
5 years, 7 days ago



Name Clementine
Age Undefined
Species Dreamy Ursa
Type of Ursa Lucid
Gender Female
Height 5’3” ft
Orient. Aromantic Asexual
Origins Rem Dimension

  • Pupils: Regular - Common
  • Ears: Regular - Common
  • Halo: None - Common
  • Dream Dust: One Tone - Common
  • Dream Charms: Stars - Common
  • Wings: Angel - Common
  • Other: Neck Dream Puffs - Uncommon

Clementine is a wise and intelligent Dreamy Ursa. She’s got an all-knowing air around her, and it follows her around like an aura. She’s always been naturally curious of the world and has an unlimited amount of thirst for knowledge as a result.

She's a generally calm person and is usually unfazed by a lot of things. However, she does have her limits. If you bother any of her friends or even dare to ruin any of her books or journals, which she has large collections of, she won't hesitate to go off on you. Whenever she's triggered enough to, it comes off as a big surprise since she's usually so composed in her demeanor.

Lastly, though she's usually serious and collected, she does like to crack lighthearted jokes whenever she senses a bad shift in the mood in a social situation. She's not heartless and will help anyone that she cares for. She can't say the same for anyone she's not that close with, but she tries.


  • She likes writing and reading poems. It sounds like such a weird and boring hobby, but poetry has always intrigued her. Literature in general spikes her interest. This is one of the many reasons for why she gets excited whenever she gets the chance to explore a new book or library.
  • Clementine usually speaks in a serious and majestic tone, like she’s the calming narrator to a fairy tale. Her voice has a soothing quality to it.
  • She’s basically an immortal being. She can’t really die? Like all Dreamy Ursas, she doesn’t really have an age, nor does she really keep track of time or birthdays. She tried making up a birthday for herself once, but she kept forgetting the date.
  • As a Dreamy Ursa, she doesn’t need to eat anything, but like most Ursas, she does eat every now and then for the flavor. Clementine actually really likes tea and honey a lot, she has a preference for sweet foods and warm drinks.
  • She’s fascinated with pastries, desserts, sweets, you name it. She, unfortunately, cannot bake all that well, but she tries anyway. Practice makes for decent results? She also likes sewing and origami, and she’s better at those tasks than baking for some reason.
  • As you can guess, Clementine is not a fan of any salty or bitter things. This is why she doesn’t really like chips and the reason for why she can’t have tea without some honey.

When Clementine was born, she was born as a Lucid Ursa within the Rem Dimension, which is where all Lucid, Dramatic, and Healing Ursas hail from.

A Lucid Ursa is a type of Dreamy Ursa that offers basic dreams that most people often receive on an uneventful night. It’s Clementine’s purpose in life to bring out a person’s dreams them until they wake up.

While a job like that would usually be interesting, since Clementine is one of the most plain and common Dreamy Ursas in existence, she never really found her duties all that entertaining. She’s in charge of relatively normal dreams, not anything big or exciting.

To prevent herself from suffering in eternal boredom, Clementine made an effort to learn more about humans and their cultures. She developed a desire for learning, knowledge, reading, writing, sewing, origami, and so much more. There were so many things about humans that she found fascinating, learning about their ways never got boring for her.

Now she currently owns an enormous library castle in the Rem Dimension detailing all of her findings about humanity. She’s written a plethora of journals about her discoveries thus far and it’s still ongoing to this day.


  • hot tea
  • honey
  • sweets
  • reading
  • writing
  • origami
  • sewing

  • ignorance
  • coffee
  • running
  • chips
  • onions
  • sour candies

Strudel Companion

Strudel is her Bubblecorn companion. Clementine absolutely adores him with all of her heart. If anyone were to hurt him, her wrath will awaken. She's made a little nice and comfy room him with a puffy little bed in her library castle. Strudel basically accompanies her 24/7, even when she's out making lucid dreams in the Rem Dimension. She spoils and pampers Strudel so much and cherishes her sweet bean. It's thanks to Strudel that Clementine isn't lonely.

Matthew Companion

Matthew is her other Bubblecorn companion, whom she also cares for very much and considers to be like family. She originally adopted him for the purpose of hopefully having him befriend Strudel and currently appreciates having his company around and enjoys engaging in any intellectual conversations with him. She was, at first, surprised by just how posh and elegant he could be. Over time, however, he’s grown to be more causal and comfortable around her, which she prefers anyway.

Elliott Friend

Elliott is her best friend, who she’s on chill terms with. She’s known him since forever, they’ve both lived in the Rem Dimension for as long as she can remember. Clementine was the one that made him curious about the outside world just by revealing all of her discoveries about it with him. She introduced him to humanity’s concept of time and even gave him a clock one time as a gift.

Hunter Friend

They’re friends. Clementine met Hunter through Elliott one day and she approves of their romantic relationship. She finds him interesting and will often ask him questions about his past experiences with the Phantasm Dimension (whenever he feels comfortable enough to disclose that information, and he grows comfortable enough over time). They’ll usually exchange deep and philosophical talks with each other, it’s all pretty insightful and meaningful.