Chief Ursae




Chief Ursae



GenderCis Male (He/him)
Voice ClaimIan McShane (Ragnar Sturlusson) 


Son of Chief Hydrae and Reis, stepson of Mirach, younger half-brother of Ulas, husband to Lyrae (and many others), father to Grangir (and many others), father in-law to Kat, grandfather to Ghost


Semi-isuto (Semi-Variable star)




Chief, Leader of the Quasite Hunters


Violent, confident, oppressive, still hasn't really recovered from the death of Mirach and Reis


● Loses his right eye in an unsuccessful attempt to kill a Quasite

● Based off of RR Ursae Minoris--"a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor"

● His first left tusk is severely broken

● Ursae was an assertive and strong Semi-isuto who quickly rose through the ranks of his tribe's army, earning much praise from his mother. While he and Ulas were close, a wedge was driven between them as his love for violence and Ulas' distaste for it caused a divide. The day Ulas got his Quasite mark was the last day Ursae called him his brother; after that point he was no longer considered one of his blood, although this might've been influenced by his even more brutish mother and his desire to impress her. Ursae later becomes the head of their tribe's military and forms a gang composed of his strongest soldiers to 'weed out the Quasites'. He eventually finds a partner, Lyrae, and produces a son, Grangir, although he has more partners and children than them. He was abusive, mostly emotionally, sometimes physically, to Lyrae and Grangir as well as his other family, which causes Lyrae to begin an affair with Messier. He loses his right eye in an unsuccessful attempt to kill a Quasite. The day Grangir got his Quasite mark was the day Ursae nearly killed his son.

● Ursae and Hydrae had a good relationship prior to Mirach’s death. While not as open with her affection, Hydrae loved her sons dearly and they (along with her partners and her adoptive mother) were the few people who could make her genuinely smile. She let down her intimidating leader persona and often played with Ulas and Ursae. Hydrae didn’t have a great family and she didn’t come from a great background, and she never believed she deserved happiness or love or mates or children but here she was; a chief of an entire tribe, with two partners she loved dearly and two sons she’d give up her life for.

● Hydrae became cold towards her sons, but she was especially harsh on Ursae since Hydrae had him with Reis. How Quasite marks appeared wasn’t really known at the time, and it still isn’t common knowledge in the current timeline, so Hydrae suspected that Reis could’ve passed on Quasite blood to Ursae. Of course this wasn’t true, but Hydrae’s mind was so twisted after that horrid night that anything made sense to her now.

● Ursae was already an anxious kid, but with this sudden change in his mother he became even more so. She despised him for reasons he didn’t understand, and he became so touch starved that he did anything he could to interact with her. Hydrae pushed her youngest son away in favor for Ulas, who wasn’t in her words ‘tainted’. Hydrae’s expectations are wrong when Ulas gets his Quasite mark and she banishes him despite him fighting off Eximius when he attacked. With Ulas gone and Ursae the remaining child with no Quasite mark, she finally gave him what he desired; her attention. He took in anything and everything she said, and while not initially having a hatred for Quasites his mother beat it into his head until it stuck. Ursae hasn’t seen his brother in years, but he vows that after he wrangles up every single Quasite, he’ll come for him and kill him.

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