
4 years, 10 months ago





Roman Brooksburg












Marine Biologist


Granite Cove


March 3rd





Voice Claim

Christian Banas

Roman Brooksburg - or "Ro" as he prefers to be called - is an aspiring marine biologist with a love for inventing and the ocean. He prides himself on being a good leader, as he can easily bring people together and motivate them to accomplish a goal, but his impulsivity often makes his plans backfire. He's personable and talkative, but getting to know him on a deeper level is challenging due to his extreme hesitance to reveal darker parts of himself.

His overwhelming passion for helping his family could very well lead to his downfall.


Ro is quite the extroverted person. Although tragedy in his life caused him to cut himself off from others for a while, when he started letting people back in, it improved his mood exponentially. Even when he wants to have a quiet, calm moment, he prefers if someone else is physically in the room with him. Whether they talk or not, the mere presense of another - especially someone he's close with - greatly comforts him. Unfortunately this means that he spirals rather easily when he's alone for a prolonged period of time.

Despite loving to talk to and be around people, Ro has a hard time opening up about sensitive topics involving himself, such as his crippling guilt and stress over the situation with his family, and also how he sees his past self. He looks at his past self as an entirely different person, adamant about the fact that that version of himself died the day the earthquake happened. This is why he rejects his full first name, "Roman," and instead goes by "Ro."

Morbi interdum interdum purus fringilla dignissim. Duis et nisl mi. Phasellus arcu felis, vulputate ac lacus sed, egestas fermentum diam. Nunc orci ante, ornare sed vestibulum quis, vulputate at velit. Morbi varius venenatis sem sed imperdiet. Donec finibus pharetra risus, porttitor tincidunt purus cursus id. Nulla malesuada ut magna non sagittis.


  • Aquatic life
  • The color teal
  • Spicy food
  • Luminecense


  • Turbulance
  • Winter clothes
  • The smell of hospitals
  • Being timed




Sed commodo felis ut nisi lobortis, non tristique ante consectetur. Suspendisse malesuada vel neque et aliquet. Maecenas scelerisque, felis sed egestas eleifend, odio mauris consequat nibh, ut maximus urna nulla non ipsum. Phasellus ante velit, hendrerit sed sapien nec, venenatis faucibus quam. Vivamus eleifend posuere sapien, non maximus enim eleifend sed. Phasellus at lorem eu augue gravida ultrices in id erat. Vestibulum hendrerit orci ut eros scelerisque tincidunt. Praesent facilisis a odio at tempor.


Aenean semper ornare erat, et eleifend risus ornare elementum. Etiam condimentum in urna a egestas. Vestibulum dignissim odio nisl, varius maximus nisi cursus sed. Proin mi lorem, tempus in cursus et, iaculis ut magna. Proin volutpat consequat tortor quis placerat. Maecenas mattis varius nisi, quis pretium massa posuere vel. Proin facilisis erat eu erat molestie laoreet. Curabitur vulputate quam quis turpis viverra, eget bibendum elit volutpat.

Cras dapibus purus libero, eu egestas tellus eleifend sit amet. Mauris ac congue dui, eu feugiat mauris. Praesent convallis pharetra ex in iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent mollis accumsan elit vitae ultricies.



Sed commodo felis ut nisi lobortis, non tristique ante consectetur. Suspendisse malesuada vel neque et aliquet. Maecenas scelerisque, felis sed egestas eleifend, odio mauris consequat nibh, ut maximus urna nulla non ipsum. Phasellus ante velit, hendrerit sed sapien nec, venenatis faucibus quam. Vivamus eleifend posuere sapien, non maximus enim eleifend sed. Phasellus at lorem eu augue gravida ultrices in id erat. Vestibulum hendrerit orci ut eros scelerisque tincidunt. Praesent facilisis a odio at tempor.


Aenean semper ornare erat, et eleifend risus ornare elementum. Etiam condimentum in urna a egestas. Vestibulum dignissim odio nisl, varius maximus nisi cursus sed. Proin mi lorem, tempus in cursus et, iaculis ut magna. Proin volutpat consequat tortor quis placerat. Maecenas mattis varius nisi, quis pretium massa posuere vel. Proin facilisis erat eu erat molestie laoreet. Curabitur vulputate quam quis turpis viverra, eget bibendum elit volutpat.

Cras dapibus purus libero, eu egestas tellus eleifend sit amet. Mauris ac congue dui, eu feugiat mauris. Praesent convallis pharetra ex in iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent mollis accumsan elit vitae ultricies.




Donec sed dignissim lacus, id scelerisque urna. Maecenas elementum risus massa, nec vulputate quam gravida nec. Praesent sed pellentesque sapien, non fermentum nunc. Sed quis augue eget tellus sodales euismod. Aenean rutrum lobortis semper. Sed pharetra est eget purus lobortis interdum. Ut vel urna a lacus placerat blandit vel vitae eros. Donec sagittis et tortor in tristique.


In efficitur vitae turpis a vestibulum. Suspendisse quis posuere augue. Vivamus hendrerit mollis dui non pulvinar. Aliquam volutpat molestie justo nec aliquet. Maecenas a neque urna. In ac commodo leo, in maximus quam. Pellentesque nec felis nec massa dapibus suscipit ut id nisi. Mauris mattis et enim eget maximus.



  • Mauris vestibulum lobortis justo, vitae hendrerit lorem lacinia eu.
  • Donec rhoncus gravida lectus et gravida.
  • Morbi urna justo, rhoncus et quam vitae, imperdiet commodo tellus.
  • Vivamus non blandit metus, quis efficitur dolor.


  • Skill: Maecenas pulvinar ligula sit amet mauris dignissim ultrices.
  • Skill: Proin ut leo eget quam placerat laoreet in sit amet velit.
  • Skill: Nulla posuere pellentesque augue sed tincidunt.

Description of image. This can be the character using one of their skills, or something related to the trivia.


Nessie Friend/Crush

Nessie and Ro are the epitome of an odd couple. Despite having wildly different backgrounds, ideals, and, well...everything, they click together shockingly well. Ro, being obsessed with studying every type of sea creature, is fasinated by all aspects of Nessie. In turn, before meeting Ro and Quinn, Nessie barely interacted with anyone, so Ro's endless questions and genuine interest in learning about her were a welcome change. After the initial, more science-based questions get exhausted, the questions they ask each other become more personal, leading them both to find out what the other is like under their surface-level personalities.

Close Friend Quinn

Quinn is the person Ro begins his journey with. The two form a bond in no time, both benefitting from Ro's plan: Quinn getting away from his intense work schedule and cold-hearted parents - and having someone to vent to about it, and Ro finally being able have a positive outlook on the future because of Quinn's help and expertise on all the things Ro needs to do to improve his family's situation. They rarely (if ever) have arguments, and when they do, it always gets patched up in a matter of seconds. The pair seems confident in the fact that the other will be there for them whenever needed, and this mutual trust provides a stability that both had missing from their lives beforehand.

Sibohan Childhood Friend

Sibohan is an old friend of Ro's, having known him since they were kids. They fell out of touch during their teen years because Sibohan moved, but end up meeting up again during the Hellhaven arc. When they first reuinite, Quinn and Nessie get the impression that Sibohan has a thing for Ro, but are quickly proven wrong when Sibohan reveals she has a girlfriend. She also provides a place for the main trio to stay while they search for the Unknit Strand.

relationship Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
