Renata von Sigyn (:: Activities [ ✿ ])




Item Guide


Gift NameType of GiftGrade
How to AcquireDescription
Armored Bear StuffyFavorite★★
Buy from Merchant
(500 gold)
A fluffy stuffed bear wearing distinguished armor. Appreciated by those who love animals or cute things.
Stylish Hair Clip
Buy from Merchant
(300 gold)
A hair accessory from a popular manufacturer. Appreciated by fashionable women.
Tea Leaves
Buy from Merchant
(500 gold)
Aromatic tea leaves suited for a noble’s refined taste. Appreciated by tea aficionados.
Ceremonial Sword
Buy from Merchant
(1000 gold)
A beautiful ceremonial sword with a mangled blade. Appreciated by weapon collectors.
Harvest from Gardening
Grown sometimes in Fódlan. Appreciated by those who like flowers.
Book of Crest Designs
Buy from Dark Merchant
(1,000 gold)
A book containing the designs of 21 identified Crests. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying Crests.
Training Weight
Buy from Merchant
(500 gold)
A weight that you can strap to your back to build muscle. Appreciated by those who enjoy weight training.
Monarch Studies Book
Buy from Dark Merchant
(500 gold)
An essential text for future kings, queens, and emperors. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying government.

Lost Items

Lost ItemDescriptionAvailability
Butterfly Hairpiece[ in-game description ][ month ] ([ location ])
Engraved Wooden Sword
[ in-game description ][ month ] ([ location ])
[ item ]
[ in-game description ][ month ] ([ location ])

Dining Hall Guide

Enjoyed Dishes

Name of MenuMenu DescriptionMaterials Required
Pheasant Roast with Berry SauceWell-roasted Fódlan pheasant drizzled with a berry reduction sauce.
  • Poultry x1
  • Albinean Berries x1
Daphnel StewMinced poultry and onions boiled with salt. The simple recipe lets high-quality ingredients speak for themselves.
  • Poultry x1
  • Onion x1
Vegetable Pasta SaladPasta with a blend of fresh vegetables from various regions of Fódlan. This popular dish sells out almost instantly.
  • Cabbage x1
  • Onion x1
  • Carrot x1
Two-Fish SautéTwo types of fish are cut into strips and sautéed in butter. This lavish meal hails from Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.
  • Caledonian Gar x1
  • Albinean Herring x1
Super-Spicy Fish DangoA light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.
  • White Trout x1
  • Tomato x1

Tea Party Guide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum lacus ut turpis imperdiet, a faucibus quam tincidunt. Phasellus ac aliquam ligula. Phasellus gravida dolor scelerisque lorem semper consectetur. Morbi et sem eu velit dignissim eleifend. Mauris vitae rhoncus orci. Proin ac neque aliquet, dignissim felis vel, egestas massa. Vivamus in vehicula nisl. Donec a venenatis dolor. Cras sed ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eleifend volutpat nunc quis eleifend. Mauris lacinia mi eu nunc ornare, nec vestibulum nulla sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras ut lacus pulvinar, sollicitudin odio sit amet, ultrices dui.

Recommended Tea

Name of TeaRating
Four-Spice Blend★★★★

Conversation Topics

Possible Topic
"School uniforms...""Evaluating allies...""Tell me about yourself..."
"You're doing great work...""I heard some gossip...""Gifts you'd like to receive..."
"I'm counting on you...""Things you find romantic...""The last battle..."
"The ideal relationship...""Potential training partners...""A new sword technique..."
"Fashion...""The last tournament...""Capable comrades..."
"Plans for the future...""Cute accessories...""Evaluating allies..."
"About Felix...""Likable allies...""Things that bother you..."
"Your ambitions...""Thanks for everything...""Hopes for the future..."

Final Conversation

Possible Final Conversation
"I don't see why people say I'm high-maintenance. I'm just always someone who prefers quality!"
Answer: SighAnswer: Sip tea
"[ dialogue ]"
Answer: [ info ]Answer: [ info ]
"[ dialogue ]"
Answer: [ info ]


  • Depending on how many rows you need, you can add and delete them as you wish! But if you want to add rows, start at the <tbody> portion and copy until </tbody>! For the Final Conversation portion, you'll need to copy both rows for the question and answers!
  • If you need to know what's available, just go to these links for information and examples :: Tea Party | Dining Hall Menu | Lost Items | Gifts
  • If you have any other questions, just hit me up! I got u fam

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne