


4 years, 10 months ago




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Role Apprentice Wizard
Mysterious Voice
Magic Teacher
Home World WiP
Other Residences
Traverse Town
Radiant Garden
Twilight Town

Several Unnamed Worlds
Katakana Info
Romaji Skystorm
English Voice
Info (TBA)
Japanese Voice
Info (TbA)

" Mother named me Sky, but that doesn’t sound like a very...mystical name does it? Skystorm now, that sounds appropriately wizardly! "

A flashy young man apprenticed to the wizard Merlin. A very skilled mage capable of traveling worlds, he’s accompanied by three white crows.


1 History
3 Personality
4 Appearance



Skystorm was born on a fairly large world, in a little kingdom that was ruled by his great-aunt. His father, he would later learn, was someone his mother Rose had spent a single summer with before he disappeared. Rose didn’t even get a chance to tell the man she was pregnant
Although related to royalty, Sky grew up in a country manor next to a small sleepy village. His free time was spent exploring the forests and meadows around his mother’s manor, as well as running through the village itself. His outgoing personality won him friends from some of the village children, but the rumors of him not having a father had also reached the village. While most people dared not say anything to his mother directly, some of the children would use it as an opening taunt him. His eyes and scales also drew comments from some people, including adults who was sure it meant something dark. Although he tried to ignore it, as his mother had told him too, it still got to him. That is, until his mother told him that his father was a dragon, but that it was a secret since such things were considered unusual. It was an amazing admission, and to little Sky one of the best revelations. From then on he kept it close to his heart, proof that the village just didn’t realize what it was talking about. Eventually his mother’s god-father, who could use magic, would start to place a light illusion to make him appear completely human at first glance, but people still knew..
Still he did have those few friends, including the son of a local hunter who was in charge of keeping less savory creatures away from town. From him Sky learned all about the animals that lived in the forest, and how they behaved.
When he was around eleven word trickled down from his friend’s father that there had been sightings of dangerous magical beasts in the area. They weren’t unknown in the world, but they were rare and the children were told to stay in the village. Even Rose told Sky to stay next to the manor, since it was protected. They were so rare that certain members of the town weren’t even sure they actually existed. They viewed the hunter’s caution and warnings as paranoia. Still most people were cautious enough to follow the warnings just in case.
But a couple of the children who had been bullying Sky had been taunting him about him staying safe. Although he had been ignoring them, Sky’s close friend had fell for their taunts and agreed to meet them at the barn at the edge of town at twilight. Sky agreed to go with him, because he didn’t want his friend going there alone.
Sky had already been breaking out in small bits of magic for over a year now. Mostly lights dancing around. A spark of flames showing up around him a few times. And he had vanished a few times only to appear across the house. Or in a clearing outside. Or on the roof once much to the surprise and terror of his mother. His godfather had already been giving him lessons in the hope that he would learn to control it. He hoped it would help if anything did happen, even if all he could do was produce light.
They met the bullies as the sun went down, and each group didn’t want to leave. Sky eventually started to get nervous, but no one wanted to admit they were scared. So they stayed, even as the stars came out. Sky eventually said he was bored and hungry, and was going to leave no matter what. The others were about to give into his arguments when a growl interrupted them.
They barely managed to beat the monsters to the barn, and tried to slam the door shut to keep them out. Unfortunately the monsters were faster than they had thought, though smaller than expected. As they children feld deeper into the barn, Skystorm stopped for a moment. He tried to do...something. Call up light to blind them. Use a Fire spell. Just do something to make them go away.
The resulting explosion blew out the front of the barn, caught parts of it on fire, and brought down part of the roof . The backlash knocked Sky himself unconscious for a few moments. He woke to the screaming of several of the trapped or injured animals that had been in the barn itself.
The only good thing the out-of-control blast had done was finally attracted the attention of the rest of the village. The adults arrived to help, only to find all of the monsters wounded or feld. It wasn’t exactly clear to the rescuers what had happened, so they just set about making sure their kids got out alive.
But Sky realized what had happened. After he was treated for injuries that were more superficial than he thought they should be, his mother took him home. That he hadn’t said a word and was completely shocked was treated as just being natural by what he had been through.
He promptly locked himself in his room, terrified by not only what had just happened, but by what he had done. He hadn’t meant to do it. He had no idea how it had happened, and he didn’t want to do it again.
It took his mother and her godfather together to finally get him to really talk with them after a week. Since his grand-godfather was very skilled at magic himself promised that he would help it, and that it wouldn’t happen again. Secretly though, his ‘grandfather’ was concerned. He had never seen anyone Sky’s age lose control in such a destructive manner. Eventually they got Sky to leave his room, and started to work with him. They had managed to smooth things over as much as they could with the people of the village. Most of the adults were more likely to accept that it was some protection spell that the godfather had placed on Sky that had caused the explosion, rather than something a child could do himself anyway.
