reached his breaking point in trying to help his love. He confronted George head-on for the first time. George seemed understanding of his points, agreeing with him to an extent. He pulled Nathan into an embrace, the first in years, gave him a sense of hope, that everything would be okay again... And suddenly pushed him backwards. The floor left his feet, and Nathan began falling, his hopes and dreams falling with him.

Nathan finally landed in the Underbelly, every trace of his existence following him down. Every document he touched, every picture he was in, everything. He spent the first few years trying to find ways to escape. He knew he could one day, but his attempts were null and void. Eventually, he gave up, instead building a home for himself. He collected the records that had fallen with him, archiving them like he knew how, and began creating a sort of library for himself. The years passed on and on, his collection of documents grew. He still tried to escape sometimes, but mostly spent his time gathering more records. He eventually gained a title for himself, being known simpl as The Archivist. But he could have cared less. The sweet man he once was was gone, replaced by the bitter, cold, and apathetic husk of someone betrayed. He promised himself he wouldn't let his emotions get the better of him anymore, trusting only his head and his logic, and tried to bury the pain deeper and deeper the more he was stuck.

It's been fifteen years since he first fell down to the Underbelly. Now, it seems, someone may be looking for him. The question is, why? What importance would he serve? Who is this mystery person and what could they want? And more importantly, what could they do for him in return?

Fun Facts

  • His voice is somewhat in the middle pitch-wise, though slightly deeper than that, and he almost always has a monotone, somewhat sarcastic/condescending tone to it.
  • He has OCD to an extent, which especially shows through his perfectionist nature, his need for order, and his obsession with cleanliness.
  • While his main expertise is with archival work, he has learned some skills in medical care and carpentry, enough so that he can care for himself and build most of what he needs with ease.
  • While it may not seem like it, he's really close to his family, and loves them dearly. He misses them, and desperately wants to see them again, should he ever find a way out of the Underbelly.
  • Surprisingly, he has some very fatherly instincts, and while he doesn't show them often, when he does they're well-received.
  • He doesn't really like people bringing up his race in any capacity, mainly due to the bullying he went through over it in the past, and just prefers people treating him as exactly that, a person.
  • He really loves the scent of fresh linen, and really just any sort of clean scent like it.
  • While he's gotten used to living without it in the Underbelly, he typically enjoys a more luxurious style of living, at least one filled with coziness and comfort if nothing else.
  • As much as he hates remembering it, he still keeps every record he can find of him and Crowell together, and is often reminded of how they were are a couple.
  • If he were to ever get out of the Underbelly and leave New Cascadia for good, part of him wants to try to reform for the better, try to come around to his happier self before Crowell's betrayal, maybe find himself a new love if it's possible. He just wants to leave the chapter of his life taking place in New Cascadia behind.
  • He is far from the creative type, and as such is usually amazed by the creative ideas of those around him at just how impractical they usually sound. However, he isn't one to comment on that fact very often.
  • He basically always ties his hair back in a ponytail because he can't stand having it down long and in his way all the time. However, he at least has some fun with it, and likes to use a lot of different ribbons and such to spice it up and make it a bit fancier.
  • While he usually doesn't like loud places, and will take his peace and quiet any day, he does enjoy music to some extent. He learned to play the guitar when he was younger, and when he really needs some sort of noise to listen to, he'll play a sort of makeshift guitar he made himself for when he ever got bored (It's nothing fancy, mind you, just made out of scraps and junk, but y'know)
  • He has journaled his entire experience with Crowell in New Cascadia, from their very first time boarding the boat to take them there to the most recent day of his imprisonment, and part of him wants to refine and publish it if he ever escapes, mainly so he can hopefully save people who think going to the city is a good idea.
  • Despite not enjoying hot weather, he surprisingly loves hot water, and soaking/swimming in it is incredibly soothing to him
  • He's had his scarf since he was a little boy, and cherishes it dearly because it's been with him through so much.
  • Uhhhh more later?? I dunno much more now, haha.

Design Notes

  • Don't forget his scarf! It's really important to him!
  • His hair is supposed to be pretty dang curly, and put in a ponytail! Please keep his hairstyle as such!
  • Please do color-pick from his color palette! I want his colors to stay pretty consistent, though some small variants are alright, like changing things slightly for the sake of your style.
  • He's a very lanky man, don't be afraid to make him look it!
  • He's also middle-aged, so don't be afraid to add some wrinkles and make him look his age!
  • Don't forget to draw his glasses!
  • You can totally draw him with books/papers, that's fine and fitting!
  • If you have any design questions, don't be afraid to ask!


[ Friend (Kinda more frenemy) ] The majority of Lowe's time in New Cascadia, unbeknownst to Nathan, is spent looking for the archivist himself. Upon first meeting him, Nathan was... Skeptical, at best. He couldn't stop seeing a certain piece of his past in Lowe, one he couldn't shake the discomfort from. However, the duo slowly built up trust. He and Lowe have a friendship built upon mainly snarky comments and sarcastic remarks. They obviously do care for each other deeply, though the two of them rarely ever show it. Or... Maybe they do? [More later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaa]



[ Daughter figure ] Nathan and Canary knew each other for a long time in the past. He was one of the people to take her in after the death of her parents, and he loves her like a daughter. He taught her basically everything she knows, and gave her her sense of curiosity, among other things. After being imprisoned in the Underbelly, he constantly worries for her well-being, hoping and praying that Crowell's plans for her don't come to fruition. Some little part of him wonders if she thinks about him too... (More on this later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaaaa)



[ Ex-boyfriend/Enemy ] Nathan and Crowell have a long history behind them. Starting out as friends and slowly progressing into lovers, there was a time where Nathan cared for him deeply. However, as the years passed, that love and care started to diminish, and vanished after he was thrown into the Underbelly. He feels a slew of emotions towards Crowell, mainly hatred and disgust, though also regret at how their relationship ended. A small sliver of him wants to try to reconcile with his past lover one day... But he knows that isn't a possibility now. (More on this later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaaa)
