


5 years, 17 days ago

Basic Info


Anthonie Fourier




University student (landscape design department)






birthApril 17th
alignmentNeutral good
drinkSingapore sling

Anthonie, to his dismay, does not stand out. He does not have any particular talents nor passions. His personality is pleasant in the most banal meaning of the word. Although Anthonie would never think of his childhood as anything but happy, having grown up in his brother's shadow has left an impact on him - he cannot help but think about how lost he is in life at twenty, while his brother seemingly had it all figured out much sooner. An optimist however, Anthonie tries to not let his self-doubts get him down. And he usually succeeds.

That optimism also shows in his general relaxed demeanour. Assuming Anthonie just does not take things seriously is understandable but ultimately only partly correct: he takes some things seriously. His friends, for instance, who he is very much devoted to, and the well-being of those around him, as Anthonie is incapable of standing still when someone is in need. Unfortunately for him, he does not have the same commitment when it comes to school or work.

It might have calmed down some as Anthonie entered adulthood, but there are still traces of a naughty, troublemaking side to him. To some extent Anthonie does believe rules are meant to be broken, and so long as nobody is injured, does it even matter if he trespasses on private property to explore an abandoned hospital? He respects authority but respects his yearning for adventure just a bit more.


“If we can't float forever
on cerulean skies
I'll drop my nose, descend and just dive”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit”


  • Farsighted, was told he would outgrow it as an adult but never did
  • Enjoys urban exploration! Abandoned places especially



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Anthonie's older brother by eight years. Cristophe constantly pushed Anthonie away through his childhood which made him believe his brother hated him. As adults however, Anthonie realised that Cristophe is just not an easy person to get along with and now respects his brother's desire for solitude - though he still wishes they were closer, because he does genuinely admire him.


Anthonie's ex-boyfriend. Their relationship was... Mostly happy. They enjoyed spending time together but Narcisse's dramatic tendencies often ended in arguments - which ultimately led to Narcisse breaking up with Anthonie, who took the breakup very well, simply shrugging it off and accepting that it was not meant to be.

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inspiration tag

layout © tewro

images © justin hamilton, Flub" id="">maxime lebrum, kiarakirara, lum3n, mike flamenco, ak47melee, karol d, polina zimmerman

background © patternvomit