Abel Alano



4 years, 10 months ago


Abel Alano

"That's between you and God. You can schedule an appointment if you want advice."

He is a middle aged gay man living in Locust Pike with his cute Latino husband Cash. He used to be a priest, but after quite the adventure with Cash, turned away from the church and his Catholic beliefs. After an incredibly grueling legal process he finally settled down in the town his father lives in. The simple life is the happy life.

Nicknames Abby
Pronouns He/Him
Age 39
Occupation Mental Health Counselor
Residence Apartment in Locust Pike
Status Cash is my Soul Mate


Abel is a sensitive, hopeless romantic, pushed into a life devoted to God due to fear of coming out to his father. He hides behind his uncle Jericho or his mother in family altercations and he has a very toxic relationship with his younger brother. Abel overthinks when he's alone, often afraid of where his thoughts will go he keeps busy.


Abel grew up in a town outside the city called Madison. He had a quaint little yard and spent most days hanging out in the garden with his mother. His family is devouted Catholic on both his paternal and maternal side. He went to private school, testing the top of his class throughout his entire life, gaining some impressive regional scholarships that paid for an accredible education without needing to live off his parents modest income.

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