Leonid Morozov



4 years, 10 months ago


Leonid Morozov went from being a normal young man, just completed his training in Axis to become a battlefield cleric, to a peculiar little chaos mage after looking directly at a total eclipse of the sun. He wishes he had just gone blind, like his mother had warned him he would.

His cleric powers have faded, his physical appearance has completely changed over the past year, and blips of chaos keep going off around him in annoying or dangerous ways, so his superiors sent him to Fort Kaerndall, the southernmost operational military outpost on the Sea Wall. It's not a good place to be sent. The amount of supplies that make it to Fort Kaerndall are low, and the mortality rate is high; after the death of a squadmate and later their commander, Leo is crushingly aware of the fact he could be killed at just about any time, and he's begun throwing himself into risky situations to get the most out of his probably-short life and to hopefully perish in an awesome gesture of self-sacrifice.