


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Toadfur
Gender cis male
Age 28 moons
Rank wariior
Alignment chaotic good
MBTI enfp
Status inactive
Theme Song link

Toadfur is dark gray tabby tom with yellow eyes. He has a muscular build and often towers over his clan mates. His fur is long and unruly, with various markings along his face and back.


  • hunting
  • kits
  • moon light
  • pine trees


  • being alone
  • uncertainties
  • idle paws
  • scary stories


His charming, charismatic nature, rivaled with his young, boisterous ego makes Toadfur both a popular and irritating clanmate. Toadfur is seen as a big brother figure, often offering to take younger members of the clan on patrols or training sessions. He has a big heart and loves with everything he has. Despite his good nature, he can be easily swayed by certain individuals influences. Toadfur is a relatively good judge of character and not easily intimidated, but this does not stop him from putting faith in those he knows he shouldn’t. He is overly confident and competitive at his core and will go out of his way to show off. The tom often finds it difficult to hide his emotions and is known to wear his heart on his sleeve, so to speak.


Toadkit was born into Marshclan surrounded by warmth and happiness. His mother and father were popular amongst the clan and their eventual mating had been eagerly awaited by many. Both Brindleheart and Ashstorm looked forward to starting their family and soon enough Brindleheart became pregnant. She gave birth to a single kit: Toadkit. Soon after his birth, Toadkit’s parents were expecting yet another litter. Shortly after Brindleheart had given birth for the second time, a tragedy had befallen the growing family. A border patrol returned to camp battered and beaten, with a single casualty: Ashstorm. The loss of Ashstorm shook the clan as well as Toadfur’s family. The warrior had been very involved in Toadfur’s upbringing, often spending time in the nursery while Brindleheart was out hunting or stretching her legs.

With Ashstorm’s loss heavy in his mind, the newly named Toadpaw spent much of his free time with his mother and siblings. Between patrols, training, and chores Toadpaw could be found watching over his younger siblings while Brindleheart was out. He cared for his siblings as his father had cared for him and he found it difficult to leave the nursery on more than one occasion. However, he worked hard not to allow his duties to his family to get in the way of his apprenticeship.

Toadpaw was quick to make friends with his clan mates and others outside the clan. His friendly nature and charasma is hard to hate. During a routine border patrol along the Sunclan border, a small squabble broke out between one of his clan mates and a Sunclan apprentice. Toadpaw was quick to jump in to ensure no one got hurt, especially an apprentice so small. He hoisted the spitting Sunclanner up and placed her back on her side of the territory. The patrol soon moved on, but Toadpaw couldn’t get the young Sunclanner out of his head and soon turned back and asked her name. Soon Leopardpaw and Toadpaw grew to be close friends and looked forwards to seeing each other at gatherings and passing patrols.

Toadpaw was close to his mentor, Batears, a cranky senior warrior with a sharp tongue and grading personality. The older tom was strict in his trainings and many apprentices and warriors avoided the temperamental warrior. However, Toadpaw adored the senior warrior. Toadpaw’s outgoing and passionate attitude towards training soon got him on Batear’s good side and the two soon became fast friends. The training was just as hard and grueling, but there was an added benefit of getting to know the older warrior. Soon Toadpaw found himself looking to Batears as a father figure, though no one would replace Ashstorm in his eyes. Towards the end of Toadpaw’s training, Batears fell ill and passed away. Toadpaw’s training was ultimately taken up by a soft-spoken and uncertain molly named Lizardleap. The differences between the mentors was stark and Toadpaw once again felt the loss of an important role model.

Toadpaw soon became Toadfur and the tom threw himself into his warrior duties. The new warrior became further enamored by the Sunclan apprentice he had met all those moons ago and soon began seeking her out more and more. The two began meeting exclusively at the border between their clans, spending countless nights together until their friendship blossomed into something more. Unlikely as it was, Leopardface and Toadfur soon became mates, despite being from different clans.



Leopardface [ mate ]

Toadfur and Leopardface had been friends since early apprenticehood, their devotion and feelings for one another deveoloping as they grew up in separate clans. The two soon began seeing one another secretly at the border between their clans. Falling fast, the two soon became mates soon after reaching warrior hood.


Flintpaw [ daughter ]

Toadpaw is the only kit of Leopardface and Toadfur and resides in Sunclan with her mother, under the guise of Leopardface being her foster mother rather than her biological mother. She is unaware of her connection with Toadfur.


Puddlefoot [ best friend ]


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