


5 years, 2 months ago


**Not on there anymore

    General Information

Name: Salem

Age: 3 years old (~28)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Orientation: Heterosexuality

Faction/Loner: Loner

Nicknames: Satan, Lucifer, etc

    Physical Appearance


Siamese, Burmese, Burmilla, Devon Rex, Maine Coon

Physical Description: 

She's a thin short furred female that has blindness in her right eye.


- An eye patch that has a lemon on the front of it.
-1 plastic water bottle that she looses a lot. She hates it and wants to replace it.
-She has  a small bag that is carried on her side, though it's small and doesn't carry much.
-A lemon yellow colored dagger

Voice: Marina Lambrini Diamandis voice (Might change later?)


Salem can be encouraging at times, but also very rude and vicious. She calls everyone honey and doesn't like to talk about herself very much. She holds grudges and will try to take revenge on people if necessary. Don't mention her eye and don't call her Lemon.

Strengths & Weaknesses: 

- She has a good sense of smell
- Strong back legs (Good for jumping and climbing)

- Can't see to the right of self because of blind eye
- Not good at finding water
- Not best at swimming

Background: (I need to rewrite this sometime and make it sound better)
    Salem was born in an abandoned bar with her 3 other siblings. Their mother was the only other one there for them and if they asked about their father, they would get in trouble. Salem and her siblings got along fine, though Salem was the outcast at times because she didn’t want to play as much as her other siblings did.
    One day as she was exploring around the bar, her siblings decided to play a trick on her and scare her. They snuck up on her and jumped out at her, which did indeed scare her. She jumped up onto the counter and then one more leap onto a shelf on the wall were most of the bottles were stored. She hissed at them and yelled about how they shouldn’t do that. Her siblings tired of her being the way she was mocked her, and one told her they were going to tell their mom about how she jumped up somewhere they weren’t allowed to. Salem, in a panic, backed up and bumped into a cream colored basket filled with a ton of colorful bottles. The basket was already dangling off the edge dangerously, but as she bumped into the basket, it was enough force to make the basket fall. It landed right on top of her siblings, making an ear splitting, crashing noise.
Their mother ran over and stared horrified at the mess of blood, fur, and glass. The racket didn’t just alert their mom, but also a mass of zombies. Salem seen them the hoard and ran. Salem was positive that her mother saw her, and she knew her mother wouldn’t forgive her. She didn’t warn them about the zombies. Maybe she should of, but she when thought of her family being dead, she just felt empty and no emotions whatsoever.
    She jumps off the shelf and onto the floor, but as she ran, her paws got tangled up underneath her and she trip, hitting her eye into a sharp corner. She let out a small wail, but got up anyways. She kept her eye closed, or what she thought was closed, until she found a mirror. She gazed into the mirror, her eye was puffed up, but it was open. A wave of terror smacked her in the face as she realized she couldn’t see out of that eye. She ran from the bar and her past as soon as she could.
    Salem isn't good around other people or big groups and she survives fine enough. She struggles with water sometimes, but she has good luck with finding food. She hangs around bars out of habit, but never goes back to the one she was born at. Her eye never did heal correctly, so her eye is always swollen, she hates how it looks so she wears a eye patch that she found in a bar.

There is also a rumor said that Salem is actually Satan.


Mother: Maisy - NPC - Assumed to be dead
Father: Unknown
Brothers: Owen & Juelz - NPC - Assumed to be dead
Sisters: Serenity - NPC - Assumed to be dead

***Group under construction
Group here

----Character information----

Name:  Salem

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years old

Pronouns: she/her
Attraction: Heterosexuality

Group: Fruit

Food: Lemon

Role(If in cult): Leader


----Character appearance----
Species: Cat
(Breeds: Siamese, Burmese, Burmilla, Devon Rex, Maine Coon)
- An eye patch that has a lemon on the front of it.
-She has two cloaks, A lemon colored one which is very bright, then a darker one. She seems to prefer the lemon colored one.
Voice: Marina Lambrini Diamandis voice (Still haven't decide if I wanted to change or not)


Personality -
Her rudeness she had before she became leader soon turned into more of sass. Which can be better then how she use to act or worse.

