


4 years, 11 months ago


This page contains MAJOR SPOILERS for PHGY (Phantasmagyre)


This character pages contains MAJOR SPOILERS for PHGY and potentially other projects/character universes

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Name Aether (ꦲꦺꦠꦼꦂ)
Called "Ethereal Homeslice", His Eminence, Fart, Stinky
Age ???
Gender Male
Race Egregore Entity
Power Absolute Existence
Alignment Lawful Evil

Aether has the ability to control his own existence without any limit. He uses his powers to his own liking or when he needs to and has complete control of his existence. He is beyond everything. No rule or law can apply to him other than his own, unless he wishes to limit himself.


  • Himself
  • Bullying others
  • Wreaking Havoc
  • Gardening
  • Baking


  • "Do-gooders"
  • The Earth
  • Cold weather
  • Being teased
  • Wizards


Aether is an Egregore Entity, a thoughtform manifested from the collective consciousness of living beings, but more specifically the manifestation of thoughts, dreams as well as nightmares. Initially, he had no physical form but chose to have one after several millenia. He is of unknown origin, yet he seems to have knowledge beyond normal comprehension and claims to be from a different reality. He is invulnerable to anything he wants with his powers.

Aether's intentions are usually very vague, but it's clear that he wants to be perceived as a god. Despite this, people don't tend to take him seriously and make fun of his ego. He is able to completely take advantage of this if he really wanted to, but resists from doing any unneeded damage because he is self aware of his reality-warping powers. When it comes to battles, Aether prefers to start or deal with conflicts from afar, he gets people to do the dirty work for him, keeping his hands clean so he is overall still in control of the situation. Face to face however, Aether is potentially a dangerous foe, as he could just wipe your existence or critically dismantle body parts as he can phase through matter. All this however relies on his willpower, which he doesn't have much of unless he is really provoked.


Role in PHGY

Wait... that's a huge spoiler! (WIP)

History in /Co/ Heroes

Aether first appeared in /co/ heroes as an unforeboding individual who had Sanity Theft as his power, which took a quick turn as the (first) universe began to end and it turns out he was involved with it all along, watching everyone while they were unaware. As other supers evacuated into the second universe, they also had a shift with their powers. Aether also had a change with his powers which made him have Absolute Existence. During this phase, he interacted with other supers and gave them ridiculous tasks to do with very unclear motives (presumably out of spite). During his third phase, he hired CHON as an apprentice to keep watch of the city's supers. As time moved on, Aether's involvement in /co/ heroes became less active and he decided to leave the timeline after some unfortunate events ensued.

Current story(?)

As his creator, I'm no longer involved or associated with the /co/ heroes project anymore. However, Aether and a few other characters from the project now live together in this AU that me and my friends have named the "Fucked Up Brady Bunch". Essentially, they are all in a completely different timeline and now reside in a house where they've been placed under house arrest and they're forced to live together. As you would expect, it's chaotic and they're all dysfunctional as hell, but hey, it's hilarious.




CHON Apprentice

Aether initially took CHON in to assist him in watching the bizarre activities of superheroes but their relationship had slowly turned Aether somewhat into a caretaker after CHON had proven to be quite fussy when taking orders. Despite their ups and downs, they get through with the job and Aether, although in denial, looks after CHON almost like a parent.


Stopwatch Frenemy/Rival

Aether hates Stopwatch to great extents but he probably couldn't ask for a better friend... or rival(?). They've both been around long enough to know each other well and even predict each other's actions. The very fact that Stopwatch makes fun of Aether for his usual egotistical ways makes his (non-existant) blood boil. He always says he'll kill him one day but never goes through with it or has second thoughts. Either something changed his mind, or he knew that a replacement for him doesn't exist, and not even versions of Stopwatch in another universe would fill that hole.


Hangry ???

Aether has absolutely no idea where Hangry came from or how he managed to deal with him in the first place but he seems to be interested in him for his Food Empowerment powers. Every step he gets closer to seeing Hangry's full potential gets foiled which eventually which drives him mad. This baby-clown-thing drives him insane, they are incompatible partners but undeniably a duo who would cause mass destruction if not monitored enough.


Wyatt Enemy

Aether doesn't just hate Wyatt, he despises him. What annoys him more than a petty rival is a nuisance who tries to squeeze as much money out of people and gain as much attention and a following. To make things worse, Wyatt is also his neighbor who just lives across the street. He has tried several times to kill and dismantle him, but his attempts proved to be futile as Wyatt always had spare bodies to restore himself with. Without enough willpower, he can't really be bothered to defeat him permanently, unless Wyatt manages to cross a line he shouldn't have.


DEVIL Internet "Friend"

Aether accidentally added Devil as a friend on the internet and as a result the two of them end up becoming acquainted through their own confusing, cryptic messages. To Aether, Devil is merely just a dull-headed mortal who has nothing better to do than to make a fool out of himself on social media talking complete nonsense. He interacts with Devil every now and then, observing his next action and monitors what he dreams about through a device he gave to him. Despite testing his patience every time he talks to Devil, Aether doesn't see him as a threat, but rather a toy that he finds entertaining. Only time will tell if Aether will get bored of him.


Pepper Arch Nemesis

WIP. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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