Nikolaz Le Bal



5 years, 2 months ago


❖Milo Aodh MacLellan❖

  any pronouns
162 cm (5ft 4in)
March 18th 1207PW

Milo is an overall sweet and overly empathetic person who puts everyone else before himself. He does his best to stay optimistic despite his struggle with anxiety and is sort of like the team "cheerleader". Multitasking is definitely not his strong suit as he gets overwhelmed by too many tasks very easily and needs someone else to take the lead. He actually struggles with leading in general and is most comfortable when there's an adult he can listen to but if push comes to shove and there's no more options, he will take initiative himself, though whether or not they're the best decisions are a different story. Even though he follows the rules to a T, he's still a kid and has a goofy and excitable side.

Potions and plants are Milo's specialty and he has almost every potion his grandfather sells, plus their ingredients, memorized. It's gotten to the point where he can make potions faster than his grandfather could in his prime without making any mistakes. He pays very close attention to any instructions and critiques and it's actually one of the few fields where he isn't scared to experiment and stray from instructions in order to find some way to improve the recipe.

He's a good hugger as well.

Some of Milo's favorite hobbies are drawing landscapes and gardening. Drawing is somewhat therapeutic for him and really helps when he's in a bad mood, just taking his frustrations out on the paper and turning it into something beautiful. Charcoal is what he settles on drawing with most of the time, mainly because he finds it fun to smudge it with his finger. Forests and more nature oriented scenes are Milo's favorite to draw rather than buildings and other man-made objects as it's more fun to play with the shapes of organic material. Milo's love for gardening probably has something to do with that because if he isn't helping his grandfather or drawing, he's definitely gardening. He actually spent so much time doing it that he would forget to take his gloves off and just started keeping them on out of habit. Other minor hobbies include fishing, reading (specifically romance), and knitting.

  • Chocolate
  • Drawing
  • Nonalcoholic apple cider
  • Shinty (a similar game to hockey)
  • Libraries
  • Nature
  • Cute/Fluffy things
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Warm milk
  • Drunk people
  • Arguing
  • Teasing
  • Drawing with markers
  • Cooking

Milo was born to Anfar and Eilís MacLellan on March 18th, 1207PW. Though they didn't want to admit it, their main reason for having Milo was to save their failing marriage. They still got into constant verbal and physical altercations, mostly when Anfar would get drunk and Eilís, unable to take Anfar's abusive behavior anymore and not being able to separate her son from his father, left in the middle of the night when Milo was 5. Anfar did his best to take care of Milo on his own and did his best to cut down on his drinking but his temper still remained. His father raising his voice so much made Milo become very timid and hesitant to challenge any sort of authority.

2 years after Eilís left the family, Odskaria entered a war with Cuovobar. Anfar was a very patriotic person and wanted to go fight for his country. Not wanting to leave his son alone, he sent letters to his father asking if he could watch over his son for him. Laderic moved to Odskaria from his home in Efblon and agreed to take care of Milo until Anfar returned from war.  Milo was sad to see his dad go but thought of it as him fulfilling his duty since Anfar put it that way when talking about it. Laderic did his best to undo the negative influences Anfar had on Milo by teaching him to always be kind and to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Milo gradually started coming out of his shell more since Laderic didn’t yell and scream and started to become curious and explorative again.  For once, Milo could actually live care-free and began making friends with other children in the city, most noteably Ani. They quickly became close and have stayed that way ever since. However, a year after the war started,  a letter arrived announcing that Anfar had been killed in battle.  Milo didn’t quite grip the situation at first but as it sunk in, he became more and more devastated.  Family friends and Laderic did their best to cheer him up and to help him move on. As Milo got older, he pushed those bad memories to the back burner and tried to pretend they didn’t exist.

However, Laderic began getting more and more feeble over time which meant Milo had to do more things for him and sacrifice time with his friends.  Laderic took a turn for the worst when Milo was 12 when he was found on the floor of the shop. Milo didn't know exactly what happened but Laderic assured him it was illness. Laderic ended up recovering but he was weaker than ever.  By the time Milo was 14, he was doing most things around the house and delivering all the potion orders himself while Laderic ran the business from the inside.  He started seeing his friends less and less and everyone became concerned from him because of the workload. Milo felt that he was obligated to help his grandfather, not just because he was the one closest to him, but because he helped him take the first steps to recovery from his troubled childhood and he was the only family he has left.

Milo's strongest affinity he was born with is elemental fire magic. Being able to cast and control it comes fairly naturally to him and he had a bad habit of playing with it when he was a kid.

He currently is trying to learn restoration magic to be like his grandfather. Milo's pretty decent with it but he still has a lot to learn and has trouble healing very deep wounds.


NAME MEANING           Milo (Merciful)
         Aodh (Fire)
MacLellan (Son of the Servant)
LANGUAGES Karwick (Native)
Elvish (Beginner)
Lawful Good
SIGNATURE milosig_by_magicalpouchofmagic_ddsnwcx-f