Rapunzel Hare





Rapunzel Hare






Aromantic Asexual


5’5” ft








Cafe Owner


Alpha Clan



Rapunzel is currently a Zeta Floss that works(?) as the owner of a cafe. Her granddaughter Kiki mostly manages the place while she sits back and enjoys the remainder of her days.

She used to be a fighter back in her younger days.


Rapunzel is a sweet and kind old lady... on the outside. On the inside, she's more shrewd and calculating. She's also quite greedy for money, since she never had much of that growing up, and is stingy with her spendings.

For someone who can't see, she can see things that many can't. She'll listen to the radio to keep herself updated on what the world is like and she just likes to be well-informed overall. She's not dumb or ignorant and she never wants to be. She's pretty open-minded when it comes to learning.


As a Zeta, Rapunzel has the ability to freeze objects and people. She can freeze anything that she touches in an instant. Because she can’t see, she needs touch in order to literally freeze her target in place. She can’t just freeze them with her gaze.

However, even if she's old now, she's still very quick with her reflexes. They're not as good as they used to be, but they're still super quick.


When Rapunzel was born, she had came into the world of Caramella at an unfortunate time. She was born during the time of the Great Rot, back in the days of when a dangerous disease had broken out and was spreading like mad. It was making those that were infected violent and cannibalistic, much to the horrors of the general public at the time.

As a baby, she herself had been infected and was swiftly taken to a hospital in a quarantine area. She was to be locked away in a metal crib in the meanwhile.

And the worst part: she had no sight.

She was not only sick, but blind as well.

Luckily for her, after some time had passed, a cure was found and was given out to everyone that needed it.

As Candyfloss society was slowly returning back to normalcy, Rapunzel (who was now two years of age) was sent to an orphanage since her parents were already gone, taken away by the madness of the Great Rot epidemic.

After staying in the orphanage for a couple of weeks, she was shortly sold away to a shady group that had bribed the orphanage enough money to give her away. They were an illegal fighting group that had one goal in mind: to train young kids into soldiers for profit.

When Rapunzel was growing up under the supervision of that group, she had to be trained into a killing machine. It didn't matter to the fighting group that took her in whether she was born blind or not, she still had to get up and learn how to fight in underground tournaments just like the rest of her peers.

Rapunzel remembered struggling to survive a lot more than the other kids due to her lack of sight, but she eventually grew used to sensing people around her. It was important that she learned how to stand her own ground. If she didn't, then she wouldn't be getting dinner that night. (They would hold food, water, and sleep hostage if she didn't get anything done.)

She began to utilize her other senses to compensate for not being able to see, so her sense of hearing and touch was something that she relied on heavily. She would eventually go on to develop a sort of echolocation tactic to detect anyone that was in her area.

While she majorly sucked ass in fighting in underground tournaments at first, she eventually grew to be good at that over time. She just had to train herself to death and sharpen her sense of hearing and touch a lot.

Once she had turned eighteen, she was eventually able to graduate out of the fighting group and continue her underground tournament battles as an individual since she didn't know what else she could do for money. She never went to school and was illeterate.

Rapunzel was eventually able to retire in her late 30s and adopt a stray orphan kid she found collapsed near her front porch one day. That kid would soon end up being like a daughter to her, and she'd go on to marry a nice Zeta guy before they both had Rapunzel's grandchild together.

One day, while on vacation in a ski resort, Rapunzel's daughter was killed by a serial killer. Her husband committed suicide a few weeks after her funeral, since life was too painful to bear without her by his side anymore.

With no other family to go to, their kid was given to Rapunzel after the father's cremation ceremony.

Flash forward a couple decades later and now she's the owner of a cafe.

Rapunzel doesn't really do much with the cafe she owns, she just likes being able to rest and enjoy the bright atmosphere there. She honestly just wanted to set it up to establish a place where she could get free coffee from anytime while her granddaughter Kiki handled the rest of the business side. She made sure to talk it out with Kiki before doing this, and once Kiki seemed pretty elated about the idea, she just let it happen.

She only wishes her granddaughter the best in life before it's her time to go.


Rapunzel will sometimes pretend to be a stumbling naive idiot with people who’ve met her for the first time, just so she can get freebies. She exploits her blindness for rewards. She’s a little more fraudulent than you’d expect.

Back when she used to fight in her old tournament days, Rapunzel would wear steampunk goggles to hide her eyes, so that her opponents wouldn't think that she was blind. Her lack of sight was a fatal weakness and she didn't want to give that away. By then, she was also good at pretending she wasn't blind, since she could sense the people around her, so acting the part wasn't too hard either.

When she was in her 40s, she tried being a phone operator for a while because she figured she could help earn her and her granddaughter some extra cash, but that was a short-lived job and she ended up quitting because she was bored.


4477593?1569536928 Kiki Wutermalon

her granddaughter

4535560?1567237107 Pip Karo

like a grandson

3884502?1571761675 Sasha Tyke

like a granddaughter

4375166? Flora Enoshima

her kouhai

4466065?1565367080 Sonia Sanchez

nice employee

4410582?1578497091 Dulcie R. Pippin

nice employee

7668721?1595783430 Quincy

Kiki's lover

4545616?1564671582 Christine

her service animal

I’ve lived through a lot of shit.
