Samael ♥



4 years, 11 months ago



flirty . vain . quiet

Name סמאל
Called Sam
Age unknown / looks mid 20s
Role Mage
Gender Male
Race Demon / Angel
Height 5'7"
Build Athletic / svelt
Deamnor Dark
Theme -pending-


  • Dancing
  • Flirting
  • Being pampered
  • Jewlery / fashion


  • Being alone
  • Getting drunk
  • Dom females
  • Competition


Dark, secretive, cunning. Not a lot is known about his past or where he comes from, only that he is a demon, but wasn't always. He avoids talking about his history & often becomes agressive if pushed to do so. He has made the claim before that living like a mortal bores him, and he's often seeking thrills, be it through dangerous encounters or even drug use (which don't effect him the same way they would a human).
Usually looking to find himself a sugar-daddy. Sam can certainly take care of himself, but he likes it when he doesn't have to. Tends to lean towards larger males who have possessive tendencies. If he's not with someone more intimidating or dominating than him, he becomes the dominating one, possessive, even a bit aggressive (though never violent), until he becomes bored. Likes to pretend to be shy because he thinks it's cute. Usually turns things around once in the bedroom, though, often to the dismay/surprise/delight of his current partner(s). Although he's fine with being the dominant partner in a relationship with either males or females, he will not- for whatever reason- tolerate being dominated by any female/femme partner. We have no idea why and think it might have something to do with his past- of which we know very little. He seems to define his existence by who he's with at any given moment, though he hasn't been known to keep a relationship longer than maybe a year or two. He doesn't usually play the "monogamy" game, unless he's with someone who demands and enforces it. Also important to note-- not all of his "partners" are heard from again. A few seem to... go missing.

*eyes always glow, usually low/dim -- extremely vibrant when angry (pupils almost go away) -- soft/smoldering when flirty (which is often) *outfits are always loose, mostly silks, predominately blues and violets (turquoise and indigo being favorites of his), but also light mint/sea-foam greens and vibrant pinks. *hair color is always black based, and usually reflects an iridescent green or blue-green, but can also be violet or a violet-pink. *hair is very long, almost to mid-back, but is almost never down. Usually kept up in elaborate braids or buns. *absolutely loves to be adorned in jewelry when he goes out, especially anything with thin chains. *has five piercings in each ear, a nose piercing, and two piercings in his right brow. Doesn't always wear anything in his piercings, unless he feels like it, usually just studs, except for nose-to-earring chains which are his favorite (usually very fancy/elaborate)


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