Still, some of the adults were wary, and the children more so. Especially the ones that had been near him when everything exploded. Although the injuries had been mercifully light, no one had gotten out of the situation unmarked.
SKy’s close friend was now avoiding him. Several of the other children had only heard rumors, and though they made some overturns towards Sky, they clearly didn’t know what to believe anymore. The bullies kept their distance for a long while, why Sky tried to recover, but eventually their leader felt the need to go after Sky again. Whether lashing out of fear, or taking heart from the adults that didn’t really believe that Sky had done anything himself, Sky couldn’t tell. All he could tell was that suddenly he was being snapped at and excluded, and the one person that used to stand with him was ignoring him.
Plus whenever he was tempted to snap back, to get angry, he got scared. Because, what if he accidentally did something again? Whenever he got really angry, he would actually run back home, scared of himself. The bullies thought he was scared of them which made them bolder.
His mother and godfather helped him where they could, teaching him control and trying to bring his confidence back up. Which is hard, because he still has occasional strange magic break-outs. Like teleporting to the otherside of the house, which even his godfather wasn’t sure how to deal with.
A few months later Sky found a crow’s nest that had fallen to the ground during a storm. There was no sign of the parents, and Sky became determined to help the chicks that were still in the nest itself. Learning to raise them seemed to help distract him.
It was nearly a year after the incident when Merlin turned up for the first time. He had come, because while searching for something he had picked up on the strange way that Sky was affecting the magic around him, and realized what it meant. Whether through some quirk of magic itself, or simply because of his parents being from different worlds - Sky’s magic held the potential to travel between worlds himself. Although extremely rare, it wasn’t unheard of and often belonged to incredibly powerful magic users - thus the dramatic outbreaks of magic.
It was always possible that, even if he learned control, Sky would never learn how to use his magic properly and he wouldn’t be able to world travel. But it was equally possible that he would figure it out, and then shatter world order by sheer accident or end up causing trouble because he had no idea what he was doing. So to head that off, Merlin and several other, had decided that he should get some training. With him, actually, though Merlin wasn’t completely happy about it.
Sky wanted to go with him. If he could figure out how to control his magic, he felt he would be okay. His mother was understandably...reluctant and not quite sure that she trusted Merlin. But eventually she agreed, if only because she had started to realize that neither her or her godfather had any idea how to fully get Sky fully under control. If this really would help him, she had to let him go.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Several years later, Sky has much more control, even if he hasn’t mastered all of his powers. The success he has had, as well as the encouragement he’s had and his mistakes not being as disastrous as he thought they would be, have done much to bolster his own self-confidence. His energy has also returned, and he throws himself into whatever Merlin asks him to do with enthusiasm. Sometimes much to Merlin’s bewilderment and exasperation when the newly-renamed Skystorm gets far too enthusiastic.. Sky has become used to traveling around worlds too, since Merlin has a tendency to switch worlds randomly. One of those worlds happens to be one called Radiant Garden.
As outgoing as he was, he quickly found and made friends with a boy around his own age named Lea, and through him Isa. Although he was still supposed to be studying, Sky always found time to go hang out with his new friends, and occasionally getting into trouble that Lea managed to draw them all into. They had been visiting for a few months, when one day a young man called Terra stopped by to return a book to Merlin. Sky found him fascinating, and followed him outside to try and talk. Sky promptly lost him after her took off after one of the large enemies that had started showing up in the area. Unperturbed, he went looking and ran into both Lea and Isa,. Lea had become determined to sneak into the castle. His enthusiasm was almost contagious, and Sky found himself getting excited about the possibilities. Even Isa, who was initially much more reluctant had gotten caught up in it. As they were walking and chatting about how exactly they would be able to do it, they ran across another boy around their own age called Ventus. After Lea’s...introduction, Sky latched onto Ven, quite literally, out of curiosity. He was going to invite him to hang out with them, because Ven was the only other world traveler his own age that he had met. Ven, however, felt he had to go searching for his friends and left. Sky debated trying to follow him, but he decided that he would help his other friends like he had promised.
Their first attempt to get into the palace didn’t….get very far. Merlin was less than pleased with Skystorm, but Sky thought it was fun.
Sky and Merlin stayed in Radiant Garden for a little over a week before leaving again. Sky really didn’t want to go, and after they left started studying furiously so he could master his own world-travel magic so he could go places on his own. He also, in order to impress his friends, started to try and figure out an invisibility spell. What better way to get into the castle than if he could make them invisible after all.
Over the next year or so, Sky saw several different worlds, and returned to Radiant Garden several times as well. Although his friends would greet him but he could tell they were distracted. Eventually, Lea admitted they had snuck into the castle successfully, and found someone in there, a girl. They swore him to secrecy about it, because they didn’t want anyone in the castle hearing that they knew they had people in the dungeon.
