
4 years, 9 months ago


Name Lucifer Hess
Age o,,old
Height tol
Build Lanky, slightly muscular
Species Halfie
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Asexual panromantic
Residence Camp Featherstone
Occupation Engineer, edgelord
Worth Dont fucking try
Status ...
S/O Pallidi
Theme [song]


Design Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque placerat lectus eget tempor ullamcorper. Nam congue sem sit amet nibh elementum ultrices. Mauris dictum dolor sed eleifend vulputate. Nullam convallis justo neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas fermentum risus sed orci molestie venenatis. Nunc eget ultricies lorem. Nunc lacinia posuere pretium. Aliquam tristique aliquet ligula, in venenatis turpis. Aliquam eget convallis dolor. Etiam sollicitudin pulvinar nisi non egestas. Aenean eget finibus turpis, ut facilisis nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus commodo, magna eleifend blandit finibus, lorem quam volutpat lacus, a aliquet metus diam eget felis. Nam ut magna non eros vehicula pretium. Suspendisse potenti.

  • Donec vel urna et quam scelerisque placerat
  • Suspendisse vel arcu mollis, mollis odio sed
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor
  • Nullam nec neque eget tortor hendrerit dictum a et massa
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas
  • Aenean scelerisque eros eget tellus consequat luctus


Time uncle! The very first universe villain, also the first to turn to the light. Initially lived in a bunker, experimenting with time and space and working on the perfect machine to keep the increasingly unstable timeline from crumbling. Unfortunately, after being betrayed by one of his best and closest friends, he snapped, working on a bomb to shatter their circle once and for all.

Nowadays, Lucifer comes across as cold or uncaring, but incredibly quick to find solutions to problems. He only seems to care for Augustine, acting indifferent or hostile towards anybody else unless they prove not to be an active problem or threat.

After an accident in defending Augustine one night in the canyon, his spine ended up being broken, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Luckily after a lot of effort and help from others, he managed to get better at moving with his upper half, eventually leading him to create the first prototype of leg supports that he can control to walk around, albeit slightly clumsily on occasion.

Lucifer also used to be a highly popularized political figure during the heat of the war, actively rallying against the invasion of other circles and becoming well liked on both sides. However after being kidnapped one day and almost put to sleep (he got his scars from setting up a time bomb underneath the facility, barely surviving), he stepped down from his position as the war came to a close. Although hes helping work again after the threats of a second, worse war, he doesn't necessarily want to risk it again.

His thought patterns mostly consist of self loathing as he works his hardest to stay on the side of good or... Neutral. Morally ambiguous. He'll slip occasionally and regret it later, but he's trying his best. He legitimately does care about most people, but years and years of conditioning himself to isolation and killing to test the machine have taken a toll on his moral compass, even if the circle he used to work in has been demolished.


  • Used to want to be a radio engineer, but now makes other machinery
  • Shattered the red goggles that gave him all the information he needed about his surroundings as a show of loyalty to Augustine.
  • His leg supports short out occassionally, especially when someone enters a corrupted zone. He just,, glitches out entirely.
  • Time uncle becomes the shambling mound of abstract shapes chanting ominously about your estranged father's sins
  • Eats trash, kicks ass


  • Time to himself
  • Noise of machinery around him
  • Inventing, writing
  • Sarcasm
  • Dry outlooks on life, like him
  • Boomer humor (bros older than boomer)
  • Tea


  • Loud noises, train whistles
  • Shorting out
  • Crowds
  • Reminders of what hes done
  • Beeping noises
  • Children
  • Angels

Skills & Abilities


Just like the rest of the dots, Luci has the ability to use fire. Weak or strong, it depends on emotional capacity and spite. He prefers to use his alternate abilities, as fire tends to cause more problems than solutions and he'd rather not practice with a wild elemental magic.


Luci's secondary ability is electricity manipulation. This allows him to bend and conform wires, electronics, and such to his will, as well as administering shocks and bolts from himself. His gloves are used to concentrate this magic, allowing him up to 1 BILLION VOLTS., this takes a lot out of him to do something that strong through.


Acquired from the time bomb explosion, Luci can glitch or 'teleport' to set points in the world, as long as he's been there before. It's hard to know exactly where each point is, so he only practices with a set few. This ability tends to be wild and unpredictable, and it hurts him to use, although he still does it often.



Lucifer was once a very high standing scientist. Young and spritely, he aspired to become more than what he initially was, taking to engineering and mechanics. No matter how hard he seemed to try, nobody wanted to recognise his achievements, and he nearly gave up on his dream. However, he saw his opportunity to fame and took it when the circle war started, using his knowledge and skills to singlehandedly promote peace, himself, and his projects.

The government saw this threat and swiftly took care of it, his presence quietly slipping from the media as he was squirreled away to a relatively unknown location. After an attempt to put him to sleep, Lucifer took his one and only chance, even if it nearly killed him and slaughtered multiple workers in the process.

He set off his very own time bomb.

Scarred and bleeding to death, and having little to no idea as to where he was nor how to get away, he dragged himself into the woods. Without working legs, with barely working arms, He found an abandoned military bunker in the middle of the woods. With nowhere else to go, he salvaged what he could in what little time he had to save himself.

That bunker ended up being his home for a very, very long time. For hundreds of years he laid in solitude, working on his next big project: A time machine. One that would stabilize the now torn fabric he had created, and fix the rifts surrounding the campgrounds being built in the area. Frequently, as the camp opened, he would steal away people who wouldn't be remembered, using them to test his theories and make sure the stabilizers worked, draining the life force from others to keep it running. All traces of his initial personality faded away, replaced by cold indifference.

It wasnt until he met Augustine Wonase, and in turn saving their life that he learned just how truly flawed his creation was.



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