


4 years, 11 months ago


Name Volrex
Pronounced vol-rex
Nickname(s) Rex (Nix), Volky (Tala), Runt (Gil)
Occupation Sniper, Drummer
Birthday April 16
Age 21
Species Razorwing (Vulture-type)
Gender Male
Voice Jason Marsden (Skwydd)
Creator YarkWark

A blue, vulture-like alien that has three larger feathers on his forehead with green tips. He sports a green goatee and on the upper portion of his mouth are small lines that seem to be tattooed on. For ears, he has two “headphones” that he cannot remove. The antenna on them can move up and down.
His right eye has been replaced with a strange three lens eyepiece while his left eye always looks tired. He has three piercings on his left brow. Like a vulture, he has a long neck that curves and he is hunchbacked with a grey mane.
Volrex wears a fully black, torn out hoodie along with two spiked bracelets on his wrist with another spiked one he wears in the middle of his neck. He wears black and grey open toe shoes that have spikes on both outer sides.


Volrex comes off as quite serious and aloof to those that speak to him. He is very pessimistic and cynical with the worlds, normally only speaking the worst of things since he’s too use to it as he was growing up.
He only seems to speak a little more positive when around those he truly cares for, especially with his hatchmate/sister, Nix.
Volrex suffers from depression and admits he has suicidal thoughts, but his friends have been keeping him from doing the worst and helping him.


BackStory: The runt of the Western rookery, Volrex was picked on a lot by Gil, another Razorwing hatchling. This lead to him developing low standards on himself and being a bit of a crybaby.
He develops a strong bond with his Caretaker, Radar, who is a Gorm that was a former trooper that got pushed to the Caretaker role. He did not care for this role change originally, but Volrex made him change his thoughts on that. They have a very strong father and son bond.

Volrex had a very tough time finding what his skill was and began to fear he would be eaten by his Caretakers. This idea came from Gil scaring him once again.
At one point when Nix was sick and Gil was picking on him that he doesn’t have her there to protect his crybaby self anymore. Gil walked away laughing while finally Volrex had enough. Using one of the slingshot-like weapons they had, Volrex found a good position to wait at and while Gil was talking to another kid, Volrex shot a rock that nailed Gil right in the forehead, leaving Gil with a scar and never knowing Volrex did it.
Radar knows about Volrex’s attack on Gil. Though proud to see Volrex’s potential, he knew he had to still give him a stern talk and punishment.
In the end tho, Radar figured Volrex had skills to be a sniper. The eye Volrex gets is similar to Radar’s eye piece.

Ongoing Story: Volrex currently plays the drums for the popular band, Zyxz and doing sniper jobs as requested from headquarters.
While he enjoys the band, he still suffers from low thoughts and sometimes has to drink his sadness away.


  • Collects small figurines (was a suggested to help him)
  • When he was a kid, he use to puke a lot when he was scared. He was really nervous as a child.
  • When drumming he mentions he pictures a certain person’s face that makes him happy when slamming the drums
  • He is quick to threaten those that touch him, but if he doesn’t actually claw or bite, he’s actually chill
  • He keeps a photo of Nix and his caretaker near him
  • When Volrex left his rookery, Radar gave him his eye piece as a parting gift

  • Nix, Radar and Scout
  • His bandmates
  • Target practice
  • Headshots
  • Drumming
  • Raw meat and fish
  • Drinking
  • Go-karts

  • Gil (Hates)
  • Crowds
  • Hugs (unless he likes you)
  • Bullies

  • Observative
  • Quiet (when sniping)
  • Sharp eyes+scope vision
  • Great concentration/focus when doing his job

  • No filter when angered
  • Quiet (with others)
  • His attitude
  • Not good at asking for help

Nix Hatchmate

A very close brother and sister relationship due to growing up together. Nix was always there to help him for as long as he can remember. She means a lot to him and he would like to have her back like she had his.
They are not related by blood like all Razorwings in a rookery, so some confuse them for possibly dating.

Gil Hatchmate

He HATES him greatly. If he could end Gil’s life, he would and accept his jail time,but he knows Nix would never forgive him if he did that. He’ll just enjoy he rarely has to see him now that he’s off Techkanis.
Gil was nothing but a jerk to him as they grew up and is why Volrex has the mindset he does.

Chazz Bandmate


Tala Bandmate


Milkzee Bandmate