Paisley Daisy



5 years, 2 months ago



Paisley Daisy








5’5” ft




University Student



Paisley is, for the most part, taking things slow. To fund for her tuition, she's a babysitter that'll help tame a group of rowdy Trellevois kids for a woman named Azelia. To compensate for any physical and mental damage that she might contract from the job, she gets paid a pretty penny to manage the unruly brats.

She's currently still trying to figure her life out and is also a full-time university student who's majoring in psychology. She already has a bachelor's and wants to eventually do research in cognitive psychology after getting her master's. She strives to learn and conduct more research over time and memory.


Paisley is no pushover. She will fight to prove her point and she's not one to sugarcoat. She's a ticking time bomb when provoked and the heat of her wrath is so intense it'll roast people into ashes. She also has minor trust issues and it'll take a while to get on her good side. Once she's warmed up to you, she's a lot more easygoing and relaxed. She's also a bit less intimidating after her guard has been brought down.

She's just sassy and straight forward overall. She may look like a dumb blonde, but she's actually not as stupid as people tend to think that she is. She has a strong memory and an even stronger intelligence. She hates being underestimated and will chew anyone that dares to out. Despite all of this, however, she has a bit of an inferiority complex and is indecisive as hell with her life choices. She has a lot of potential, but just doesn't know how to properly utilize it.


Unlike most Nunukes, Paisley doesn't have a stinger tail. Her pompom tail is in the shape of a potted plant. However, she can utilize her Yeti paws to bitch slap anyone upside down the head if needed.


Paisley had always been looked down upon.

While Nunukes with Yeti traits were typically ruthless in terms of strength, and Paisley is still stronger than the average Nunuke to this day, Paisley was considerably more weaker and frail compared to most other Nunukes like her.

It didn't help that she grew up in a neighborhood that was dominated by Nunukes with Yeti traits. This certainly didn't bode well with her self-esteem and made her turn to other things to be good at rather than just the brawn she was lacking.

She mostly focused on school and did well there. She also began developing an interest in more bright and flashy colors for her wardrobe. Now she's currently still enrolled in university and is working her way up into eventually doing research for the field of cognitive psychology. She's a lot smarter than she looks, since a lot of people tend to underestimate her for her perky and preppy fashion sense, but just doesn't know where to go once she graduates. She knows what she wants to spend the rest of her life studying about all these interesting things, but she doesn't know how to get there just yet.

Whenever she's not torturing herself with the kids she has to look after or studying, Paisley will often hang out with her best friend Denise, whom she's known since they were kids.


Paisley likes drinking healthy smoothies. She'll usually blend her own homemade recipes since she doesn't trust smoothie shops to do the job. She likes being in control of what ingredients she'll put into her body. (She also doesn't just do this as a trendy diet, she's not a health nut and just geniunely likes the taste of these beverages.)


4598002? Denise Drama

best friend

3993275?1556391732 Xavior Mauve

her ex-boyfriend and roommate

5414584?1574404831 Melina Hans

one of her roommates

5522314?1575782189 Brenda Angie

one of her roommates

3247581? Azelia Brassil

her employer

3942105? Cherry

one of the kids she babysits

3834781? Carnivera

one of the kids she babysits

3942108? Pharell

one of the kids she babysits

3834786? Sherely

one of the kids she babysits

Urrrgh, I need some wine.
