Fray ❌



4 years, 11 months ago




Subspecies Beblune
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Age 24
Artist Renewal77
Database Entry
Taking Offers? never

Fray is the priest of the forest due to his strong understanding of how the trees feel and everything in nature. His role is highly needed by the king Moose who has not as strong of a connection to the words that the trees say. Fray is known for his urge to help other beblunes learn about the forest and he will go so far as to harm himself to achieve his goal. In his eyes knowledge is a gift that all should have the ability to have

Fray lives in a complex underground den like home that has firelight and other things that make his life comfortable. His home is like the home of a hobbit.

Traits Short ears
Mutations None
Abilities None
Obtained FTO MYO
Design Value None
Art Value A couple hundred silver seeds
Taking Offers? Never
Doing RPs? He's open to roleplays
Relationships/Lore Sharing? Reon: brother. Moose: king, boss, landlord, friend. Arora: princess, friend Eros: Unknown. Echo: adapted human daughter
Available For Breedings? yes


Vestibulum cursus nisi at nunc lobortis vestibulum. Aliquam at ultricies turpis. Phasellus orci nulla, lacinia pharetra vehicula quis, egestas eget elit. Duis a suscipit ligula, quis rhoncus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus finibus scelerisque. Duis lacus lectus, tincidunt et est ut, mattis accumsan dui. Fusce aliquet tortor et interdum interdum. Cras et iaculis magna. Integer placerat ut mauris ac ultricies. Vivamus hendrerit consectetur nulla, ac vestibulum metus tristique sit amet. Morbi vitae placerat diam. Vestibulum maximus ante vitae ex facilisis semper. Duis et augue feugiat, placerat ligula non, gravida leo.

Integer lacinia odio at erat fringilla ornare. Vestibulum odio dui, lobortis ut iaculis vitae, viverra sit amet purus. Mauris non lectus quis ex ornare ornare. Curabitur sagittis erat sit amet metus dapibus, sed vehicula nunc consectetur. In blandit fringilla mauris ut ultrices. Aenean in egestas ligula. Mauris nisl leo, vulputate at vehicula a, auctor eu sem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Past and current status

Fray was abandoned as a egg with only a few small gemstones and a painted feather. He was put at a disadvantage because of his past and had to make up for it by learning from Arora. she helped fray with his grammar and to get over a vast majority of his fear of girls. Fray currently is trying to prepare Arora for the responsibility that her father will hand down to her in a few years

Bebliseum Participations none yet
Bebliseum Placements none yet
Bebliseum Wins 0
Quest Participations I don't know what a quest is
Quest wins none


"You can not choose the circumstances in which you were made but you can choose how you can use them to help you with your life."


Apparel Choices

Nunc in nulla bibendum, consequat odio vitae, condimentum massa. In ac purus et est scelerisque lobortis. Nulla at quam ac urna rutrum cursus eu non eros. In sed risus at justo iaculis feugiat vitae quis turpis. Quisque quis metus eu magna volutpat iaculis. Pellentesque ante ipsum, molestie sollicitudin tempus quis, facilisis nec diam. Curabitur molestie nibh lobortis purus egestas molestie. Proin sodales felis vitae sodales faucibus. Duis diam leo, blandit ultricies urna eu, condimentum