★ Tony ★



4 years, 11 months ago



earnest . optimistic . an actual idiot

Gender male
Age adult
Status single
Sexuality hetero
Slot free
Profession police officer
Build well built
Edits hair
RP status open


  • Justice
  • Corn dogs
  • Stakeouts and manhunts
  • Zootopia


  • Blood
  • Criminals and crime
  • Heights
  • Punkass kids


His story began when he was young. As a kid, "Fat" Tony was often easy prey for bullies. He was a small, chunky kid who spent much of his time wearing capes while playing DnD with his friends, all two of them. Despite being the butt of every joke in school, Tony didn't let their negativity bring down his shining (and annoying) enthusiasm. Tony decided he wouldn't dwell on his past and let their words get the best of him. Instead, he vowed to bring justice to the world and become a police officer. He wanted to stand for the little guys, the ones who were bullied and faced injustice just like he did. Of course, whenever he'd mention his aspirations to others he'd be met with laughter and the obvious fat joke- "you do know being a police officer isn't just about donuts." Joke was on them though.. he didn't like donuts.

After graduation, Tony set out on his goal and after two years, he joined the police academy (and dropped that extra baby weight). Despite being a rookie with lots to learn, Tony was enthusiastic as ever. His passion for justice and upholding the law drives him to work and study his hardest. Even on his days off, Tony is ready to jump into action at the nearest jaywalker. While enthusiastic, there are some things Tony still has a lot to learn. One of his biggest hindrances is his belief that everyone has some good in them, even the worst of criminals. This particular belief is hard for him to let go, and has even led to some criminals escaping after promising him they'll turn themselves in (every time they lie to him it breaks his heart). Another struggle he faces is his aversion to blood which prevents him from fully studying most crime scenes.

Tony is an actual idiot. He has a good heart and the right intentions but often doesn't think things through. He's the type of person that will chug hot coffee or try to high jump an office desk because someone dared him to. He is a good boy though and tries his best even though sometimes his best isn't good enough.






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