! (Bio)




When adressed, please just call them Luci.

Luci was originally slated to be the next heir to the throne in hell.

But, after the end of ACT 1, he went from a formidable and honestly terrifying villain to a shell of what he once was.

Luci is a future incarnation of Dot [ 2 ], but after the reset he now shares the same universe as Dot [ 8 ] and Dot [ 9 ].

He‘s mute, and talks in a mixture of ASL and morse, since the robotic vocal cords he made for himself were shattered by KING. He comes across as fairly calm, very rarely seeming to care about many situations he finds himself in. Instead, he watches and waits.

Inwardly though, he’s on the verge of crying, honestly. Pride that his accomplice broke him out of hell, even after the events of ACT 1, fear that he’ll be dragged back some day, and regret that he won’t ever be trusted again.

He’s now working harder than ever to regain his accomplice, Augustine’s trust, repair his equipment, and maybe regain his political position and help rally once again against the traditional government‘s descisions regarding the circle war (see: Rigel).

Luci has a fascination with radios, and once aspired to be a radio engineer. (Dot 8 achieved this goal.)

He’s very good at assembling working machinery from everyday objects and pieces due to the time machine needing constant repair.