


4 years, 11 months ago


✦ Details
AKAKalli (friendly nickname)/Kal-Kal (Nip)/Crayola (Nip)/Skittles (Jaz)/Paintball (Jaz and Matt)/Prettyboy (gang nickname for him)/Technicolour Disaster (Tommy).
SpeciesFeline (Oriental?)
PlaylistKalli's Playlist
  • Kalli: (randomly) “If you clean vacuums for a living are you a vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner cleaner?”
    Nip: “...Are you high?”
  • Kalli: "It's the first of December tomorrow...you know what that means..."
    Jaz: "...Ugh. A whole month. A whole freaking month..."
    Kalli: "You have no power over me!"
  • Kalli: "...I feel...I feel like a bastard...why'd I go and throw that away?? Lux doesn't understand what this is...I feel like I took advantage of him, and that makes me feel sick..." he tears up "...All I did was push my shit onto him, and he doesn't fucking deserve that!!"
  • (Nip huffs a laugh and gets out a cigarette.)
    Nip: "...I'm an addict, not a nutcase."
    (Pepper swats him).
    Pepper: "Don't smoke in the house!"
    Nip: "...I've been smoking in the house for at least a month now."
    (Pepper looks very offended.)
    Pepper: "Nip!!"
    Nip: "It's a big house! We have a high ceiling!"
    Pepper: "That's not the point!"
    Kalli: "Mmm. Free lung cancer."
    (Tempest tuts, with shifty eyes.)
    Tempest: "...I was....definitely unaware of this...bad Nip..."
    Pepper: "Tempest!!"
✦ Appearance
Body TypeSkinny (Oriental cat body type)
Fur ColourALL OF THEM.
Fur Length/TextureShort and sleek (think Siamese).
Eye ColourAcid green.
Clothing StyleBohemian.
Distinguishing Marks- Small hole in his left ear.
- Bullet scars on his waist.
✦ Likes
Musicals, musical theatre etc
The colour Magenta
✦ Dislikes
Being spooked (except for horror films/games)
Having his name shortened (but it happens anyway).
✦ Hobbies
Listening to music
✦ Traits
A little shy
Nervous- A scaredy-cat.
Can be haughty
Cuddly with friends
✦ Quirks
Great at keeping secrets- terrible at lying.
Loves to sing.
Prone to migraines.
✦ Phobias
Acrophobia/Vertigo (Fear of heights)
Arachnophobia (Spiders)
Clowns (Coulrophobia)
✦ Biography

Appearance (Cat):

  • He's tall and skinny, the tallest of the group. He's sometimes ribbed for being too skinny.
  • He has a necklace with a charm of a copper/bronzish feather on it.
  • Kalli would probably wear boho style clothing, he would like neutral earth tones and relaxed fits. He's pretty androgynous in clothing, but too shy to pull off the more outlandish styles like Pepper.
✦ Trivia
● He's a somewhat shy/introverted person at first, so people may think he's standoffish or snobby, but he opens up fairly quickly. 
● He's sometimes ribbed for being "snooty" or "persnickety" by his friends, and has strong opinions on what is right or wrong. 
● When he's friends with someone, he's very loving and cuddly- one of the "clingy" members of the group. He can be a bit of a pushover with people he's close with.
● He's an only child. 
● The tallest of the group.
● He once had an accident where he shoved his best friend Skimble out the the path of falling machinery and was struck instead. Since then he's been prone to migraines.
● Nicknames annoy him same as Jaz, but he gets his name shortened anyway (naturally).
● Kalli is still discovering himself. He has a girlfriend called Muff, but has definitely had confusing feelings for male friends.
● He loves to sing, and he's good at it. He has a fairly wide range, but his voice is light and pleasant.

✦ Relationships
PepperGood friends, Pepper is extroverted and Kaleidoscope is anything-goes, so Kaleidoscope generally just lets Pepper do his thing. Snuggling is very common with these two.
JazThey're pretty close, and get on well. Both have a deep love for music. Kalli will often lean on/cuddle Jaz. Jaz allows it.
MattKalli puts up with Matt's boisterousness. Matt takes advantage of Kalli's easygoing nature and will rope him into shenanigans.
AlanGet on well, both fairly quiet when left to their own devices.
SkimbleVery close friends. Often found sitting by each-other, sometimes cuddling.
NipHad a fling in the past, both got over it quickly. Still good friends. Nip will let Kalli hug him.

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