


4 years, 9 months ago


[explosion sound effect]

Maxim Nikolaev

geo engineer



Autumn 1

Maxim Nikolaev is the only currently residing Nikolaev heir living in Chiron. His family, the Nikolaevs, own an extensive and powerful alchemical dynasty. Their mansion is hard to miss, and Maxim's own presence is a bit overwhelming sometimes. However, underneath a showboaty facade, he longs to be free of all of his responsibilities.

On the surface, he acts exactly like you would expect an heir to an esteemed alchemical empire to be. He's a bit loud, prideful, and flirty. He loves to be paid attention to and frequently tries to show off when he's around others. However, he is hardworking, and while he has a bit of tunnel vision on priorities, he still is very talented at alchemy. He tends to lock himself in his lab for hours at a time to tinker and experiment. Getting closer to him reveals that he actually hates being stuck in a single path for his life and he yearns to be free of the expectations set upon him. Becoming closer to him also reveals he is pretty sensitive, and more intellectual than he usually lets on with his goofy attitude. He's fiercely loyal to those close to him, too. He also has a love for horses, of which his family owns a pasture behind the mansion. His favorite is named Frederick.

Although he comes off as a "mad scientist" type, he genuinely does have a talent for alchemical concoctions. He's not too good at mathematics, which embarrasses him, so he prefers to feel out his way in his lab by endless experimentation. All around though he is a typical human, and not very strong physically.

  • Alchemy
  • Horseback Riding
  • Chess (with house rules)
  • Art
  • Boring atmospheres
  • overly formal people
  • sitting still
  • public appearances


  • His eyes, although strange looking being purple with glowing white crosses in them, hold no power typical of their appearance. Simply is an aesthetic effect that they sparkle sometimes.
the nikolaevs

Geo Magic or, as it's better known, alchemy, is the practice of distilling an energy source from Geonium, a rich deposit material in Chiron due to it's unique landscape. It's mined exclusively in the Tunnels, a structure that appeared below the town that seems to shift its makeup and route depending on if it's observed. Meaning, the Tunnels shift around underground by themselves, renewing the Geonium deposits and providing a clean and renewable resource of magical energy.

Maxim's great grandfather, Leonid, first established a method of harnessing this energy from Geonium, and over the generations since the Nikolaev family has spread its alchemical engineering prowess and business across multiple continents after finding similar Geonium deposits.


As the current heir to the Nikolaev Co., Maxim has been drilled extensively on how to conduct himself and how to manage the company. However, the problem is that Maxim was largely ignored as a child until all his siblings were able to establish roots elsewhere in the name of company expansion, therefore rendering themselves ineligible to manage the company, due to the responsibility and headache it would bring. As a result, Maxim has only been named the heir for a few years now, and he resents being shoehorned into this role that he doesn't want.

He mainly just wants to be left alone to be an engineer, but being the CEO would stick him squarely behind a desk doing paperwork for the rest of his life, marrying some girl his parents want him to and having 2.5 children. He can't stand the thought of that.

main ref:






lab gear:

hidden childhood friends

Despite their families publicly feuding Romeo and Juliet style, Maxim and Woltze have forged a deep friendship but each need to analyze if they feel deeper. They both dislike their families and find solace in each other.
unrequited crush

Maxim, despite his parents' insistence it's below his station, visits the bar rather often when he's bored. Ramiel has had to throw him out a few times. Maxim thinks Ramiel is attractive.
an insightful individual

Maxim and Oruro became very fast friends and even faster lovers, with Misha's intervention. Their mutual love of science, magic, and travel makes it easy for them to bond with each other.
mad magicist comraderie

Both have a similar way of experimenting with magic, and a dissatisfaction with authority. They would be excellent conversation partners.
walks his own path problem solver wild child ENTP