






GenderTrans Male (He/him)
Voice ClaimZach Callison (Steven Universe)


Son of Grangir and Kat, great-grandson of Chief Hydrae, Mirach and Reis, grandson of Chief Ursae and Lyrae, grandnephew of Ulas, nephew of Stingray, stepson of Cygnus, partner of Eridani, eventual brother in-law to Keid


Semi-isuto/Nubes (Semi-Variable star/Nebula)




Charismatic, sensitive, friendly


● Based off of the Little Ghost Nebula

● Proficient in healing, much like Ulas

● Suffers from PTSD and survivor's guilt

● Ghost is half Semi-Isuto and half-Nubes, and he luckily didn't gain a Quasite mark of his own. Ghost was a friendly, bubbly kid who loved his parents and making friends. Grangir's bad experiences with his father led him to be as loving as he possibly could to his own son, which contributed to Ghost's love for affection and his soft personality. This, however, may have contributed to his demise. Ghost was around the equivalent of 11-12 the day Eximius attacked; he was played outside when he noticed someone approaching. The lion had a look in his eye Ghost couldn't explain, and he asked if he could speak to his mother. Thinking this was an old friend of his mother, he gleefully did so. Kat was uncomfortable at the presence of Eximius, and tense conversation between the two quickly turned violent as Eximius activated his Quasite mark and began to attack. Kat did all she could to protect her son but Eximius was much stronger than her. Ghost's body was never recovered, and it's believed Eximius consumed him.

● Ghost's whereabouts were unknown after Eximius' attack on his mother and him, but it turns out he had managed to escape despite his injuries. He was knocked unconscious while running away and he fell into a coma. Eximius, noticing the child was missing, sent a few of his goons off to search for him, but luckily he was rescued and kept hidden by Eridani's older sister Keid, who had discovered his body and tucked them both away from Eximius' followers until they left.

● Keid brings Ghost back to her village where they monitor and keep watch over him. Keid's younger sister Eridani took an interest in the young Semi-Isuto/Nubes child and was often found by his side, talking to him despite knowing he might not hear her. Fortunately, Ghost finally awakens from his coma and has a minor panic attack because the last time he was awake Eximius was trying to kill him. Keid and her sisters calm him down and comfort him, and Eridani, now that Ghost is awake, offers him her friendship in his time of need. She works him through his survivor's guilt and his PTSD.

● They grow up together in Eridani's village, slowly becoming best friends. Keid teaches Ghost healing abilities and Eridani learns mechanics, and they're often found working together on projects. Ghost is the first to gain a doofy crush on Eridani but she's close behind, and eventually they become partners.

● As an adult Ghost wants to travel the world, slightly hoping he'll be able to find his father (knowing his mother was likely killed in Eximius' random attack). Despite wanting revenge for his mother's death, he desires peace most of all, and finding his father, the last remaining immediate family he has, would bring him a sense of closure. Eridani demands she go with him, and he doesn't persuade her not to. The pair go traveling at each other's side, knowing they can do anything as long as they're together.

profile html by Hukiolukio