King Jasper



3 years, 9 months ago




Full Name King Jasper

Age 56(45 physically)

Gender cis man

Pronouns he/him

Sexual Orientation bisexual

Height 5’9




-The king of the country of Citlevia. He became king as a young adult and doesn’t ever plan on relinquishing that title: he’s a Divine Mage, meaning he went through a complex ritual that gives him godlike powers(literally, it allows him to "borrow" the magic of an ancient goddess) and slows down aging. The rest of the Divine Mages are magically tethered to him; he’s able to strip them of their powers should they ever betray him. He also has the strongest connection to the goddess’s magic. Even with this, though, his thirst for power is still too strong to be satisfied.

-His ex-wife Priscilla, his younger cousin Clair, and his old friend Vincent are the only people he truly cares about, for the most part. He’s formed attatchments to other people in the past, but those have all been short lived. He’s incredibly self absorbed, seeing himself as the centre of the universe and almost everyone else as a mere pawn. He’s good at faking it, though. He’s intelligent, a talented manipulator, and can be quite charming when he needs to be.

-He’s a corrupt and tyrannical leader. While most of Citlevia’s rulers have been of a similar character, Jasper doesn’t care to hide it like his predecessors. He has absolute power so it’s not like anyone can do much to stop him.

-Growing up, he was extremely spoiled. No one ever says no to him, and he always has to have his way or else he throws a tantrum (he also cannot handle rejection whatsoever). He was the sole heir to the throne, and always got special treatment, even as far as royalty goes. It also lead to him developing an intense fear of death. It was drilled into him as a kid that he was not to die no matter what because he was the only heir. It’s no wonder that the idea of becoming a (mostly) immortal and powerful demigod appealed to him.

-The idea to use the goddess’s power to achieve a pseudo-immortality wasn’t originally his; his grandfather had researched the subiect extensively but died before he was able to put any of his plans into action. Jasper came across this research as an older teen, and dedicated the rest of his life to refining and enacting it.


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