And they were determined to at least get the girl they had befriended out. Sky wasn’t sure keeping it a secret was the best thing, but he couldn’t just leave the girl in their either. He insisted on going along with them, since he had managed to figure out his invisibility spell. Only, he quickly discovered, the only way for him to extend it to other people was if they held hands. It made sneaking in a little awkward, but the other two were focused on helping their new friend. Isa eventually said that he wanted Sky to get her out of the castle once they rescued her, and leave him and Lea behind if they had to. Sky was horrified by this, although Isa pointed out that he and Lea had been caught before, and then just thrown out after a lecture. But if since this girl was locked up, then they probably wouldn’t be keen on letting her go. It would be safer for everyone if Sky got her out without anyone noticing either of them, especially if Sky couldn’t keep all of them invisible. Sky swore that he would make the spell work. He was not going to leave any of his friends behind.
The argument turned out to be a moot point anyway, since the girl they had come to rescue was no longer there. After a frantic search in the area that turned up no clues, they left before they could get caught.
A quick, frantic search outside the castle didn’t turn up any clues or sightings of her either. Lea and Isa swore they would keep searching.
Sky went to Merlin, hoping that he might be able to help.
Merlin wasn’t as helpful as Sky had hoped, in part because he had never seen the girl, spoken to her, or had any idea what her name was. It was hard to find someone when you didn’t even have their shadow to look for. But the news did seem to give Merlin pause.
A few days later, Merlin insisted they leave. Sky and his friends hadn’t been able to find any more clues about the girl since then, and Sky didn’t want to leave. There was little he could do to actually fight Merlin at that point, not without having his own travel magic sorted out. He promised Isa and Lea that he would try searching for leads, in case she had somehow gotten off Radiant Garden entirely. They said that they would work on their own plans too.
It would take Sky three or four years to get back to Radiant Garden. Merlin wouldn’t take them back, despite his pleading, despite traveling to other worlds. Eventually, the old sorcerer told Sky the world had been over-run by darkness, and was considered lost. It was best he just stay away. Sky was caught off guard by this, and wanted to know what had happened to Isa and Lea. Merlin told him that he wasn’t sure, and that they were most likely lost as well.
Sky was horrified, and denied that they could be. Merlin told him that it couldn’t be helped, since that was what happened when worlds fell. But, the sorcerer did take Sky to Traverse Town next, the place for those that had lost their worlds. If there was a chance they had survived, that’s where they would have ended up.
Isa and Lea weren’t there. Sky did meet Leon and some of the others, who couldn’t tell him anything either, but he was glad that at least some people escaped. It gave him hope that Isa and Lea had gotten off too. That they weren’t there wasn’t as important as the fact that not everyone had been taken by the darkness. It meant that either Lea or Isa
Even as he made friends and tried to study more, Sky was still worried about what had really happened back at Radiant Garden. Merlin couldn’t stop him from trying to master his own powers, even if he was refusing to take his student back to the world he was wondering about. But after years of working to figure out his teleportation, Sky finally made a breakthrough and figured out how to move between worlds. He visited several other worlds, and would later claim he just got over-excited once he figured it out. In reality the first time it actually worked was more of an accident than anything else, and didn’t land him anywhere accurately. He wasn’t able to get back to his starting point right away either, so Merlin finding him to lecture on him being reckless was actually something of a relief.
But he grew more bold after that. Radiant Garden, at least as he knew it, proved to be hard to get into at first, as if something was stopping him. But the young wizard could be incredibly stubborn and eventually, one day, he found himself suddenly standing in what had once been Radiant Garden, completely caught off-guard because he hadn’t been expecting the spell to be successful. For a moment he thought he’d really messed up and gone off course.
The Radiant Garden he had known had become Hollow Bastion. It was nothing like what he remembered. Almost all his familiar landmarks were gone. He started to search the area, looking for anything - and anyone - that was remotely familiar. All he found was a twisted echo of the castle he once knew, filled with heartless that he was at least able to use magic to defend himself from. He had hoped, somehow, that Isa or Lea would be there. That they had managed to survive, and return home. The reality of Hollow Bastion dashed those hopes, but there was that stubborn core that refused to give up. He searched, just in case he wa wrong.
Then he ran into Maleficent.
He had heard of her in vague whispered rumors, but hadn’t expected to find her here, calling herself the mistress of the castle he had been familiar with. Merlin had made her sound terrifying. Sky knew he probably should at least be wary.
Instead, he demanded to know what she had done, and where everyone was. When she just laughed and admitted to taking over, Sky demanded to know what she’s done with the people, and his friends. She only grew annoyed at him demanding answers of her, and when Sky wouldn’t back down, the two fought. It was a brief, though destructive battle. Merlin showed up to pull Sky out of it before things got any worse, and delivered a blistering lecture to his students about overestimating himself once they were sayve. He told him firmly that he head heard everyone one in the castle at least was gone by the time Maleficent showed up. This just confused Sky more, but it also made him determined to figure out what had really happened with his friends. He started researching magical scrying, sure there was some way to see between worlds.

