Evangeline's Comments

Are they still wta?

Evangeline grew up in a rich religious French household, which held affinity to be one of the biggest contributors to the Roman Catholic Church. For the most part, her family was known to be quite kind and sometimes even intimidating, other than that, the public did not know much of the family’s dynamic. Within the inside of their manor walls the family’s true nature is revealed. Her father was a tyrant of a man and was usually fond to be drinking his mind to pure madness. Her mother on the other hand was the puppet master. All information publicly know about their family and it’s enemies are planted by her and her alone. Everyone in their household fears her. Then came her brother, who has been long gone from their family. Evangeline ( Evie, was his nickname for her ) was usually shielded from their mothers wrath by her brother. They would go on secret adventures together off Manor grounds even if they weren’t allowed to. He would sneak her treats on her somber birthdays of boring political parties, he had even taken the blame for her on the occasion she would cause trouble, but not on purpose. Her brother was the light of her life. Until the night he had vanished. All she remembers hearing was the screaming of their mother followed by banging and a long silence. For now, she lives her life in silence, forever grieving for her brother. Never uttering a word. Her mother on the other hand, is pleased by this and make sure her a symbol of their household, decorating the halls with her portraits Andy offering her hand in marriage to other wealthy families.

( her brother didn’t die though. He was left in the dungeon that night, and was thought to be dead by the next day. So the servant ( Angelo - his best friend ) threw him out and was nearly buried alive. Lucky, on the way out he woke up and Angelo had helped him escape. Then he started a new life out in the open seas and changed his name to Jean Noir, a vicious yet charmingly handsome pirate with no specific direction in life as he chases the thrill of living on edge. Yet deep down in his heart, he yearns to see his sister, and so he will. One day, when he’s gathered enough courage. )

This is quite interesting! It feels like a story and I'm waiting to know what the next chapter is. 

crystallizing can I claim?