Sadie Larson



7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Sades, Whistleblower




August 12th (Leo)


Cis female (she/her)


Heterosexual...? Questioning?


As Whistleblower, she's got a team of close friends (all with equally-cool codenames) helping her out as she stalks the monsters that stalk the innocent. Her friends back at their base of operations have always got eyes on her, planting surveillance cameras all around town to follow her wherever she goes in case something goes south. Sadie's job is to film these human and non-human monsters - hopefully caught before someone gets hurt, but still visibly red-handed - and offer them a deal. They let their victim go, she stops filming and she doesn't show the world. What these monsters, who have so far complied with her deals, don't know, is that she tries to film their successful kills, as well, in case she arrives too late. These videos are streamed live to one of the computers at her team base as she records them, so if, worst-case scenario, she were to die, then at least the footage she gathered would be available to hand over to the police or the Internet.




White American

Significant Other

Look, it's... Complicated. It's not like she ASKED for Jeffrey Woods from 7th grade to just show up one day, now 20 years old and a gleefully remorseless serial killer who just doesn't give a fuck about anybody or anything except his own bloodlust, acting like he and Sadie are some kind of Destined Rivalry Pair who are fated to go down in flames, hand in unlovable hand. Or something like that. He's awful flirty for someone who apparently hates her. She doesn't think he knows WHAT he wants.


Her dad is single right now, her mom died when she was too young to remember, and that's still messing with his head. He's still a wonderful father to her who provides for her every need, whether financial or emotional, and she knows she could go to him about anything. Well. Anything except That One Thing.

Physical Description

Sadie is of pretty average height for her age, and she has thin, petite features. Her long hair is naturally blonde, but lately she's experimented with gradient dye jobs. Right now, her favorite color style is pink-to-red.


Sadie is compassionate, helpful and motivated, and everyone - not just her closest friends and teammates - can see that in her. She loves her growing independence and only craves more of it - she loves her life. Those who DON'T like her tend to assume her attitude is disingenuous, or that deep down she secretly DOES think she's better than everyone else around her. She's learned to not care much of what these kinds of people have to say about her. Despite what one might think in looking at her, her past friendship with Jeff doesn't actually alter her judgement very much. She knows he's a monster, and she knows she's not going to save him with her love and patience - but she isn't exactly shutting the door on opportunities to try and get in his head, either.


[wip] [temporary tl;dr: Mom Dead, sadie grows up in economic privilege, enjoys happy and healthy childhood/teenage years marked only by one blemish - her middle school friend jeff's strange disappearance that still chills her to this day to think about, that's not the reason she became whistleblower though its like. . . one reason out of many]


Driving to the mall with friends, cute iPhone cases, ice cream, saving innocents from certain death at the hands of Creepypasta Fuckers, "old" video games, Lana Del Rey


Cold weather, pitch black darkness, walking alone at night (though this is a fear she is overcoming in her secret work), heavy technology vocabulary, Lana Del Rey


Courage, quick and clever thinking, resourcefulness, compassion, talented bluffing, sneakiness, strong motivation, self-confidence


None, obviously! [no im kidding i just have to think about her more, wip]


Sadie was pretty consciously made as a "Mary Sue"-type character, but not necessarily as a hateful parody. In fact, she was made to piss off the kind of people who don't like Mary Sues. Make more Mary Sues who have canon boyfriends, guys, it's so much fun. Disregard whiny elitist fanboys.

Theme Song


Associated Tarot Card

Ace of Wands


Pink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRosePink Spring Ribbon Divider by PhoebeRose

Sadie Larson is the 19 year old daughter of the mayor. She works at the local ice cream shop and was fairly popular in high school, but her

classmates remembered her as a "nice" popular girl, who didn't think she was better than everyone else, and who was very active in her school's

Key Club. She's covering her general education requirements in community college right now, not wanting to suck any more money out of her

parents than is absolutely necessary - and also, because she isn't really sure what she wants to do with her life as far as careers go. Deeper

than that, though, Sadie's got a secret only her closest friends know. Let's just say Sadie has quite a lot to do with how safe the streets of her

town are at night.