Kingdom Hearts

Sky has continued his scrying research over the years, but also found himself looking into the worlds that were falling to darkness, especially as it was happening more and more frequently. Most of his time was spent traveling, visiting different worlds to see if he could notice something was off. Merlin kept sending him places too, to keep him out of trouble. He kept in contact with his teacher via a small magic mirror, because Merlin insisted it was the most reliable way. Sometimes he would take breaks in Traverse Town, spending time with the friends he had made there.
Except one day, when he tried to contact Merlin, it wasn’t the wizard that answered the magic mirror. It was a young boy called Sora, the new keyblade wielder. Because the mirrors were simple things that mostly used sound, Sora was under the impression that the voice was a spirit in the mirror itself. Sky thought this was funny, and didn’t correct him. Instead, he decided to use this fact to send Sora on a sort of scavenger hunt, setting up clues in various worlds for him to find, to lead him to a treasure he had carefully hidden for the boy. Sky tried to make the award worth the effort and did praise Sora when he found one of the hidden treasures. Sky honestly had fun with it, and was going to introduce himself to Sora after everything was over.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Skystorm had actually figure out how to magically look into worlds a couple of years back, and while he found it useful, he could never seem to actually find his friends. All it ever showed him was weird dark images, or blurred images of worlds whenever he tried to find them specifically. Some were worlds he knew, and some were places he wasn’t sure he had ever been. People had been telling him that there was a slim chance that he would find his friends, especially since he didn’t know if they were still alive. He chose to keep searching.
He had hoped that after Sora defeated Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, that he would have more luck. Instead nothing changed, and the two didn’t come back. Yet, he started getting images of a world, one he hadn’t seen before, that appeared more than once. Eventually he found out it was called Twilight Town. When it appeared again, clearer than ever, he chased after the lead, and visited the world for the first time.
He didn’t find Lea, but he did run into a boy who called himself ‘Roxas’ and looked almost identical to his old friend Ventus. It came as a shock for him, but when Twilight Town turned into a dead end in his search for his old friends, he left on other missions Merlin had requested of him..
After he discovered Twilight Town, Merlin had him exploring other worlds for signs of heartless, and chasing sightings of a keyblade. This, and his search for his friends, actually made him an unintentional thorn in the Organization's side for a brief period, since he kept turning up in the same world they were trying to explore. This cumulated in a short clah with Xaldin, before a heartless attacked both of them, and Xaldin was recalled.
But Skystorm had eventually recognized the old castle guard in Xaldin, and began to wonder what had really happened to his friends ...
He headed back to Twilight Town look for more answers, but couldn’t find Roxas or anything else that looked helpful.

