Calvin Azuma (Calvin Azuma [DDA])



4 years, 7 months ago


Calvin Azuma
Digimon: Digital Adventures [2018]
Age: 58
Partner: Keramon
Aspects: Phantom Fascination, Just Floating Along
Torments: Spooksplaining, Questionable Friends
Digifeed Unsolved: The Phantom Trailmon

The driving force behind viral internet sensation(?) Digifeed Unsolved, Cal, along with the three unfortunate humans he'd convinced to help him with this gig and their Digimon partners, would travel the Digital World in search of paranormal antics to catch on film. On what was perhaps their final episode, rumours of a mysterious ghostly train led the gang to the Dustcatch Flats.

A ghost train Trailmon actually did show up, much to Cal's delight. He seemed completely unconcerned about the spooky and largely unresponsive passengers, and his Digimon partner Keramon was more than content to eat the suspicious food available on the ride. He also seemed unconcerned and also fascinated by the ballroom they ended up in, which seemed far larger than the train it was contained in and was full of equally spooky dancers. A Sangloupmon-turned-Astermon that the group meets multiple times during the expedition eventually informs them that the Phantom Trailmon is a construct created by the "Worm" which it uses to lure in Digimon and feed on them.

Aw man, it's still not real ghosts.

Anyway, Astermon had refused to remain in service to the Worm and worked with the gang to derail the Trailmon. Literally, they blew up the engine room. Keramon, who up to this point had been continuing to eat spooky garbage and was starting to look a little weird and glowy, got separated from the group during the derailment. The Worm manifests some spooky tendrils and a SkullGreymon to beat the shit out of the gang. Keramon returned eventually, having transformed into HauntedInfermon due to all the haunted trash they ate, but wasn't entirely helpful to the struggling party of investigators.

Cal himself got caught up in a powerful blast, ate shit and died. Tragic. The rest of the group managed to flee the scene, unaware of Cal's fate, while HauntedInfermon continued being haunted off in the desert somewhere. It's fine. At least they both get to chill with their ghost friends?