Kane's Comments

(i... i wasn't sure if the wta meant like writing a profile/backstory, like writing hc, or like writing an actual narrative thing, so i went with the last dfjsk hope it's ok? just a quick thing )

The undisguised staring and uneasy murmuring isn't anything new, though it has been a while since Kane had to put up with it. Ah, the troubles of relocation- not that it's a huge problem. More of an annoyance, a fly buzzing around her head, always slipping away when she tries to spot where that noise is coming from.

Three days, and the wake of untrusting onlookers she leaves behind every time she leaves her room to walk the abbey doesn't diminish. It increases, if anything.

Small towns are a pain- the capital wasn't perfect, with its constant noise and filth borne of too many people living in one place, but there the humans at least get bored much faster. Small towns are close knit and good at fixating, it seems, so a stranger- and an inhuman stranger, working in the church, no less (The horror!)- won't be able to just seamlessly blend in.

The door to the Abbot's office thuds shut behind Kane, though the man is nowhere to be seen. She's in private at least, so she lets her eyes roll so hard that if she were human they might have fallen out and slides into the plain, uncomfortable wooden chair next to the equally plain desk.

By the time the Abbot returns- probably not more than five minutes later, though to Kane it feels like it might as well have been five hours- her feet are curled beneath her on the chair. Not very proper, but infinitely more comfortable, though that doesn't seem to help the uncomfortable look on the old man's face.

"Sister Kane-" His voice is smooth and even as he circles around the desk. "-I hope you have found the abbey to your liking?"

Kane's face melts from boredom into a wide, sweet smile. "I don't know if I've ever seen more rude humans! It's impressive, really, just how obvious everyone is."

The Abbot coughs, and Kane can't help but let her smile melt into something just a touch more sinister. "I'm not here to enjoy myself and make friends with small-town fools. I'm here for my mission."

He still looks unhappy, but really, he shouldn't have expected anything else, requesting someone like Kane. Or maybe he had tried for a human, and the Mother back home had simply decided doing a good job was more important. Kane is among the best, after all.

"Of course. Thank you for your patience." It's wearing pretty thin, so get on with it already.

A simple drawer pulls out of the simple desk, and then Kane is looking at an equally simple file.

"We don't... entirely know what it is, so our information is sparse," the Abbot's voice is strong, but Kane doesn't have to look up to sense his discomfort rising, mixed with a touch of shame. "We think it might be in one of the Brothers."

It's sparse, but it's enough, and really, Kane would prefer the stares and murmurs to this thin facade of control. She stands without looking through the papers, tucking the file under her arm.

"Thank you for the information." Her eyes almost squint shut with the force of her smile. "I'll be sure to bring you its remains when I'm done."

She doesn't think he seems very comforted by her promise, but she isn't here to bring comfort.

The door shuts behind her and the stares return but it doesn't matter because Kane finally has her prey. 

Name: Julianna // Julian or Anna

Race: Demon

Julianna is a demon that disguise theirself as a nun. Seducing people and lead them to the wrong path. They can change their gender to male or female as they wish to attract people. They're actually a lost spirit that tried to find their true love from previous life. Didn't know the fact their lover already died, they keep wandering around and fooling people to entertain their empty shell. 

Julianna was a young priest in training, but he killed himself because his love was rejected. God cursed him. He didn't welcome his spirit in His heaven and erased his memories. So he became a wandering spirit looking for his identity, and memories.




I think that's what I've got in my mind for this  caracter UwU