alyx navarro



4 years, 10 months ago



"nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all."

rebellious. free-spirited. crude. look those up in dictionary and alyx diwata navarro will be the definition. she loves to live the lone wolf life, although it can be quite lonely sometimes hence why she has a vlogging squad with her ( but she doesn't consider them more than just working partners ). also she lives for some excitement in her life! did she mention that she doesn't believe in ghosts or the afterlife? her only true love is the lochness monster and the fresno nightcrawlers.

come check out her youtube channel at !  she documents her life experiences as she travels around the united states exploring the forgotten and diving into the urban exploring community with videos and photography !


don't be fooled by the short and beautiful stature of this young filipina woman. under this ragged dyed bleach blonde hair, alyx dons her trademark black fedora wherever she ventures added her plaid small heeled black boots ( it didn't seem like she would go anywhere without both of these items ). regardless of what outfit she would wear, there was always something colored green on her persons whether it be her green sweater, her green coat, or some green pendant hooked onto her belt loop, she seems to not get enough of that color.


born in camena, oregon to alejandro and jamilla navarro, she lived a relatively peaceful life as an only child. everything was essentially given to her by her parents; they wanted the best out of her and didn't want her to worry about the troubles of life seeing as america was another opportunity for them. they practically done everything for her.

as years pressed on, they've grown stricter with alyx. calling her 'lazy' and 'stupid' for not knowing how to do anything. alyx, fed up with their sudden switch in mindset, found the courage to trek the life of a typical rebellious teen. first, starting off with flunking out on her grades in school to ditching her friends and hanging out with the wrong crowd, then to outright disrespecting them.

she could care less. she attempted to diverge to a more independent lifestyle.

one day ( while having her technology taken away except for her stolen phone ), she stumbled upon a small conspiracy theorist's forum created by an individual named v with a theory that caught her eye -- a missing girl's case. scrolling through its various materials, she found it too good to be true for a case to be near her hometown ( it was the pacific northwest after all, so much could happen ) ! talking and befriending a group of other fascinated teenagers online and perhaps dating two of them, a crew was formed. day and night, nonstop talk on tumblr about their future plans and other questionable topics. turns out they had lived all relatively close to each other in oregon ! who would've thought !

eventually, when the day of their plans were to commence, the psuedo leaders of the operation dropped out. much to the surprise of alyx in their cowardice, others began dropping out of the crew like flies. soon all that remained was alyx, her ex boyfriends jay and ayden, and the new girl sidd. alyx took it upon herself to lead the group to edward's island and finish what they had started which much of her tasks consisted of talking with the girl's brother jonas and former friends clarissa and ren. while alyx and jay tried to convince the two to come back to the island with them as their 'tour guide,' the latter blew up when they argued over how bad the idea was.

ignoring their signs and pleads, alyx pushed onward with slight hesitation and reluctant agreeance from jay. everything turned out great! except alyx couldn't remember majority of that night even if she tried. what remains are the lingering video evidence she caught on her phone and cameras.

what she did recall was the aftermath of the rescue mission. the fallout of the remnants of the original group and the abrupt break up of her first ex didn't exactly make her feel any more successful. her boyfriend jay didn't make things any better when the couple would always argue about the night of their excursion. with that, they broke things off completely.

alyx decided to take up muay thai to deal with her anger ( and for self - defense in case something did happen at the island that she wasn't certain of ). additionally she continued her love for exploration through filming her trips on youtube and delving into the unknown with a small group of her own. she takes up multiple jobs to support herself and her passion.


Sybil  \   youtube: sybilact

closet friend alyx can get to when it comes to the urban exploring community. alyx collabs with most frequently whenever traveling. she is in most if not all of her videos.

"fuck everything else. let's go exploring.
some girl that enjoys exploring abandoned places."

Ein  \  youtube: spectrepl

fellow urban explorer that alyx collabs with on the east coast whenever she ventures over there. he can be seen in some of alyx's recent videos.

"i travel throughout the east coat in search of abandoned buildings to explore and photograph. i film my adventures to share with the world."

Gale  \  youtube: direktors

the behind the scenes camera guy of most of alyx's photographs and her editor. the local cryptid of her small squad.

"just a lad with a camera and high-tech equipment.
disclaimer; i gain permission to enter any and all abandoned properties i film inside of with my crew, i just don't tell them."

profile html by Hukiolukio