Kingdom Hearts II

Although he still couldn’t find anything, he went back to the newly-restored Hollow Bastion when Merlin called him to ask him to help rebuild the town . He was happy to help out his friends in the Restoration Committee anyway, and he hoped that maybe he could find something that would lead to answer about what truly happened to his friends if he looked through the castle itself. Part of him hoped that he would find nothing, simply because he didn’t want to think about what it would mean.
All that was derailed when his memories of Sora returned, and then Sora himself showed up while Skystorm was meeting with the rest of the committee. Sky promptly hugged the boy, telling him he was glad he was all right, which confused poor Sora since he had never met Sky face-to-face before. After admitting about the whole magic-mirror bit, Sora was momentarily annoyed but quickly decided it was kind of funny.
For the next while, although he regularly check in at Radiant Garden to continue his own research, Sky continued to travel to other worlds on his own. Part of it was out of boredom, part of it was looking for real clues. However, he did stop to set up obstacle courses designed to help Sora master his new forms. At least he was open about what he was doing this time, and always tried to encourage Sora through them.
When Sora finds out Kairi is missing, taken captive by a Nobody, he mentions this to Skystorm. Sky offers to scry and help Sora find her, because he doesn’t want anyone else to lose a friend. The spell is shaky, and he isn’t sure why at first since it’s the same one he uses to check on his own family and it’s always worked before.... Then it shatters the moment he gets it to work, as his own concentration is destroyed. Because for the moment it was working he had thought the figure next to her looked...startling familiar. It takes him a while to really accept what he had seen. He tried to convince himself that it was someone else. But deep in his heart he knew his first reaction of ‘Lea’ was probably right. He just said that the spell wasn’t working right, and apologize when Sora asked what was the matter.
The heartless attack was a distraction, one that made him very angry. The people that he now called friends were here. He was not going to let the heartless take this place again, not when he was here and able to do something about it.
After the battle, he ran into Sora who mentioned Axel, stunning Sky again. He had hoped so much that he had been mistaken, but when he pressed Sora for details the man he described sounded far to much like an older Lea for his liking.
He wasn’t given much time to think on it though, as he went searching for more information about what the Organization was doing, or what they would be targeting next. They knew they were in other worlds after all.
While exploring a world, by complete accident he ran into Saix. For a long moment he almost didn’t recognize Isa in the Nobody, but Saix saw him before he could figure out what to do. When Sky uncertainly used the name ‘Isa’ with him, Saix actually seemed confused for a moment, before he called Sky by name. Then y said that Isa was gone. He was Saix. At least by now, with his heart heavy, Sky was able to identify him as Isa’s Nobody. He still tried to talk to Saix, but was just brushed away. When he refused to just leave though, or let Saix walk away because he wanted answers, Saix attacked. Sky didn’t really want to fight his friend, was forced to fight back defensively. He had just realized that he might be in trouble if he didn’t start to be more aggressive, because Saix wasn’t going to hold back, when suddenly Saix did stop...and Xenmas showed up.
Even Sky’s confidence wavered a little, and he felt a chill up his spine. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to escape from both of them. Xenmas didn’t attack though, instead saying he wanted to talk. He offered a place in the Organization to Sky, arguing that all they were doing was trying to regain their own hearts. Could you really blame them for trying so hard? And if he was so concerned about the damage they would cause, then wouldn’t it be better to contain it?
Sky hesitated for a split second, then threw a flare spell at him and teleported away.
He fled back to the newly rechristened Radiant Garden out of reflex. After avoiding Leon and several of the Reconstruction Committee members, he disappeared. Since everything about that was out-of-character for Sky, his friends grew concerned. They went to Merlin about it after they couldn’t Sky, since he was acting different. Maybe something really was wrong with him
It was Merlin who actually found Sky in the end, holed up in the castle library, looking for more answers. The wizard eventually told the rest of the reconstruction committee, since he thought people who considered Sky a friend might have a better chance of drawing him out. They went to see him, and eventually he admitted that he thought he knew at least a few members of the organization, although he couldn’t tell anyone what they might be planning.
Eventually, after Sora’s confrontation with Xenmas, the reconstruction committee, along with Skystorm, got word back that the entire Organization had been taken out. It should have been a relief. It was a relief that Xenmas and the rest were gone, even he was willing to admit that. But it also meant that the faint hope he’d had of getting Isa and Lea back was gone with them.

Blank Points

Skystorm returned to his homeworld for a while, as he tried to process things. True had been years since he had actually seen either of his old friend and he didn’t think the confrontation with Saix really counted. But they were still his friends, and he felt he should have been able to do something for them. Eventually he returns to Radiant Garden, being a little quieter than usual but that was the only outward sign of how much it weighed on him. At the very least he’s trying to help his friends that were still there, and reading some of the Reports helped him figure out what might have happened, and start to come to terms with it.
Eventually he got word from Yen Sid, much to his surprise. He was asked to go examine the mansion in Twilight Town, so see if there was any more information about the Organization that Ansem the Wise could have left there. Leon thought it would be a good idea too, just to see if there was something there that could help against Xehanort. So, Sky left once again to Twilight Town. Besides, he hopes that it might give him a lead to Ventus as well. He might have failed to help Lea and Isa, but maybe this time he can do something..

