


Sasha Tyke






Heteromantic Asexual


5'1” ft








Biker Gang Member





Sasha is an Iota Floss that's currently part of an Iota biker gang. In a way, she works as an entertainer, since she's one of the best racers in their group. Basically, she and her crew like to host wild bike shows and races for a living. They also specialize in graffiti art shows nowadays too.

Together, Sasha and her biker gang travel all across Caramella, with no predictable destination in mind.


Sasha can be pretty aggressive and dauntless. She's the toughest gal in her gang and nobody wants to fuck with her if she's just woken up. Though she can be powerful and intimidating, she does still have her flaws. At times, though she presents herself with confidence, she can be a little on the naive side and has a short fuse. She doesn't have much self-control when it comes to her temper.

She can sometimes get too carried away with something or come off as arrogant. She grew up with a bit of a superiority complex, where she would make herself feel better by putting others down beneath her.


As an Iota, Sasha has the ability to negate the powers of other Candyfloss characters. All she has to do is simply look in their way and that'll prevent them from being able to use their abilities. She's incredibly strong with her abilities and can render someone powerless so long as she can sense their presence.


Sasha's biological mom didn't want her - or at least that what Sasha had come to assume throughout the years.

That's why she was mostly raised in an orphanage.

And that wasn't too far from the truth. Sasha's biological mother had abandoned her because she couldn't afford to keep her around when she a high school drop out who was working a minimum-wage job that made her feel dead more than anything. So because she couldn't afford to take care of her, and she didn't know who the father was anyway, Sasha was given up.

Throughout her time at the orphanage, Sasha grew up being a bully. She learned that fear was the best way to rule and make friends, or so she assumed at the time because it worked for a while. Most of the other kids were scared of her and didn't want to get in her way. They would often be friendly with her, but only because they were intimidated by her, not because they actually cared about her.

Sasha learned that they didn't care the hard way, whenever she'd overhear the whisperes they'd exchange behind her back.

One day, she met an Iota boy named Pip who was good with card tricks and was eventually able to start bossing him around, just like everyone else. Pip, however, actually seemed to geniunely like Sasha, much to her surprise. She tried to not get her hopes up though.

Then, one night, when they were ten, Pip woke her up from her sleep with horrible news. He had overheard some of the caretakers that worked at the orphanage talk about selling some of the kids away to crime groups for more money. It was a dark and illegal practice, and Sasha had been horrified to learn that the orphanage would do such at thing.

Out of fear, they ran away and ended up stumbling into a kind Zeta Floss lady named Rapunzel who was gracious enough to take them in after they were struggling to be on the streets for several weeks. After that, Rapunzel promised to look after them so long as they continued to at least get an education and legally assigned herself as their guardian (even if it had to be a distance for the most part, since she had to return back to look after her granddaughter Kiki for a while).

Sasha went to a public high school with Pip, to upkeep her promise with Rapunzel, and managed to befriend a whole group of friends along the way. She and Pip would eventually go on to band together with their crew of friends and establish a biker gang.

And now, she and Pip currently travel the world to host races, bike shows, and now some spontaneous graffiti art.

Sasha and her group’s ambitions have skyrocketed and led to some wild rumors as a result. These rumors speculate that they might overtake the Alpha Clan's capital with vandalism one day, though it’s actually not true and she has no idea where that came from.

Eventually, these rumors will disappear once Sasha and her gang face off with a pair of private investigators that were hired by the Alpha military.


Sasha had a crush on JC (the leader of her biker gang), but in the end, she had to accept the fact that her feelings are unrequited and that JC loves someone else.


4069552? Jude Kelp

beloved boyfriend #1

7602896?1595224891 Dallas Galveston

beloved boyfriend #2

XzUZ3IS.jpg Pip Karo

best friend and team member

4475417?1592755434 Rapunzel Hare

her guardian figure

EP2mKoc.jpg JC Lennon

ex-crush and team member

0Hq0Xmv.png Ivan Seoul

a friend and team member

4879444?1590923225 Jin Seoul

a friend and team member

2OZ7jPo.png Zorra Schneider

a friend and team member

JzWNSGW.jpg Kiki Wutermalon

like a cousin to her

Poqtqyn.jpg Diego Sanchez

former enemy and eventual friend

81W6BtC.jpg Friday Viernes

former enemy and eventual friend

1667300?1567542391 Osha Yasu

a nice friend

6222097?1583493583 Toto

their Kappabear

B3cohxW.png Christine

Rapunzel's Flóga Drákon

Fucking fight me if you don't agree.
