Rosalie Brookerson



4 years, 11 months ago




Full Name Rosalie Brookerson

Age 19

Gender cis woman

Pronouns she/her

Sexual Orientation bisexual

Height 5’4




-Grew up on a rebel base. Edith and Maxwell's are her adoptive parents, after her father was killed when she was 8 (her mother died when she was a baby). Samuel and Fredrick are her adopted brothers. Her and Georgia are close friends (and eventual love interests).

-An idealist at heart. Optimistic, empathetic and compassionate. She wears her heart on her sleeve. Bit of a dreamer, frequently gets distracted and zones out easily. She reads a lot, and most of the magic that she knows she taught herself from books, although she did learn some from Edith. She’s a pretty good mage, and learns quickly.

-Resourceful, with a lot of ideas and enthusiasm, and works well under pressure. She’s typically the one who comes up with the creative plans whenever her and her friends have to solve a problem. Unfortunately, she's impatient and doesn't tend to think things through. Her rash, impulsive decisions and lack of insight often get her into trouble.

-Thankfully, she’s nearly as skilled at getting herself out of messes as she is at creating them, so it usually works out in the end, but still... She’s stubborn. Once she sets her mind on something it's very difficult to dissuade her, regardless of how dangerous and harebrained it is. 

-Worries a lot about her friends and family. She grew up in a situation where her parental figures were often in danger; and to this day her adoptive parents are still highly wanted by the monarchy for their involvement with the rebellion (Rosalie herself too since she’s their daughter, but that doesn’t bother her nearly as much). She watched her biological father get captured and arrested by a Divine Mage right in front of her as a child, and has never forgotten that helplessness. He was later executed. She feels a lot of guilt about being unable to do anything, even though she knows that rationally it’s not her fault and she was just a kid.


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