Akiko Hamasaki ($50)



4 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
$45 - $50




My cats will eat those birds alive
— Akiko Hamasaki



Akiko is a second year at Nekoma High School. She grew up with Yaku as her good friend most of her life and he and Kuroo (well mostly Kuroo) are the the ones who brings her into the boy's VBC as their manager in her second year after getting kicked out removing herself from the drama club. She knows of the sport decently well because of being friend with Yaku but its not until she watches them play at the summer camp it hits her how amazing the game can be. She's pretty dramatic and loves attention- which most of the boys give her since she's the female manager and she eats it up.

The only people who dont give her a ton of attention is Yauku and Kenma. Yaku sees her as a sister figure so he hates seeing people hit on her and often yells at members of the team to focus on the task at hand instead of trying to impress her. Kenma just doesnt give a fuck if they have a manager or not so he's really impartial to her until she sees him playing her favorite video game one day and talks his ear off about it. He then decided he really didn't want to know her if she would spoil the game for him but he was glad he could talk to someone about the game. Kuroo is fiercely protective of her as well for he's the captian and sees her as part of the team and teases people ruthlessly if they flirt with her- making the team stop within a month.

Is not shipped with anyone anymore






Best Friend and Brother figure

Yaku is Akiko's childhood friend, much like how Kenma and Kuroo were. He tried to get her to join the girls VBC a couple times before giving up and then her surprising him with her joining the Boy's VBC as the manager. They two are very much like siblings and often found attacted at the hip. She keeps her hair short because he says it looks good on her and she trusts his word



Captain , Good Friend and Ex

The one who finally convinced Akiko to do something involing the sport. He is fiercely protective of her and mocks people who often flirt with her. He sees her as his to guard and protect. Like a mama cat with her children. Tries his best to avoid her dating the Libero of Karasuno but his efforts always fail as she finds a way around them everytime- even resorting to leaving during summer break to go visit Yuu instead of attend pratice.Dated her once for a short time before realizing that she wasn't ready for a serious relationship that he was looking for so they broke it off on good terms.



Annoyance GoodFriend

She annoys Kenma greatly with her attention seeking but she protects him from people who try to bully him in class for being anti-social so he puts up with her for now. They play Akiko's favorite video game series everytime Kenma goes over to her house with Yaku and Kuroo.


Yuu Nishinoya

Love Interest

She's not his type. She's far from a cutesty or sexy girl he normally fawns over but something about her gets his attention in a way hes never looked at a girl before. They two exchanged numbers during the summer camp and talk nearly everyday since. He knows she is an attention seeker and he doesn't mind it as long as its not Lev giving the attention



He has a thing for her Team Member

Lev has a huge crush on Akiko, to the point he tries to impress her with any and everything he can with volleyball. He even practices harder when she's around to just impress her. She finds him cute but not her type. She just doesn't know how to let him down nicely when she's got her sights set on a crow, not a cat




  • Status Active
  • Creator @inuinuie
  • Designer @inuinuie
  • Codes Jayden