


4 years, 11 months ago


✦ Details
AKAPepsi/Pep (friendly nicknames but only close friends or Jaz.), Magpie (Jess, Tempest).
SpeciesFeline (Siamese x Tortoiseshell)
PlaylistPepper's Playlist
  • "Floor grapes! My favourite kind of grape."
  • Kalli: “He’s gotta do the old farmer and the donkey trick.”
    Pepper: “...The what and the what trick?!”
    Kalli: “You know...where the donkey falls down the well and the farmer starts to bury him...”
    Pepper: “OH, that. I thought it was a euphemism.”
    Kalli: “...A euphemism for what?”
    Pepper: “I DON’T KNOW!?”
  • Get the fuck away from my boyfriend!!
  • Tommy: "...I'm not sure how I feel about having a spell put on me, especially considering..." (He looks pointedly at Velvet).
    Pepper: "-But you were fine with bumping me off?? Go fuck yourself with a cactus, Tommy."
    Tommy: "...Fine."
    (Italian giggles).
    Tommy: "The oath, you-" (He looks exasperated).
  • (Nip huffs a laugh and gets out a cigarette.)
    Nip: "...I'm an addict, not a nutcase."
    (Pepper swats him).
    Pepper: "Don't smoke in the house!"
    Nip: "...I've been smoking in the house for at least a month now."
    (Pepper looks very offended.)
    Pepper: "Nip!!"
    Nip: "It's a big house! We have a high ceiling!"
    Pepper: "That's not the point!"
    Kalli: "Mmm. Free lung cancer."
    (Tempest tuts, with shifty eyes.)
    Tempest: "...I was....definitely unaware of this...bad Nip..."
    Pepper: "Tempest!!"
✦ Appearance
Body TypeSlim/toned
Fur ColourBlack/white
Fur Length/TextureShort, quite sleek but soft.
Eye ColourDark blue
Clothing StyleScene/cute
Distinguishing Marks- Small hole in left ear from a forced piercing.
✦ Likes
Lady Gaga
His boyfriend Jaz
His half-siblings
Rose-creams (rose-flavoured fondants)
The colour Green
✦ Dislikes
Anyone mistreating his friends/family.
Britney Spears music (except"Womaniser").
✦ Hobbies
Puzzle games, especially "escape the room" types.
Magic (Blue caster).

✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
Likes to pull pranks.
Tugs on his ear as a nervous tic.
Kinky bish.
✦ Phobias
Arachnophobia (Spiders)
Astrapophobia (Thunderstorms)
Pnigophobia (Strangling/Choking/Drowning)
✦ Biography


  • He is half Irish and half Thai (Irish tortoiseshell mother, and a Siamese father). 
  • He has a lot of half-siblings, including Skimble (related through the Siamese side).
  • He is a doting brother, as one of the eldest middle brothers. He adores his siblings and will do anything to protect them.
✦ Trivia
● Pepper is loyal almost to a fault with his friends, doggedly staying by their sides through anything. He has a hot temper and a short fuse, but rarely stays angry for long.
● Pepper loves to pull pranks and make mischief, much to his friend's exasperation.
● He's a cuddlebug, and will often lounge around with his friends.
●  He sometimes wears a necklace with a sprig of mistletoe, given to him by his brother for protection.
● He's pretty short for his species. He is fairly strong, but slim.
● He doesn't follow the gender binary and will happily wear anything if he thinks it's cute. Neon/bright colours paired with black are likely.
✦ Relationships
JazBoyfriends. Pepper adores Jaz. Pepper is often "the cute one" and has Jaz wrapped around his finger. Pepper's petname for Jaz is "babe" or "baby", despite the size difference! They're prone to cuddles, often with Pepper lying on Jaz. Jaz used to be very shy of PDA, but Pepper has relaxed him a lot.
KaleidoscopeGood friends, Pepper is extroverted and Kaleidoscope is anything-goes, so Kaleidoscope generally just lets Pepper do his thing.
MattGoofy friends, they're both a bit prone to bad decisions and when they're both together, there's no-one to moderate their crazy ideas.
AlanThey get along ok, even though their personalities are opposite. Pepper has a bad habit of trying to steal Alan's journal, so Alan's started hiding it and writing it in code...unfortunately, Pepper's a smart cookie and is very good at puzzles.
SkimbleHalf-brothers. Very close, Skimble is a good way to "cool down" Pepper's hyperactivity, but Skimble has been known to join Pepper in mischief.
NipSurprisingly close friends. Despite Nip's reluctance of being touched, he knows Pepper is just a very touchy-feely guy and basically lets him get away with murder. Nip might have a bit of a crush on Pepper to be honest.

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