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Skystrom heads to the Mysterious Tower after his trip to the mansion. He’d found some files, but all of them concerning the Organization that was now gone. He thought maybe Yen Sid would know more, and swept in as Yen Sid was preparing Sora and Riku for their mark of mastery exam. After greeting the keyblade wielders, he said gave a brief report, and then stayed around in the tower room out of curiosity during the exam itself.
He discussed what he had managed to find in the mansion with Mickey and Yen Sid, and admitted he’d had a run in with Xenmas. When Malifencent sent her ransom note, Skystorm was going to go to help. He wanted another shot at Maleficent in addition to actually being helpful. Yen Sid stopped him though, since he wanted him to be backup in case anything did go wrong. Plus he could keep an eye on what was going on anyway, considering how much he’d been studying scrying. Skystorm did scry to make sure he wasn’t needed...then accidently snapped the spell when Lea showed up.
When Lea showed up with Mickey, Skystorm hailed him by the name ‘Lea’. When he responded and recognized him, Sky tackled him into a hug in relief, and all but knocked him over.
After Sky had calmed down and Lea explained why he was here, Yen Sid agreed to give him some training. He had Sky take Lea to Merlin, and the wizard them took them to a place without time. Sky tired to help with Lea’s training, since he wanted to do something but they were interrupted by the news that Sora was in danger. Both of them immediately headed back to the Mysterious Tower where things are explained to them. Sky insists on going with the rescue party, because he didn’t want to just sit by helplessly again.
He and Donald manage to get everyone there, and at least he can say that his landing his more graceful than the rest of the party. Once they bring Sora back, he stays around the Tower with Lea and everyone else while Riku goes to save his heart. He welcomes both Sora and Riku back warmly once they wake up. He’s also very enthusiastic about Lea eventually getting a keyblade.

Kingdom Hearts III

Sky is keeping an eye on Lea and Kairi’s training, occasionally assisting them. He’s taken it upon himself to teach Kairi magic too, since he thinks she might have a knack for it, and thinks it’s just criminal she hasn’t picked it up before. It gives him and Lea time to talk too, since by this point he knew about who Roxas was. That he had run into the boy once already was a shock to both of them. Also, hearing Lea talk about what had happened in Radiant Garden, how he and Isa had been dragged into the Organization, helped him understand why things had turned out the way they had. Talking about Saix and why he was still in the Organization made Sky admit that he had a run-in with both their old friend and Xenmas. Lea was surprised he managed to get away, but was happy that he had.
They both decided that they would rescue Isa somehow, even if they aren’t exactly sure how yet.
Sky still occasionally leaves the world without time in order to get supplies or check up on what was actually going on. During trip into Twilight Town to talk to her Merlin he ran into Sora. During their conversation, Sky mentioned that he had actually managed to meet Roxas once by accident. Sora’s actually a bit shocked. Hayner, Pence and Oleete wanted to know more about Roxas, but Sky was forced to admit that he really knew nothing since he had only run into him once.
When Merlin came to get them because they were ready for the final battle, Sky took both Lea and Kairi to the mysterious tower himself. He had wanted to see Ventus again too, and was very happy to see him up and all right. He apologized for not being able to get to him, though Ven just brushed it off, since if Sky couldn't find him that was a good thing, and it had all worked out in the end..
When the group disperses to prepare itself for the coming fight, Yen Sid has Skystorm stay behind, to talk about contingency plans in case all else fails. Sky doesn’t really want to hear it, believing that his friends would win, but Yen Sid insisted that he listen just in case. He also argued against behind left behind, even though he could tell that was futile. Sky still showed up to wish the group good luck when they left for the Keyblade Graveyard.
Skystorm paced a lot after the left, and Yen Sid made him stay in the Mysterious tower instead of ‘checking on something’ so he wouldn’t try to sneak off to the Keyblade Graveyard on his own.
Then Yen Sid realized something was going wrong, and took off for the Keyblade Graveyard himself before Skystorm could go instead. Merlin showed up to try and keep an eye on things, but as soon as his master was distracted, Skystorm followed Yen Sid. He showed up in time to serve as back up for the sorcerer, freeing up Goofy and Donald to go chasing after Sora. He wanted to go after them too, but Yen Sid said that the two of them couldn’t do anything at the moment. It was up to the Keyblade Wielders to overcome the darkness
Sky waits through the opening of Kingdom Hearts, and then feels weak enough with relief that he almost collapses when it finally closes again. Still, there’s all tense rolling in his gut before he sights the group coming back toward them. Yen Sid congratulate them solemnly, but notices there’s a few missing - including Sora. As everything explained to them - about Kairi and how Sora had gone after her, it hit Skystorm hard. Sora was a friend, and Kairi had been his first student or however brief a time it had been. He prayed that both of them would come back safe.
In the meantime, the group returned to the Mysterious Tower for a brief time to look after their wounds, then split up. Skystrom chose to go help drop off Roxas, Xion and Lea at Twilight Town to reunite with his friends there. They stayed there for a brief while before they got word from Radiant Garden. Isa was back. They left immediately, Roxas and Xion choosing to stay behind and wait for them to return.
After their reunion, Skystorm just happy to have both his friends back, they asked Isa was he was going to do. He chose to return to Twilight Town.


