Kiki Wutermalon (Medieval AU)



Sometimes kindness can kill too
Name Kiki Wutermalon

Gender Female

Species Candyfloss

Clan Zeta

Power Cryokinesis

Flavor Popfloss

Build Toned

Job Princess



  • Winning
  • Peace
  • Loyalty
  • Dance

  • War
  • Losing
  • Messes
  • Betrayal

Out of all the characters within this medieval AU story so far, Kiki is by far the most removed from her canon self. While she isn't exactly a force of evil to be dealt with, since she's more of a minor character anyway, she's still an intimidating authority figure that needs to be regarded highly and cautiously.

Personality-wise, she’s still relatively chipper and lively, but that attitude of hers is more of a pleasant front more than anything here. Rather than being chill and lackadaisical behind the scenes, she’s instead more ambitious and resilient, determined to achieve her goals. She wants to use her position of high power to go to big places.

To figure out how she came this far, let’s trace back all the way to the very beginning, where Kiki had once been an orphan in life, stuck all the way down in the bottom of society’s social ladder. Back then, Kiki didn’t think there was much use for her existence and would just read in the library or frolic around in the fields with a few of her peers in a game of tag or hide and seek.

One day, however, the adoptive daughter of Queen Rapunzel (before passing away of illness a few years later) decided to adopt Kiki because she had the highest test score out of all the other kids in her age group so far.

Perhaps some of the reading that Kiki would do in the library helped, but either way, she finally felt like she earned herself a golden ticket to a jackpot home due to her smart work ethic.

When Kiki stepped into a life of royalty, however, it was a lot harder than she presumed it to be. There were way more responsibilities, sometimes even more studying on her end. Kiki was raised to be well-versed in politics and technical debates. She needed to sharpen her rhetoric skills.

In the meanwhile, she grew up alongside two other adoptive siblings that were raised to be different than her. While Kiki specialized in academics and eventually mind games, her sister Sasha was more military-trained and her brother Pip was just there, a silly enigma that would gradually help spark entertainment and also mediate peace between Kiki and Sasha.

Because as Kiki and Sasha grew older, they began to compete more with each other, trying to top one another with their own respective skills. They both coveted the title of the royal throne, back when Rapunzel couldn’t decide who to make her next heir.

Once it was decided that all of them would be ruling a part of the kingdom, in their own respective territories, the rivalry between Sasha and Kiki simmered down a bit, but by then, they’d both come out being rather aggressive in their own special way.

Currently, Kiki is still a princess, with her coronation ceremony as queen only to arrive once her grandmother Rapunzel passes away. In the meanwhile, she’s proven herself to be someone with two sides, depending on how you act around her: kind or dangerous.

She won’t hesitate to execute anyone that she deems to be unfaithful to her, an ideology that kind of rubbed off on her from all those years of clashing with Sasha. Though she still has good and fair intentions to this day, and she’d much prefer psychological torment rather than getting bloody, Kiki is still a powerful force to be dealt with.


  • Kiki loves the summer season, especially since she can help cool herself down whenever it feels too hot anyway. There’s just something about being out in the sun, bathed in its golden rays, that helps liven her day.
  • She enjoys drinking fruity ice teas.

Rapunzel's Guide