Nigel Bachmann



5 years, 2 months ago


Nigel Bachmann 

Male  |  Omega (Wannabe Alpha)  |  Austrian  |  5'3 115 lbs  |  Koi Dragon  |  Fortuneteller  |  Taken


Withdrawn and secretive, Nigel isn't one to show very much of any emotion outside that of a normally blank expression. That is not to say he doesn't feel anything, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Fear, anxiety, nervousness, anger, and annoyance. These are all frequently normal emotions for him. His face just doesn't show them naturally. In spite of all that, however, he does feel some form of happiness. Albeit very rarely but usually when he is on is own. Very few people have been able to break down that wall and become completely accepted. 

When dealing with the outside world Nigel is always polite with a soft tone of voice and surprisingly articulate. Truly a passive nature overall. He tries hard to avoid conflicts and needless violence. Seeing it as nothing more than primitive stupidity. He is not one at all to engage directly in fisticuffs for any reason and would much rather placate a curse or two behind the scenes instead.


Nigel grew up in a relatively normal home, however, he found it hard to except when he was told he was an omega. For some unknown reason, the koi always felt like he was an alpha and that notion wouldn't change just because science or his body said otherwise. As he grew the pressure to accept what he grew to be far too much for him to take and the boy began withdrawing from much of the outside world. If they weren't criticizing his way of thinking they were making fun of it. Thus Nigel grew to distrust many. It was in this seclusion though that he discovered his talent for the psychic arts and divination.

He would strive to pursue that in his choice of a career field. Something more his family disapproved of. Nevertheless, the koi would eventually find his way out of his country and down to Silvanus' shop. Becoming a permanent fixture in the front room. His trade would be reading palms, Tarot, bones and more for a fair price. As well as offer charms, talismans, and even curses for the placating masses.

© All Artwork credited to the rightful owners