Skystorm is typically cheerful, upbeat, gregarious and bright. He’s very social, and loves people. He’s also playfully dramatic in most situations and seems to enjoy life. Sky just wears his heart on his sleeve most of the time - when he’s happy you know, when he’s upset it’s obvious. He’s also an energetic person by nature, and people sometimes find it a little overwhelming. He’ll get overly-exited or focused on something then rush into something without fully thinking a plan out. Even his friends say that it’s impossible to not know when Sky is in a room, he always has a presence. He never tried to gain the reputation, but he does seem to find he’s become ‘that eccentric wizard’ entirely amusing.
He’s actually genuinely encouraging and if someone asks him for help, or to teach them something he’s usually happy too. Though whether he can actually explain something in away that can be easily understood is up in the air.
It actually sometimes catches people off guard during the moments when he’s quieter because they’re just used to the way he is when you first meet him. The energy isn’t exactly a mask, but there are just moments when he feels the need to slow down. He does take things seriously normally, but this is the point people usually realize he actually means it. He is, as he reminds people, being trained to be a wizard and you have to know to study for that.
Sky is actually also a flirt when he’s not seeing anyone, and has a tendency to hit on people he finds fascinating or attractive. Most of his pick-up lines are…kind of bad and it seems to be more playful than anything else so people tend to be unsure how serious he is. He takes rejection very gracefully too, which further confuses the issue. However if someone accepts one of his offers, he usually jumps right in. However when he actually falls for someone he tends to fall hard, and usually has no idea what to do.
Although it’s easy to tell when Sky is annoyed, it usually shocks people the first time they see him lose his temper and actually grow angry. Because he does not yell. He doesn’t even raise his voice. It’s just that suddenly his expression his cold, almost emotionless. His words are curt, and precise. He doesn’t show any emotions at all - because he knows exactly what happens when he lets lose with his magic when he’s truly angry and tries to maintain some sort of control. He spells he uses in his state tend lean towards his most powerful and destructive - he can cast more delicate spells even in his state but it’s much harder even with a wand for a channel. After he calms down, he always feel like his emotions have been scraped raw, he’s shaky and scared about what happened. It makes him feel emotionally vulnerable in a way that he’s not comfortable with showing to most people. So...he’ll go off to be alone for days at a time. Most of the time he goes back to his original world, because his family has a few of the people he doesn’t mind seeing him in that state. Once he comes back it’s hard to tell anything was wrong, even if he is slightly quieter for a few more days.
Sky’s actually surprisingly sensitive to other people’s moods, knowing the difference between an exasperated ‘sky wtf’ and someone actually upset or uncomfortable. He usually backs off in the latter case.
Sky in general is just very touch-feeling and very much a hugger. He very much clings or leans on his friends. He also loves playing with people’s hair, and his friends all learn if they sit still enough he’ll start messing with theirs out of boredom. He’ll also pull out tiny playful uses of magic to impress or surprise people.
Sky’s also very confident. Both personally and with his magic, Not his control of it, but that he has enough power to take care of most things. If there’s a spell he has trouble with, he’s sure he’ll get it eventually. He’s also sure that if it comes to combat against someone, he will be able to win just because of the destruction he’s capable of. This overconfidence can occasionally worry his friends and teachers.
Sky is also not good at creating elaborate plans, or even planning far ahead into the future. Setting goals for himself, like leaning a particular spell or trying to find someone? He can do that. Actually planning out how he’ll accomplish those goals? That he typically doesn’t really do, and plays it by ear most of the time.


Skystorm is a young man of average height with a slim build. He has light brown skin and long black hair that reaches past his waist when he doesn’t have it braided, although he usually does have it done up in one or more elaborate braids that he’s decorated. He also has slit-pupil lavender eyes, and small scales of a slightly darker purple shade scattered across his forehead and along the sides of his face. Slightly larger scales extend down the back of his neck along his spine to his waist, and for a few inches along the tops of his shoulders and shoulder blades. He usually wears a loose, puffy sleeved white shirt with blue detailing that has a breast pocket, tight rust colored pants, and thigh-high boots that have a pattern that looks like the night sky covering them, with silver details around the top edges and heels. Over this outfit he wears a long, ankle length sleeveless overcoat that fades from dark blue around his shoulders to a light orange color at the bottom. It has a black pattern around the edge and pockets that seem to be deeper than they have any right to be. He also wears several rings on each hand, two slim black belts with gold details, and generally keeps a blue-purple handkerchief in his chest pocket.



Magic is Skystorm’s primary ability, both in combat and just in most of his life. He’s an apprentice wizard, and that means he’s a highly skilled mage - no matter how else he acts. He uses high-level combat spells in fights most of the time, if he thinks that he has the room for it. A spell he discovered called Flare is actually one of his favorites, and he has several variations of it. Outside of battle he uses a wand to help him channel and control his magic for more subtle spells. He’s capable of a wide variety of spells. Scrying is one spell class he’s become a self-proclaimed expert in, as well as an invisibility spell. He’s also learned a lot from Merlin, and has a tendency to enchant objects to move or dance. The pockets on his robe and his bag are also enchanted too. Although he hasn’t quite mastered moving an entire house’s worth of stuff yet, both can hold far more than you expect.
Sky has a tremendous amount of magical energy in general. The most powerful spell he has been seen to cast is Megaflare. Only a very few know he is capable of this, and even fewer have seen him do it.