Positive- Encouraging, Smart enough
Neutral-  Calls everyone honey, Bold
Negative- Sassy, Vicious, Holds grudges

Strengths/Weaknesses -
- She has a good sense of smell
- Strong back legs (Good for jumping and climbing)

- Can't see to the right of self because of blind eye
- Not best at swimming

Past -
((Background contains slight death/gore))
Salem was born in an abandoned bar with her 3 other siblings. Their mother was the only other one there for them and if they asked about their father, they would get in trouble. Salem and her siblings got along fine, though Salem was the outcast at times because she didn’t want to play as much as her other siblings did.
One day as she was exploring around the bar, her siblings decided to play a trick on her and scare her. They snuck up on her and jumped out at her, which did indeed scare her. She jumped up onto the counter and then one more leap onto a shelf on the wall were most of the bottles were stored. She hissed at them and yelled about how they shouldn’t do that. Her siblings tired of her being the way she was mocked her, and one told her they were going to tell their mom about how she jumped up somewhere they weren’t allowed to. Salem, in a panic, backed up and bumped into a cream colored basket filled with a ton of colorful bottles. The basket was already dangling off the edge dangerously, but as she bumped into the basket, it was enough force to make the basket fall. It landed right on top of her siblings, making an ear splitting, crashing noise.
Their mother ran over and stared horrified at the mess of blood, fur, and glass. The racket didn’t just alert their mom, but also a mass of zombies. Salem seen them the hoard and ran. Salem was positive that her mother saw her, and she knew her mother wouldn’t forgive her. She didn’t warn them about the zombies. Maybe she should of, but she when thought of her family being dead, she just felt empty and no emotions whatsoever.
She jumps off the shelf and onto the floor, but as she ran, her paws got tangled up underneath her and she trip, hitting her eye into a sharp corner. She let out a small wail, but got up anyways. She kept her eye closed, or what she thought was closed, until she found a mirror. She gazed into the mirror, her eye was puffed up, but it was open. A wave of terror smacked her in the face as she realized she couldn’t see out of that eye. She ran from the bar and her past as soon as she could.
Salem isn't good around other people or big groups and she survives fine enough. She struggles with water sometimes, but she has good luck with finding food. She hangs around bars out of habit, but never goes back to the one she was born at. Her eye never did heal correctly, so her eye is always swollen, she hates how it looks so she wears a eye patch that she found in a bar. There is also a rumor said that Salem is actually Satan.

AshenDream, a cat who has the power to see all universes and worlds, got interested into Salem's life. While watching she finds a universe where Salem ended up amounting to nothing, AshenDream decides to play with life and borrows a powerful necklace from her friend to be able to travel threw universes. AshenDream gets to Salem and forces her threw into a different world to give Salem a chance to have a more interesting life.
The Fobearic world. At this time the Vegetable Cult had attacked the Fruit Cult killing their leader and second in command and a ton of their people. The fruit cult was lost on what to do and were all terrified, suddenly Salem appears in their territory. Though she wasn't a normal creature like everyone else, her eye patch had a picture of a lemon on it and the fruit cult seen this as a sign and started worshiping Salem and forced her to be the leader despite her saying no.
Stressed one day by being forced to be leader and needing to find a second in command, she catches a mouse (Melina), she complains to her catch for a while before realizing the mouse could also talk. In embarrassment, she decided that she already told the mouse mostly everything so the mouse might as well be brought back to the cult and become second in command.

Theme song - It's Alright - Mother Mother
(Still haven't decide if I wanted to change or not)



Mother: Maisy - NPC - Assumed to be dead
Father: Unknown
Brothers: Owen & Juelz - NPC - Assumed to be dead
Sisters: Serenity - NPC - Assumed to be dead


----Your roleplay info----

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