Skystorm has three white crows named Stratus, Cirrius, and Nimbus that serve as familiars. They’re incredibly intelligent, capable of doing simple missions on their own, and recognizing certain people on their own. Sky has used them as messengers more than once because of this. He’s also capable of using them as mobile spies, using magic to look through their eyes and even have them speak in his voice. He can even send them to other worlds, although he only does this in an absolute emergency. He cares for them a lot and hates putting them in direct danger. They are usually around him though, even when he tries to keep them out of the way. They do have a mischievous streak of their own and have been known to pull pranks/go exploring on their own.

Teleportation/World Travel

Skystorm’s ability to world travel is one of the things that set him apart. Being able to go between worlds without being a keyblade wielder is incredibly, incredibly rare but not unheard of. It typically does signal that someone has a massive amount of magical power. Also learning to use this power can take time. It took years of practice and constant study for Skystorm to be able to get to the worlds he wanted even semi-relibally. By the time he gets to his twenties he usually can hit the worlds he aims for, but where he will land in a new world can be very uncertain. In worlds he’s familiar with, like his home world or Twilight Town, he usually hits the mark. But worlds he’s just arriving ar he’s not nearly as precies. He’s ended up appearing in midair, on a roof, in the middle of a fountain…... (that he will claim he meant to do the last. For dramatic effect of course.). He also isn’t quite as sure about his control when it comes to taking people with him, so will only do so in emergency situations.
A talent for teleportation is also connected to this. Within a world he usually reliable teleport to places he’s been or knows well, as well as almost any place in line-of-sight.
Skystorm is usually comfortable taking people with him on interworld teleports, though he insists they have to be in physical contact for it to work.


Skystorm’s eyes actually offer him an enhanced lowlight/nighttime vision, similar to a cat’s. This also make his eyes reflect light, and he might find it a bit amusing when he accidently startles people with that fact.



Skystorm wasn’t originally a fandom character. He’s a random OC that just sprang to mind. Despite having a large chunk of his family history developed, I couldn’t really figured out a true ‘plot’ for him. So he bounced around fandoms with slight alterations for a while. I tried writing him into an original story, but the character that developed from that really moved far away from what I thought of as being essentially Skystorm, so I changed the main characters name and Skystorm went back to being ‘homeless’. Then as I was playing Kingdom Hearts III I realized that it was easy to see Skystorm in the world. His hoping between fandoms had become an actual thing in my mind, and Kingdom Hearts worked perfectly with that. Plus I thought he had chemistry with some of the characters. So he found his home in Kingdom Hearts.
I did have to change his design somewhat. He originally had golden eyes, but I didn’t want to cause confusion so I changed them. I considered green originally but didn’t want him mixed up with Maleficent either. After that I settled on purpose because it really did fit him the best. .


The colors for Sky’s overrode were taken from pictures of an evening sky, so I drew on sky images for the rest of his outfit too.

Appearances in Other Universes



  • Sky’s crows weren’t originally white. Shortly after he became an apprentice he tried to change their wing colors to make them look cooler. He overcooked the spell and ended up bleaching them instead. He pretends that’s what he intended to do all along, but right after that happened he’d run to Merlin worried he’d hurt them. Merlin assured him that they were all right, but he got a lecture about it. .
  • Skystorm is Not very good at physical combat. He can put up impressive shields to defend himself, but he’s failed a struggle tournament before. It’s why he tends to worry people sometimes when he goes charging in.
  • He hordes hair accessories. He seems to have them all stored in the bag he sometimes carried with him into new worlds, even though it also seems to contain a massive wardrobe of clothes and a small library of books.
  • Sky has a tendency to pull out a bits of magic for fun and accidently shock/confuse people. Not everyone is used to enchanted dusters cleaning a room by themselves, for example. It tends to be the main reason that Sky gets lectured about maintaining world like he’s supposed too.
  • According to his mother, his father actually told her he was a dragon before he left, but since he didn’t look any different from a regular human, she didn’t believe him until after Sky was born.
There are some people who met Sky in adulthood who think that his eyes and scales are cosmetic changes he made himself because they can just see him doing that. Although he doesn’t really talk about it, a good chucnk of the worlds that Sky goes to on his own have at least some rumors he hopes will lead to his father. Even in places where he’s searching for something else, he’ll keep his ears open..

Profile by Erandia
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